Entrance Exam Arc: Chapter 3

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Izuku would begin to wake up, as his alarm clock was going off. 

Izuku yawned, having a somewhat boring-looking face as Saitama would usually have. 

Izuku then remembered what was today. "Oh shoot, it's the Entrance Exams!" Izuku remembered as he silently said to himself as he got up quickly. 

Izuku quickly got dressed, as he didn't have to worry about being late due to his abilities he inherited from Saitama, known as One Punch Man in his world. Izuku inherited his unparalleled strength, his speed & reflexes, immense stamina, immeasurable senses, among other things. 

An hour later...

Izuku, along with other teenagers his age, would begin to walk up to the U.A. High School Entrance Exam Location, entering the prestigious high school they dreamed of joining.

"Stupid Deku..." Katsuki muttered to himself. 

"Katsuki Bakugou, my back isn't voicemail. So if you have something to say, say it to my face." Izuku said as he turned his head to face Katsuki.

"Who the h*** do you think you are, extra-." Katsuki realized who he was talking to. 

"D-deku...?" Katsuki widened his eyes, making sure that he wasn't hallucinating. He remembered his former childhood friend being weak and hopeless. But now, he was looking at someone he didn't even recognize. He also realized that Izuku was taller than him, in a matter of 10 months. 

"So, you think just because you dyed your hair white, and you got taller, that means you're better then me, Deku?" Katsuki smirked, as he shrugged past him.

"Remember, you're still Quirkless, useless Deku." Katsuki walked inside of the building where the Entrance Exams were being announced. 

"Hey, are you okay?" A female voice spoke out. 

Izuku turned around, seeing a short girl with a slender yet curvaceous figure. She had hair that was bobbed and curved inwards at the ends, two longer clumps taking the same shape on either side of her face, and short bangs that reach roughly a quarter of the way down her forehead. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sure you heard that conversation?" Izuku asked. 

"Yeah, I did. I hope I didn't intrude on you guys." She said, smiling at Izuku.

"Wait a girl is actually talking to me?! Wait, calm down Izuku. Come on, get it together!" Izuku was practically screaming in his head.

"Well, I'll see you inside! Bye!" The girl walked inside the building, waving as she left. 

Izuku also walked inside, seeing a massive crowd of kids wanting to join U.A. High School.

The lights in the ceiling suddenly turned on, as Izuku was sitting down.

Present Mic, a Pro Hero, would begin to speak to the crowd. 

"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' into me, your school DJ! Come on, lemme hear ya!" Present Mic listened in, but no one responded. 

"Keeping it mellow, huh?" Present Mic's arms were shaking in embarrassment.

"That's perfectly fine. I'll skip to the main event! Let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go down! Are you guys ready?! Yeah!" Present Mic waited for a response but the crowd remained silent. 

"Oh my god, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! So cool!" Izuku said in his head, learning how to not speak out loud, after remembering how annoying Saitama told him it was. 

"As your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super hip urban settings! Hope you're ready everybody! After I drop the mic, you'll be heading to your assigned battle center, sound good?!" Present Mic waited for another response. The crowd remained silent. 

"Okay?!" Present Mic asked.

Izuku and Katsuki both looked at their cards, showing their specified battle centers. 

Katsuki looked over, seeing Izuku's card. 

"Oh I see, they're splitting us up so we don't work with any of our friends." Katsuki said. 

"Yeah, you're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other, but we're in different battle centers." Izuku looked over at his card and Katsuki's card.

"Get your eyes off my card, Deku." Katsuki gave Izuku a stern look.

"You got a problem?" Izuku asked, sternly looking back at Katsuki.

"What the h*** did you just say to me, you little-." Katsuki was interrupted by Present Mic speaking once again.

Izuku slightly smirked, as he listened to Present Mic. Izuku's personality had obviously changed. From the training he endured to the constant bullying of Katsuki and his followers, he was no longer the "innocent" cinnamon roll people knew him as. 

"Alright! Let's check out your targets! There are 3 types of robotic villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty so better choose wisely! Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these robots like a mid song guitar solo! But, wait! Make sure you are heroic! Attacking other examinees is a no no, ya dig?" Present Mic continued to speak, explaining the basics to the crowd. 

"Excuse me, sir. I have a question." A boy spoke out. 

"Hit me!" Present Mic responded. 

The light would shine over the boy that spoke. He would get up. Izuku noticed that the boy was relatively tall, taller then him and Katsuki. He was also muscular with a wide frame along with having short dark blue hair. 

"That hair, he kinda reminds me of the Pro Hero Ingenium." Izuku said to himself. 

The boy spoke out. "On the printout, you've listed four types of robots. Not three. With all due respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is most shameful! We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable hero school! A mistake such as this is not acceptable!" The boy spoke to Present Mic. 

"Alright alright. Examinee number 7111, thanks for calling in your request. The fourth robot type that you pointed out is worth 0 points. That robot is just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten but there's no point in trying to defeat it." Present Mic pointed to the screen, then faced the audience.

"I recommend my listeners to try to ignore it and focus more on the ones toppin' the charts!"

"Thank you very much. Please continue." The same boy would bow, then would have a seat. The light would then be turned off as the boy sat down. 

"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a lil' present! A sample of our school motto! A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra! Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!" Present Mic ended his speech as the crowd began walking toward their assigned battle centers.

A few minutes later...

"Alright, this is it. Time to put ten months of training to the test. I will become a hero. Just like I always dreamed to be. I won't let myself down." Izuku said in his head. 

The students began murmuring to themselves, talking about how expensive and time it would take to build these massive cities they called battle centers. 

Izuku looked around. "Seems like these guys don't seem nervous. Are these guys really that confident. They don't look that strong to me. Some of them may have special gear, but still. They shouldn't make themselves look like they are stronger...Oh wait, it's her." Izuku noticed the same girl from before. 

Izuku walked forward, as a boy would then stop him from walking any further. 

"Huh?" Izuku looked to his right, seeing the same blue haired boy from the crowd a few minutes ago. 

"She looks like she's trying to focus on the trials ahead. What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chances to succeed?" The boy said. 

"What? Who does this guy think he is? Some kind of boy roleplaying as a teacher?" Izuku said in his head. 

The conversation between Izuku and the boy would be interrupted by Present Mic. 

"Right, let's start! Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles! Run, run, run! You're wasting time here!" Present Mic yelled, as he noticed a dash in the wind. 

Izuku was already running inside of the battle center, the same blue haired boy noticing he was practically gone. The rest of the examinees also noticed this and rushed to prevent being left behind. 

"Whoa, that listener was fast." Present Mic noticed, as he walked back inside of the watching area. 

Izuku began smashing through robots like it was cheesecake. He began running through the city, punching anything that stood in his way. In a few minutes, he had already gathered 100 points while the examinees struggled behind, picking off the robots that Izuku left behind in his dust. 

The examinees were constantly arguing which robots they got to destroy, while Izuku was rushing through the battle center, not wasting time on stacking up his points. 


"Clearly, the examinees have no idea how many robots are present, or their locations. They have limited time, must cover a vast area, and hunt down every last target. Some use information gathering abilities to plan out their next strategy. While others rely on speed and agility to pull ahead of their peers. Of course, remaining calm under pressure can be a huge advantage in the field. As can pure power and combat ability. The most successful students use a combination of all these tactics. They're the ones who rack up the highest scores." The principal spoke to the rest of the teachers that were present in the watching area. 

"Hmm, I'd say this year's group looks promising." A female teacher spoke out.

"Well, there's plenty of time before it's over. The real test has yet to come. Let's see how they react." A male teacher responded. 

Rumbling was heard inside of the battle center. Izuku had stacked up a total of 500 points by now. Buildings were being destroyed, obviously something was causing this uproar. Examinees were murmuring, not knowing what was going on.

A large, massive robot towered over the examinees currently in the area, as it crushed another building with it's hand.

The robot, which was a 0 Pointer Present Mic warned to avoid, would then make a fist, slamming into the ground. It created a massive tide made of wind, blowing some examinees away. Examinees were running away in it's wake, as they didn't want to fight the 0 Pointer. 

Izuku rushed to the scene, seeing the massive robot up close and then noticed the girl under some rubble. 

She was groaning, obviously in pain. Izuku remembered their conversation at that moment. 

"I don't want her to be crushed!" Izuku rushed forward at fast speeds, he then used his abilities to practically lift himself up into the air as the girl noticed this and gasped. 

The teachers in the watching area noticed Izuku in the air as he was preparing to punch the massive robot.

Izuku was silently growling. His strength would rip the right side of his shirt. The huge robot tried to intercept Izuku, but he slipped through it's fingers, still heading straight first into the robot's head.


Izuku smashed the massive robot with one attempt, as the robot stumbled due to the impact. It then fell down by the sheer strength that Izuku put into his punch, then exploded as a result. 

The girl, along with the other examinees were shocked by Izuku's power. They had barely seen him in the battle center, believing he ran off scared despite his appearance. The teachers were in awe, as the principal was silently cheering for the kid. 

Izuku then landed back on the ground, using his legs to land properly. The girl tried to use her Quirk to make sure he landed right, but he was too fast. The sheer amount of strength in his legs left a crater in the road. His legs were fine, completely unscathed. 

"You alright?" Izuku asked, as he practically flicked the rubble off of the girl. The girl was in awe. These were the words of the mysteriously powered boy who had saved her from dying and from exiting the exam permanently...

Next time, on Entrance Exam Arc: Chapter 4...

^ Hey guys, I'm sorry for posting this chapter so late. I had taken a break off of this book since I went on vacation for 2 weeks. Next Tuesday, I'll be sure to release Chapter 4. Make sure to tell people you know about this new book I'm doing! I would appreciate the support and any suggestions that you guys may have for upcoming chapters! Thank you guys! 

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