Chapter 21

283 8 1

Words: 1280
Edited: December 25th, 2022

•──────⋅☾ ☼ ☽⋅──────•

3rd person's POV
Y/n was helping Manager Oka with some work at Dope Sketch when Langa walked in and asked for Reki. "Time off"?" Langa asked and Oka nodded "Yeah, he said he was gonna take a bit of time off,"

Y/n turned to Langa with a sad look, "You haven't heard from Reki either?" Langa shook his head and looked down. "Not at all." He whispered and Y/n sighed and looked down as well before going back to work. "Same here." She whispered and Oka gave the two an assuring smile.

"He's agonizing in his own way right now. Leave him alone for now."

☾ ☼ ☽

Y/n was now walking towards the hospital to see now not only Cherry but also SHADOW who got attacked. She stood outside the hospital when Miya walked up to her "Here to see SHADOW?" Miya nodded and she smiled and swinger an arm around his shoulders as they walked inside.

They walked over to the elevator and waited for it to arrive on the grand floor. When the doors opened. Miya and Y/n saw Reki sitting on the floor. "Reki!" The two said and he looked up "Miya... Y/n..." As the two doors were about to shut.

Y/n and Miya held them apart and they opened again "Why aren't you showing up?" Miya asked and Reki looked down "I wasn't chosen." 

"Reki, you're a liar."

"I'm not lying." Y/n held a hand on Miya's shoulder and looked at the redhead "You said you wouldn't be going away. You promised him, remember?" She said and Reki sighed. 

"We'll never disappear from your sight!"
Flashback end

"For now, I'll forgive you for lying to me. So, come with us." Reki began to stand up with his skateboard in hand "Sorry, but I no longer..." he began to walk over and quickly shoved Y/n and Miya to the side and began to run away. "Wait! You lying little slime!" Miya yelled and looked over at Y/n who stared as Reki ran off with a sad expression.

"Reki... you idiot," She whispered as her hair covered her eyes.

☾ ☼ ☽

After a visit to SHADOW.
Y/n and Langa were now looking for Reki and they decided to go to his house. They knocked to reveal Reki's mother, Masae. "Is Reki here?" Langa asked but they saw on her worried expression that he wasn't "He's always back by dinner time." Langa and Y/n looked at each other and then down "I see." Y/n said

"You can come in if you'd like." 

"Huh?" The two asked, "I'm sure he'll be back soon." Masae said and the two walked inside and towards Reki's room.

Y/n sat on the edge of the bed and hid her face in her hands "Y/n?" 

"Why is this happening...?" Langa crouches down before her to try and see her face "He's so... distant. I just want back the Reki that I knew before." She said and let out a sniffle. Langa took her hand in his and removed them from her face and smiled "We'll get him back. I promise you that, Y/n," he said and caressed her cheek. She smiled sadly at him and the two stood up and walked over to his desk.

Y/n saw a video on his iPad and pressed to play. "It's already midnight!" Y/n recognized the voice and smiled. "One more! Just one more time!" Reki said, showing up on the screen before he ran over somewhere and sat down at his board. He skated over to the two cones and tried to ollie over them but just fell.

"You all right?" Reki looked over at the screen with a smile "Oh, I screwed up!" Langa and Y/n chuckled "He's still got the same face." Y/n said and Langa nodded "Reki, you know... skateboarding's really..." Y/n smiled and held a hand on his shoulder and he turned to her "Let's go back, Langa."

☾ ☼ ☽

Reki walked into his home "Welcome back!" Koyomi said and turned to him "Langa and Y/n were here." Reki turned to her "Huh?" 

"And a message from them... they said they were borrowing your skateboards." 

"My boards?" Reki whispered and quickly went out of the house and skated off 'I have to see them and talk to them. Talk? About what? How I fled from skating? How u acted so terribly against them? Or...'

As Reki was skating toward the park. He saw Langa and yelled his name, catching the attention of the blue-haired "Reki!" Y/n saw Reki and skated over to him together with Langa.

"Um..." Reki began and the three looked down.

"What?" Reki asked while looking at them. Langa and Y/n looked at each other and then at him. "No, you, Reki," Langa said and they turned quiet once again.

That's when Reki snapped "Oh, jeez! Words just flew out somewhere! I've been thinking all this time! I'm always no good when it counts!" Y/n and Langa smiled at each other and then at him "Let's skate!" Langa said and Reki turned to him "Huh?" The two skated off and Y/n turned to Reki "Together!"

☾ ☼ ☽

The more the three skated, the funnier had all of them. Y/n smiled when the two boys skated past each other and high-fived before continuing to skate.

After some time, Langa, Y/n, and Reki skated toward each other and crashed. "Why didn't you dodge?" Reki whined and Y/n began to laugh and so did Langa. "Did you hit your head or something?" Langa and Y/n smiled and turned to Reki "You're amazing, Reki." Langa said

"Huh?" "You know all the details about skating, and you made me my very own board."

"Why this all of a sudden?"

"You're good at teaching, too. It's all thanks to you that I learned how to ollie,"

"That's from your natural potential and effort."

"Reki, you taught not only me, but Y/n as well that skating is fun! You're my teacher!" Langa said and a smile crept upon Reki's lips. "Reki, you always go beyond my imagination. That idea of spinning the tracks, and that beer with ADAM, too..." Reki held a hand out for Langa to stop and Reki covered his eyes with his other arm.

"That's enough! That's really enough. You usually don't talk, yet you're talking so much in me that ion like this." Langa and Y/n smiled at each other and then at him "Can I talk a bit more? Lately, I lost sight of why I was skating. No matter who I skated with it where I skated... I didn't feel it. Nothing... But it's different now. I feel it because I'm here with you both, Reki, and Y/n. It feels fun!" Y/n was surprised at his words and smiled "I... was thinking the same thing! I wanna skate together with you two a lot more! Tomorrow, the day after that, and long after that!"

Y/n smiled brightly "Me, too! I wanna Infinitely skate twitters with you!" She said and looked at the two boys and Reki laughed "Infinitely? It's that a bit much?"

Y/n smirked, "You're the one that said it first, Reki."

"Skating was infinite." Langa continued and Reki looked at the two "Come to think of it, I did!" Langa held out his hand "Let's add one more trick to our DAP!" "Sounds good!"

Clap, fist bump, Infinity sign.

Y/n smiled and walked over to the two and hugged their shoulders "It's glad to have you both back!" 

"We were gone?" Langa asked. Y/n chuckled "We can say it like that. Yes." The three smiled and laughed.

'It's finally back to normal,'

Skate with me • Reki & Langa [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now