Marry me!

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Arizona pov:
We got to the beach, Amy told me to wait and got out of the car, this was all so confusing..... When she came back she opened the door for me and gave me a rose.
-Wow... It's very beautiful, thank you- I said smiling
- It's just the beginning- he said laughing, she took my hand- close your eyes- she whispered
-What if I fall?
-Honey, don't ruin the moment- she said laughing. She guided me to the seashore, I knew it because I could feel the sound of the waves getting louder and louder.
-Very mysterious-  I said laughing, Amelia let go of me and said
-Open your eyes love - I opened them and there was a beautiful decoration! We were in the middle of a heart formed by candles.

I turned around and found Amy on her knees, AAA THIS WAS REAL?!!!!
-Arizona Robbins, will you be my wife?- she said taking out a ring, at that moment I started jumping up and down like an excited little girl- that's a yes?
-Yes!-I said kissing her- I want to be your wife! - Amelia stood up and put the ring on me, I was going to be his wife!!!!!
Then Char appeared and ran to us excitedly.
-Yessssss!!! My mommies are getting married!!!- a moment later all our family and friends showed up, there was Alex, April, Derek, Meredith, Maggie, Mark, Lexie, Bailey, Richard and even Amy's friends from Los Angeles.... Everything was perfect!
They all congratulated us and then Alex shouted out.
-I'M GOING TO BE A SPONSOR AT HER WEDDING!- everyone started to laugh and we headed to a small place near where we were, I couldn't believe what was happening, it was so perfect....
-Hey Zona, come with me, I want to introduce you to some people.
-Of course, future wife- I said smiling, she gave me a quick kiss and we headed towards her friends.
-Guys, my sexy and beautiful bride-to-be-  she said looking at me- Love, this is Charlotte, Cooper, Violett, Sheldon, Jack and you know Addie-  she said.
-Nice to meet you, I know you are like family to Amy- I said smiling.
-Nice to meet you tol- they all said.
After that we went to the dance floor until one by one they left, Char left with Alex and Jo, Alex insisted because he wanted us to have a wonderful night, as witty as always.
When everyone left we decided to walk along the beach, Amy never let go of my hand until I pulled her to stop her.
-Something wrong? she asked scared
- No, I just wanted to do this- I said kissing her, she carried me without stopping kissing me- What are you doing- I said laughing against her lips
-I'm taking my future wife home for a night she won't forget- she said with a mischievous smile.
-That sounded very sexy- I answered, we got in the car and drove home.

(Poquito de contenido 😏)
We entered the house and Amelia pushed me against the door, then she kissed me passionately while she ran her hands down my back until she found the zipper of my dress, she took it off carefully and I let it fall on the floor then she separated from me to watch me
-Is something wrong?
-Is just that you're so beautiful- Then she picked me up and carried me to our room. She put me on the bed and took off her dress, came towards me and started kissing me again but this time going down my body, down to my neck and my breasts until he reached the edge of my underwear.
-Amy please... mmm....
- What do you want me to do honey- she smiling mischievously.
- You know exactly what I want- then she came closer to me again, then she took off my bra and underwear and started to run her hands all over my body, this woman was driving me crazy....
-Mmm...Amy...please...please...-I could barely speak, she ran her hand all the way to my center and at that moment I felt in heaven...
-You like it?- she asked and then took my left breast inside her mouth and the other being massage by her other hand it- i moaned- con... continue...please
-It will be pleasure- she said and introduce three fingers inside of me
After I returned the favor I lay down next to her and rested my head on her chest
-That was...
-Unbelievable- I said finishing her sentence.
-If that was our engagement sex, imagine the marriage sex- she said laughing.
-I can't wait- I said, I hugged her and we fell asleep, we had two long weeks to plan the wedding....

Amezona (english version) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu