U.S.J. Arc: Chapter 11

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"No, those are real villains." Izuku said as he noticed from before that this was supposed to be rescue training, not fighting against any fake villains.

"Stay back! Midoriya's right. This is real." Aizawa said, putting on his goggles.

The students gasped in response. Izuku made a fist.

"This is the time where I get to fight real villains, huh? About damn time..." Izuku would say in his mind.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser Head. Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well..." The creature, who was covered in some kind of black fog outlined by purple, spoke.

"So you scumbags used the press as cover and sneaked onto campus." Aizawa responded.

"That's actually not a bad plan. They were quick about it too..." Izuku said in his mind.

"Where is he? Where is he...I went through the trouble of bringing so many of my friends who are eager to meet him...they want All Might. The great Symbol of Peace...I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play..." The light blue haired young man spoke, looking at the class of students who stared back at him in fear.

"What? Real villains? No way...how could so many get into a UA facility this secure? It's almost impossible." Kirishima spoke out.

"Wait, why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo asked Thirteen.

"Wait, she has a point..." Izuku said in his mind, looking over at Thirteen.

"Good question...I'm not entirely sure..." Thirteen looked around.

"Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a Quirk masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan is, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?" Shoto noted.

The students gasped in response.

Using his superhuman senses, Izuku listened in on what the light blue haired young man was saying. He heard the word All Might.

"So that's what they're after, huh? Do they really think they could take out the Symbol of Peace like this? But wait...he has gotten weaker, hasn't he?" Izuku thought about it in his head, noticing the battles All Might has recently participated in.

"Thirteen, get them outta here. And alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors then they might be jamming regular communications as well. Kaminari, try using your Quirk to contact the school." Aizawa spoke.

"Yes, sir." Denki responded and put his hand near his ear, supposedly a support item on his suit.

"I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." Aizawa said as he jumped down the large pathway, heading toward the large group of villains.

"Shooting squad. Take your aim!" A villain shouted.

"Wait, didn't our intel say that it was just Thirteen and All Might out here? Who's that?"

"Don't recognize him but if he thinks he can take us down easy, he's dead."

Aizawa quickly launched himself at the villains, grabbing onto his scarf and quickly activated his Quirk before they could launch any kind of attack.

"Uh! My Quirk!"

"Where are my bullets?!"

Aizawa quickly used his scarf to grab hold of them and quickly slammed them together, knocking them out instantly.

The villains gasped in shock.

"Idiots! That's Eraserhead! A pro! He can cancel your Quirk just by looking at you!"

"Cancellation! Bet you can't erase the Quirk of a hetermorphic type like me!" A villain shouted as they began to try to take down Aizawa.

"Yeah, you're right. But a villain like you is only dangerous if you can reach me!" Aizawa quickly punched the villain in the face, launching him in the air and quickly grabbed hold of his leg.

Aizawa then sensed someone behind him and dodged, quickly kicking the villain behind him.

"I've taken measures to make sure that never happens!" Aizawa said as he launched the villain he caught into another group of villains.

"Alright, which one of you punks are next?!"


"Well, Mr. Aizawa surely is living up to his reputation. I hate how they want us out of the fight, but it is what it is." Izuku said, looking down at Aizawa's fight.

Izuku then rushed behind the rest of his classmates.

A black portal then emerged from beneath the ground.

"There is no escape for you." The purple creature emerged from the portal, showing his large yellow eyes.


"Damn, I blinked and the guy who seems like the most trouble got away!" Aizawa said, as he quickly looked around him.

The villains then quickly blocked his escape, keeping him surrounded.


"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe that he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

Izuku looked at the creature in utter disgust as he watched Katsuki and Eijiro launch themselves at the villain.

"Idiots." Izuku said in his mind.

Katsuki quickly ignited an explosion, blinding everyone's vision except for Izuku's.

"Did you really think we were gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Eijiro spoke.

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise someone might get hurt." The creature responded.

"You two, get out of the way, right now!" Thirteen shouted.

"I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths!" The creature spoke out once more as he then used his Quirk to send everyone across the area.

"I should probably get sent along with them. I'm not sure where they are taking us and what kind of villains are going to be at each area. Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen should be fine on their own." Izuku said in his mind, while the rest of the students were struggling, not noticing what was going on.


Out of a portal, Izuku got launched out of it, heading straight for the water.

"So it is a Warping Quirk after all..." Izuku then quickly swam up to the surface at fast speeds.

"They came here to kill All Might. I guess it is a good thing he's not in class at the moment, but how do they plan on killing him though?" Izuku wondered but his train of thought was interrupted by a sudden villain emerging from in the water.

"Oh, looks like a half fish villain. Seemingly a shark..." Izuku said in his head, but his speeds in water outmatched the villain. Suddenly, Izuku disappeared.

"What the..." The villain wondered as Izuku reappeared right on top of him. Izuku noticed he was getting slower and slower in water, so he had to finish up quickly.

"Normal Punch."

Izuku punched the villain with enough pressure to send him spiraling down deeper into the water. He then quickly launched himself out and landed on top of a boat. Tsuyu and Minoru followed behind, seeing how Izuku dealt with the villain in the water before Tsuyu could react.

"For a frog, you've got some pretty big bo**s, Tsu. Perfect floaties." Minoru commented.

"Oi, what did I say about being a pervert?" Izuku said as he hand-chopped Minoru's neck.

"Ow!" Minoru exclaimed as he rubbed his neck in response.

"Wow, Asui. You are pretty good in water." Izuku spoke.

"I told you to call me Tsu." She replied.

"Oh, sorry..." Izuku replied.

"But anyway, this is turning out to be a terrible day of class..." She remarked.

"Yeah. That villain who had the Warping Quirk said something about All Might. It appears they want to kill him, but the question is how. They knew our whole schedule and who would be here. They must have gotten some school files while the students were all bunched up in the cafeteria trying to escape. The teachers were way too busy trying to get the media off of school grounds so it does make sense, plus the media would have tried getting in at all sides. That means that they were waiting for the perfect time to attack, just like Todoroki said they were." Izuku responded.

"Wait a second! It's not like these guys can really kill All Might! Once he gets here, he'll pound these villains until there's nothing left." Minoru spoke.

"Think about it though. If the villains spent so much time planning this attack, then they probably figured out a way to kill him. And didn't you hear what that smoke guy said? Maybe we should worry more about getting tortured to death. Otherwise we might not survive long enough to see All Might again. And even if he shows up, who knows if he'll be able to make it out in one piece." Tsuyu responded.

Minoru whimpered. "No, the pros are gonna save us, right? Tell Frog Bo**s to shut up!"

Izuku hand-chopped Minoru's neck once again, as Tsuyu gave a disappointed ribbit in response.

"You bas****s! I'll enjoy eating you!" The half fish villain yelled out.

Minoru shouted. "Bad guys!"

"Asui might be right. If they are really here for All Might, then they must have really figured out a way to defeat him. The question is what is their trump card against him. But why him out of all the heroes though? Because his very existence discourages villains and evil? Because he's the one and only Symbol of Peace and Justice? Actually...it doesn't matter. I don't care what their reasons are. I have to focus on what is in front of me. I have to face this evil head on." Izuku said in his mind.

"If they can actually beat him, then we have to stop whatever it is these villains are up to. We have to work together and keep All Might safe. No one at UA knows what's happening. It's all up to us. Let's be heroes for a change." Izuku spoke.


"What do you mean fight? Are you crazy?! These guys might be able to kill All Might and you think we can take them?! Did you hit your head when you got warped here?! The best plan is for us to just wait for a real pro hero from UA to come and save us!" Minoru exclaimed and was literally crying his eyes out.

"Man, he's such a crybaby. Kinda reminds me of how I was before I met Saitama. Jeez, now I get why Katsuki was always annoyed. It's kinda even more embarrassing to see him whine about this situation when he's a hero course student. This is the s*** we have to go through eventually." Izuku said in his mind.

"Think about it. These villains down there clearly have the advantage in water and assume that's where we'll try to fight." Izuku spoke as he looked down into the water.

"Are you even listening?!" Minoru exclaimed.

"If that's the case, then they must've known what was inside the USJ before we even got here." Tsuyu replied.

"Yeah, but there's one thing that really sticks out to me. It doesn't add up. They sent you here, Asui..." Izuku then noticed what he just said.

"Sorry, I meant Tsu." He fixed himself.

"Why does it matter that she's here?!" Minoru asked.

"Use your head, Mineta. It means that they have no idea what our Quirks are. Tsuyu's Quirk is Frog, which grants her the ability to be excellent in water." Izuku replied.

Minoru would be quiet for a second, thinking it over.

"Yeah, you might be right. If they knew I was a frog, they would've sent me into the fire zone over there." Tsuyu commented, as she looked over at the zone she was talking about.

"Exactly. We can use that fact to our advantage. They don't know our Quirks, so for all they know, the three of us could be super powerful. Look at them, you can see their uncertainty all over their faces but that doesn't mean they're gonna underestimate us either." Izuku said as they went over their options.

"Okay, let's talk Quirks." Tsuyu spoke.

Tsuyu explained to both Minoru and Izuku that her Quirk allowed her to jump high and cling onto anything she wanted. Along with her tongue which could extend to about 20 meters. She could also spit out her stomach so she could clean it, but it wasn't very useful to the situation. Finally, she then explained how she secretes a toxic mucus, it only stings a bit.

"Secrete...mucus?" Minoru said in his mind as he received yet another handchop from Izuku, tapping him out of his thought.

"I figured you were decently powerful, but that's a pretty good Quirk. You guys can just call my Quirk Superpower, it basically gives me an insanely power boost in terms of strength, agility, speed and the like. But as I'm in the water, I get slower and slower until I get better at swimming using my Quirk." Izuku explained.

"I can't actually tell them I'm Quirkless so that's the best I can come up with. Plus, I do need to work on my swimming anyway..." Izuku said in his mind.

Minoru explained how he can use sticky balls formed by his hair. Their strength varies depending on how he's feeling. They might stick for a whole day. They grow back as fast as he can pull them off, but he bleeds if he pulls off too much. The balls don't stick to himself though, he bounces right off of him.

Izuku and Tsuyu stared at him.

Minoru then began to whimper. "Don't look at me like that! I did say that we should wait for the real pro heroes! My Quirk is completely unsuited for this situation!"

"Well, your Quirk is decent. But it's not that bad. We just need to figure out how to incorporate it into the plan." Izuku said but he was interrupted.

A giant hand seemingly formed by water would slice the boat in two, causing the boat to slowly sink.

"I'm starting to get bored! Let's get the show on the road already." A villain commented.

"That's a great power, but now the ship's sinking." Tsuyu remarked.

"Not a good idea to tell your enemy that their powers are great..." Izuku said in his mind, as he watched Minoru freak out.

He quickly grabbed him and pulled him to the side. Minoru managed to send some of his sticky balls into the water.

"Stop it, they'll guess your Quirk!" Izuku said.

"What the h*** are these things?!" The half fish villain pushed the balls away without physically touching them.

"Wait they're afraid to touch them?" Izuku noticed, as he looked down.

"We're fish food!" Minoru exclaimed.

"So Mineta, you really think the hero thing is right for you?" Tsuyu asked.

"Shut up! It's weirder not to be scared right now! We just got out of junior high a little while ago! I didn't think I'd be facing death a few days after I start UA! I can't believe I'm gonna die without touching Yaoyorozu's-." Minoru stopped mid sentence as Izuku hand-chopped him a fourth time, even harder this time.

"Listen up. An enemy that is certain of their victory is bound to make a mistake." Izuku spoke.

"What does that mean?" Minoru asked.

"Now's our chance. I have a plan. We can beat them, together."


Izuku then jumped off of the boat, catching the villains offguard.

"Stupid move, kid!" A villain shouted.

"Okay, I've always wanted to try this move...but I can't get them all at once when they're in a circle...plus I'll eventually overwhelmed if I end up in the water..." Izuku said in his mind as he prepared an attack.

"Normal Flicking Shockwave."

"I have to come up with a better name for that. Maybe that's fine?" Izuku said in his mind as his attack managed to land in the water.

Izuku used some of his power and flicked his fingers, causing a huge shockwave in the water. He used this move to make it spread out and rapidly collect back together. The converged water traps the villains through a vortex.

"Tsu...Mineta...NOW!" Izuku yelled in midair.

Tsuyu with Mineta in toll would then jump off the boat, managing to jump high enough into the air. Tsuyu grabbed Izuku's leg with her tongue, dragging him along.

"Take this you stupid villains! You can eat my sticky balls!" Minoru said as he began throwing several amounts of his balls from his hair into the vortex created by Izuku.

By doing this, the villains would get stuck together and then the water would push them into midair.

"We managed to round them up, not too shabby. You guys are amazing. Guess we passed the shipwreck zone..." Tsuyu commented as she dragged both of them along back to the shore...

Next time, on U.S.J. Arc: Chapter 12...

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