It will always be her

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Arizona pov:
I got to April's house, it was already late so we decided to have a sleepover and the next day we would go together to buy a dress for Alex's wedding since the wedding was in two days.
-And how has everything been since.... You know, the on-call room and what Amelia said?
- Well we haven't talked since then, she's dating Link and I'm with Carina- I said shrugging my shoulders.
-And are you happy?- asked April, something I hesitated to answer, am I really happy? I mean I have a great career, a wonderful daughter and a girlfriend who loves me I happy?
-I don't know -I just answered- today I saw Link leaving his house and I... I couldn't help being jealous
-Arizona, you know she asked you to choose her... and you?
-I know April, I know... I'm just so confused.
-Well, let's not give it any more thought and let's go to sleep, we have a day of shopping ahead of us.
- You're right-  I said smiling, Alex was getting married! I couldn't believe it, I was so proud of him.
Wedding day*
Amelia's pov:
Today was Alex's wedding, he and Jo made a perfect couple!
I was a little nervous because Link would be my date, yes I know we have had several before but this one would be in front of almost all my friends and family, including my brother....
We arrived and all the decoration was beautiful - April did a very good job - I thought, Link took my hand and we headed to where everyone was gathered.
-Hey- I said by way of greeting.
- There's my little sister- said Derek hugging me.
- Derek, Amelia is not a kid anymore, don't embarrass her in front of her boyfriend- said Meredith laughing and looking at Link -look Arizona is here, which means that Alex is here too, if you excuse me I'll go see my best friend- said Mer and left.
I turned to see Zona and she was beautiful, she was holding Carina's hand laughing because of something she was saying in her ear?
-So, you guys are dating- said Derek pulling me out of my thoughts.
-That's right- said Link leaving a kiss on my forehead, I just smiled.
Minutes later the ceremony started and after that we all started to celebrate, Link took me to the dance floor, he asked for a romantic song and we started dancing....
Arizona pov:
We were in the celebration after the ceremony and everyone started to dance, including Amelia and Link....
-Hey, are you okay?- said Alex sitting next to me.
-She told me to choose and I couldn't- I said about to cry- but now she's with him....
-And he's in a hurry to be touching her skin....
-Hey! Everything ok? -said April joining the table we were at...
-She's dancing with him.... Forgetting what she told me a few weeks ago.... He's grabbing her waist, kissing her lips and whispering in her ear- I said with tears building up.
-Hey Arizona! It's my wedding! This is no time to be sad, let's drink and party- said Alex leading me to the dance floor with April.
The ceremony ended and then I went back home with Carina, who had been dancing with a group of residents; all the way she was quiet which was strange for her, so when we got home I decided to ask her
-Hey, is everything okay?
-No, it's not- she answered in a serious tone.
-What's wrong?
-Today at the wedding I saw how you were looking at Amelia....
-Carina, I... -I was going to make something up but he interrupted me
-I also overheard your conversation with Alex and April so save your excuses!
-Carina please let's talk
-Talk about what? You are still in love with Amelia! You may meet more people and have other relationships but it will always be her? Right? - I couldn't answer, even I didn't know - I knew this would happen - she said and left the house.
What do you think will happen between Carina and Arizona? Will Amelia stay with Link? I read you 👀

Amezona (english version) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora