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Amelia's pov:
Two days had passed and I could finally go home.
-Well, I've signed your discharge papers, you're free to go home.
-Thank you- said Zona, taking my hand.
-I don't want to see you two here until next week, not a day less.
-But Arizona is not sick- I said laughing.
-Yes, but she will be the one to take care of you- said Bailey leaving the room.
-So you will take care of me all week- I said with a mischievous smile and went over to give her a kiss.
-Mhmm- she said taking me by the waist.
-Well, that will be interesting-I answered.
We left the hospital, Zona put my stuff into the car and we started our way home, after a few minutes
-Move in with me- I said suddenly.
-What?- she said laughing
-Move in with me Zona, we are a family, why wait any longer?
-Ok, beautiful- she said taking my hand and kissing it- but first let's talk to Char.
-Oh, I'm sure he'll love the idea- I answered laughing.
The rest of the way Zona didn't let go of my hand and I just admired how beautiful my girlfriend is. We arrived and went to the living room to wait for Char.
-You look beautiful- said Zona giving me a kiss.
-You more love
-What did I do to deserve you?!- she said and moved closer to me.
-I don't know but I know a couple of things you can do to make me feel better...- I said with a mischievous smile.
-Oh yes- she said and moved even closer to me.
-Mhm...- I said, I took her face and kissed her but suddenly the front door opened and we separated quickly.
- We're here!!!- Alex shouted and my little daughter ran to me to give me a hug, then she did the same with Zona.
-Thank you for taking care of her- said Zona.
-It's nothing, we had a lot of fun together- said Jo.
-Well, we'll leave you two to talk- said Alex taking Jo by the hand and leaving the house.
-Well honey, we have to tell you something- said Zona.
-All right, but first... You guys are together again?- asked Char excitedly.
-That's just what we want to talk to you about...- I said.
-Well mommy and I are girlfriends, we are starting our relationship again, is that ok with you?- asked Zona a little nervous.
-Of course it is! My family is reunited! Now I have my moms together, my family couldn't be better!
-I'm glad,- I said laughing.
-Now our family is bigger, you have your uncle Alex and your aunts Jo and April," said Arizona smiling.
-Like all my uncles in Los Angeles!
-Yes honey, sometimes biology doesn't matter, love does and that's why they are our family,- I said smiling.
The whole afternoon was spent playing games and watching movies, I loved these moments, Char and Zona were everything to me and we could finally be together like the family we are.....

Arizona's pov:
I went to put Char to bed as she had fallen asleep while we were watching a movie, I gave her a kiss on the forehead, turned off the lights and headed to my room. When I entered Amy was lying on the bed talking to Derek, so I started to undress to put on my pajamas, out of the corner of my eye I saw how Amy wasn't taking her eyes off me.
-Staring much Shepherd?- I said laughing.
-Derek I will call you back- she said and hung up the call, I just laughed.
-I like to watch what's mine Robbins- she said coming closer to me and kissing me.
-Mhmm, I have an effect on you- I said without stopping kissing her.
-Do you think if we finish what we were doing this morning?- she said taking me to the bed?
-I love the idea...- I said and let myself go.

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