Missing pt.2

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The morning of the same day*
Addison's pov:
I was in the office, when I got a call, it was an unknown number but I answered anyway- hello aunt Addie- said a little voice, it was Char, Amelia's daughter.
-Hello little one, how are you?
- Not at all well...- that worried me, had Amy relapsed again?
-What happened, honey? Is mommy okay?
-If she's okay...It's just that... Could you come to Seattle?
-I...- She was like a daughter to me, I couldn't tell her it's not okay, I'll be on the next flight.
-Just don't call my mom, please- she said with a sad voice.
- It's ok baby- I hung up and prepared everything to go to Seattle, I should call Amy but first I would go to see Char.
Hours later*
There were a lot of problems with the flight and when I arrived it was about 7 o'clock, I waited for Char's call since she told me that we wouldn't meet at her house.... I didn't understand anything! My cell phone rang again and I answered -Aunt Addie- said Char
-Char! I'm already in Seattle
-I'm in a restaurant across the street from the airport.
-Char, but are you alone?- I should call Amy!
-I... I... I'll explain everything when you get here.
-It's okay
I arrived at the restaurant and saw Char at a secluded table, she was wearing a hoodie and a cap. I walked over and took a seat next to her.
-Hey little one- I said in a soft tone.
-Auntie Addie!!- she said and hugged me.
-Char... Do you want to tell me what's going on? Where is Amelia?
-I... I ran away...- she said starting to cry- I know it was wrong but I was angry, my mom never told me that my other mom was alive.... She hid the truth from me and I...- she knew everything? She knew Arizona was alive?
-Honey, how do you know thst? I asked.
-Yesterday... She came home and... It was all a blur but she said she was my mom.
- That's right, Arizona is your mom and I know you must have been upset but you shouldn't have run away from home... Imagine how your moms must be- After talking to her for a few minutes I decided to call Amy, I should have done it many hours ago..... She must be very worried...
Amelia's pov:
I woke up in Zona's arms, we had fallen asleep, what if there was news from Char?!
-Zona- I said softly.
-Mmm?- he answered with a sleepy voice.
-Zona wake up, we must look for Char.
-Yes, you are right- she said getting up, her eyes were red, she had cried? I hated to see her like that
We were on our way out when my cell phone started to ring? It was Addie? What was she doing calling me at this hour? Maybe she had found out about Char
-Addie- I answered.
-Amy! Hey! I wanted to let you know that Char is with me!!!-what?! How is that possible?
-Char is with you in L.A? Addie if this is a joke- I was going to finish my sentence but she stopped me.
-No Amelia, I wouldn't play with something like that, we're on our way to your house, we'll talk about everything there.
-Thank you Addie!!!- I felt a huge relief, my daughter was fine! !!!!
- She is fine!!!- said Arizona who had heard the whole conversation. Arizona hugged me and when we separated we were looking at each other, suddenly she approached me and placed a short but sweet kiss on my lips, I approached to kiss her back but we were interrupted by the sound of a car in the driveway, we separated quickly and went out to meet Addie.... And my daughter!!!!
I ran to her and hugged her, Ari joined us and we stood there for a long time.
Then we went into the house and talked about what happened.... Yes, Char apologized but she still got a punishment, the important thing is that she was home.
Arizona's pov
After Addie left and Char fell asleep I got a text from Carina, I had to explain everything to her, she didn't deserve this, that's when I remembered the kiss with Amy.... What I did was wrong... I have to talk to Carina.
-Hi honey, everything ok? I haven't seen you all day
-Yes honey, I'm on my way home ❤️ -I answered, grabbed my stuff and headed to the kitchen where Amelia was
-Amelia I have to go- I said and left the house as fast as I could.

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