The love of my life

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Arizona's pov:
Link took me to Amelia's room, there were Derek, Meredith and Maggie, she was still not awake but she was out of danger.
-Why don't we go get something to eat? - said Link wanting them to leave me alone with Amy.
-But...- said Derek confused.
-Yes, we'd better go- said Mer and they left the room.
I sat down next to Amy and took her hand....
-Ames... I love you, I never stopped doing it, you are the love of my life and I want to spend my life with you, when you wake up we will go to the beach and I will ask if you want to be my girlfriend?
-Yes- said Amelia waking up, she had heard everything.
-Yes Arizona Robbins, I want to be your girlfriend - she said with a smile and I went closer to give her a tender kiss.
Suddenly Link entered the room
-I think this belongs to you-  he said taking out a little box from his pocket, they were the necklaces I bought.
-But, how do you have them?- I asked confused.
- Long story...- he said smiling, Amelia was so surprised.
-Link... I...- she started wanting to give an explanation.
-Amelia calm down... It's okay, Arizona is the person you love and I can't stop you from being happy.
-I... I'm sorry, I didn't want you to find out like that.
-Don't worry, everything is fine between us, I'll leave you two alone...- he said and left.
I looked at Amy, admiring her beauty, even in a hospital bed she looked gorgeous! This woman drove me crazy!
-And are you going to give me the necklace or are you just going to keep looking at me?
-Oh...! It's true- I took out the necklaces and put it on Amy then I kissed her again, I could do that all day long....
-Come here- she said leaving me space on the bed, I climbed carefully and she put her head on my chest, I caressed her hair, minutes later she fell asleep in my arms I placed a kiss on her forehead and also fell asleep....

Amelia's pov:
I woke up in Zona's arms, she looked so peaceful while sleeping that I didn't want to disturb her and I stayed admiring her beauty. Minutes later someone arrived...
-Mom!!!- said Char entering the room with a bouquet of flowers, behind her came Derek, Alex and Jo; Derek was looking very confused at the scene he didn't know about Zona and me.... Still
-Shhh mommy is sleeping- I said almost whispering, Derek was even more confused but he didn't say anything -come here- I said pointing to a chair next to the bed, she nodded and came closer.
-Are you better?- she asked taking my hand.
-Yes sweetie, in a few days I will be able to go home.
-What is mommy doing here?- she asked curious.
-Someone woke up very curious today- I said laughing- why don't you go with Alex and Jo and have some nice ice cream? Later mommy and I will talk to you- I said smiling, she nodded and went out holding Alex and Jo's hand, I needed to talk to my brother.
-So...?- asked Derek.
-Well... There's a story you don't know... Arizona and I were a couple at Hopkins, before we broke up we planned to have a baby...- I explained everything to Derek.
-Wow... Amy I...
-If you don't support me having a girlfriend....
-No Amy! Of course I support you is that you two have been through so much and when you are together you look so calm, as if the rest of the world disappears and now that I know your story I realize that she is the love of your life, she is who makes you happy and I am glad that you can finally be together..... You deserve to be happy - he said smiling - well I'll leave you two, I'll take Char with me, she'll have a sleepover with Zola so you can be quiet.
-Thank you- I said, Derek left and I fell asleep again in Zona's arms.

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