Quirk Apprehension Test Arc: Chapter 6

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Katsuki's palms ignited into explosions, rushing at Izuku. The students gasped in response. Izuku just stared at Katsuki in his eyes, as an explosion did actually reach Izuku and Aizawa used his scarf to grab Katsuki by his head and neck.

Izuku was unscathed, practically shocking everyone to the core. He had just survived an explosion at point-blank range. All it did was explode his clothes, he wasn't even scratched.

"What?! Why the h*** is your damn scarf so strong?!" Katsuki looked at Izuku and back at Aizawa.

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy. Stand down, now. It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye." Aizawa said, as his eyes were glowing red due to using his Erasure Quirk. The Quirk Erasure allowed him to erase a Quirk within his field of vision for as long as he doesn't blink. 

The students were shocked and amazed by Aizawa's capture weapon along with his Quirk. His reaction speed and the way he controlled his "scarf" were spot on.

Katsuki stood there, in defeat. He was gritting his teeth. Izuku noticed this and ignored him, walking back to the rest of his classmates. Ochaco spoke with Izuku to see if he was okay.

"Until the exam, he was nothing. A little bug I could crush if I wanted to. Just an annoying bug that I could smash into the ground!" Katsuki stared right at Izuku. Izuku noticed this gaze and gave Katsuki another murderous look. Izuku wasn't playing games anymore. He wasn't going to be Katsuki's punching bag any longer. He had finally achieved the power he always wanted and he wasn't going to let anyone, even his former childhood friend, get in the way of his dreams. 

"Alright, time to give you your results." Aizawa said as the rest of the class gathered up in front of him.

"I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. Like Midoriya for example. I'll just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score." Aizawa said as he grabbed his phone.

The students were anxious. The person who was ranked last was going to be expelled, or so they thought. Izuku stood there, relaxed. 

The students checked the list that was pulled up by Aizawa's phone, it was a large projection, big enough for the class to see. Obviously, Izuku got 1st place. Katsuki got 4th place, Tenya got 5th place, Ochaco got 11th place, Tsuyu got 14th place, and so forth. 

Aizawa then turned the projection off after a few minutes. "And I was lying, no one's going home." The students, except for Izuku and the girl that was mentioned before, were shocked.

"That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave everything you had in the tests." Aizawa had a smiling expression, somewhat devilish. 

Some of the students yelped in surprise, as they really thought that the last person was going to be expelled. 

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry. I guess I probably should have said something." The girl that was mentioned before would say to the other students. 

Some students said in their minds: "Yeah, you should have."

The students began murmuring to themselves about the tests and how extreme it was due to the pressure of potentially getting expelled.

"But I'm guessing you figured it out?" The girl then turned to Izuku.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Izuku asked. 

"It was obvious, the way you were studying your peers along with the fact that you were relaxed the entire time. Your power and strength had nothing to do the way you were analyzing Aizawa and us." She spoke.

"Wow, no wonder you got in through recommendations, Yaoyorozu." Izuku smirked. He didn't know there was someone in his class that could read his mind tactically. 

The girl was taken off-guard by the smirk, and she blushed slightly. "Thanks..." Her name was Momo Yaoyorozu. She got second place in the Quirk Apprehension Test, right under Izuku. Something that Izuku noticed at the time.

"Alright class, that's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning." Aizawa said, as he walked off and stopped in front of Midoriya.

"Good performance today. I'm expecting good things from you, Midoriya." Aizawa put his hand on his shoulder, smiling but it wasn't devilish this time, more like a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." Izuku smiled as Aizawa walked off, clearly proud of Izuku. 

Somewhere else, someone was watching. It was All Might, the current Number One Hero in Japan, and was the Symbol of Peace across the world due to his exploits. "His strength is amazing. This kid definitely changed from when I last saw him on the rooftop of ********* hospital. I wonder what happened. Did he...get a Quirk? No. That would be impossible unless...I didn't account for any other Quirks that could be transferred. The doctors proved that he was in fact Quirkless, but his strength and speed are unnatural for a Quirkless individual. Maybe I did in fact find my successor after all." He said in his mind, as he then walked away from behind a building located inside of the field.


The Hero Course Students would be sent home, after orientation and their Quirk Apprehension Tests that they were supposed to take. The other courses would stay home, of course, since the others were just General Studies, Support and Business courses, typical courses for a regular school. 

Izuku would be walking since he didn't want to showboat his power to everyone as someone else would. He didn't want to be like Katsuki, but he was sure enough that he definitely wouldn't be beaten like someone like him. 

Tenya then held Izuku's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"Oh, it's Mr. Pretend Teacher. How's it going?" Izuku looked over his right shoulder, looking at Tenya straight in his eyes. 

Tenya then coughed and began talking about something else. "I was a bit concerned about Mr. Aizawa's approach to class. You and Mr. Aizawa seem to have a connection somehow. But I trust the school's judgment. UA is the top program after all. Even so, lying is downright immoral." 

Izuku began to speak. "I admit, lying wasn't exactly what I thought Mr. Aizawa was going to do, but it was definitely justified. If he didn't lie, the students wouldn't have given it everything they could. It was a necessary lie."

Izuku noticed something about him. "Yep, he's definitely the image of what I call a nerd. He's too focused on school. Maybe that's actually a good thing." He said in his mind.

Ochaco would shout. "Hey! Wait up, you two!" 

Izuku and Tenya stopped and looked behind them.

"Are you guys heading to the station? I'll join you guys!" She said as she caught up with us.

"Oh, it's her." Izuku said in his mind.

"Oh, you're the infinity girl." Tenya said.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka." She said, smiling at Tenya. 

"If that wasn't obvious." Izuku chuckled in his mind, clearly sneering at her.

"Let's see, your name is Tenya Iida and your name is...Deku? Midoriya, right?" Ochaco questioned.

"Yeah no, don't call me that." Izuku's expression changed.

"Uh, sorry. I just assumed that was your name since that's what Bakugou called you." Ochaco said, clearly wanting to apologize.

"Who in their right mind would call their child useless?" Izuku said in his mind.

"Well, my actual name is Izuku Midoriya. Deku is what Bakugou calls me to make fun of me." Izuku stated.

"Well, that's unsportsmanlike." Tenya said, putting his hand on his chin. 

"Oh, I didn't realize that, sorry..." Ochaco said, pouting a bit.

"It's fine, you didn't know. Cheer up, okay?" Izuku stepped forward and rubbed her hair softly, causing her to blush. He smiled, clearly noticing that Ochaco was embarrassed. 

"B-but...uh..." Ochaco then looked back up Izuku. Izuku then noticed she was too embarrassed and stopped rubbing her hair.

"I kinda like Deku. It could make a great hero name. Plus I think it sounds kinda cute." She said as she was definitely serious about Deku being Izuku's potential hero name.

"Hmm, Deku, huh?" Izuku then would put his hand on his chin, thinking about it. "Well, Deku does mean useless, but I get what's she getting at. Deku could mean an entirely different meaning..." He said in his mind.

"Deku it is." He smirked. 

"Just like that?" Tenya seemed confused. "Weren't you saying that it was an insult?"

"Yeah I did, but I get what Uraraka is getting at. Thanks for the new hero name. I'll be sure to use it wisely." Izuku did a smile that his old cinnamon roll self would do, causing Ochaco to blush once again. 

Izuku would have made his first real friends since elementary school. Even though he didn't like how Tenya was a person who pretended like a teacher, they still got along as they were focused on becoming heroes. That's all they needed to connect with one another, to become friends. Ochaco and Izuku met each other through "romantic" instances. Despite that, they started off as friends and could develop into being more than friends, that is if Izuku didn't find another girl...


The next day, Izuku and his class would begin the normal regular classes normal High School students would take, such as English Classes which would take place in the morning. Izuku, Yaoyorozu, and sometimes Tenya basically carried the class as most students didn't know the answers or they were just too bored and lazy to even answer them, people like Katsuki. They ate lunch in the cafeteria, obviously, where they can buy pretty tasty stuff on the cheap. The famous Cook Hero: Lunch Rush was the person running the cafeteria, he was known for creating the most delicious foods, which is why a lot of Hero High Schools wanted him. Then in the afternoon, Heroic Classes took place. 

"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might would walk inside of the classroom.

Izuku immediately noticed All Might before he even walked inside of the classroom. The students inside gasped, and some were surprised. The boy with the short gold hair would exclaim, "I can't believe it's really All Might!"

The students began murmuring to one another. They couldn't believe their eyes. The Symbol of Peace being a normal Heroic teacher at Japan's top notable High School for Heroes. 

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High! Think of it as Heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get to it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might pulled up a sign that had the words "Battle!"

Katsuki was waiting for this precise moment. He shouted, "Fight training!"

"Real combat, huh? Sweet. I was really getting bored. Wait, am I becoming just like Saitama? Wait, no way..." Izuku questioned in his mind.

"But one of the keys to being a hero is...looking good!" All Might said as he pointed at the mysterious blocks coming out of the walls. They held everyone's heroic suits. 

"These were designed based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." All Might said as the students cheered. 

"Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might said, prompting the suits to get suited up.


At Training Ground Beta, the class walked out of the entrance. All Might was standing right in front of them. 

"They say the clothes make the pros, and ladies and gentlemen and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart, from now you are all...heroes in training!" All Might said proudly. 

The students of Class 1A would prepare for their first combat training under their Heroics teacher, All Might...

Next time, on Battle Trial Arc: Chapter 7...

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