Y/n's info

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Name: Y/n L/n
Name after adoption: Y/n Shindo

F/n L/n (Biological father; deceased)
Unknown biological mother

Aichiro Shindo (Adoptive father; deceased)
3 unnamed Aunts
Ainosuke Shindo (Adoptive older brother)

Unknown Husband
D/n (Daughter)

Manager at Dope Sketch (Currently)

Past Goal: Pass on her real father's name through generations of skaters that will surely go in the family, and let people know his hard work and sacrifices.

17 (Story)
28 (Current age)

Gender: Female
Eye color: E/c
Hair color: H/c

Y/n is very caring for her friends and always wants them to succeed.

Y/n and Reki have known each other ever since their first year of high school. But even if they have been friends for so long, Reki didn't know anything about Y/n's family but nor did Y/n know anything about his.

The only thing Reki knew about, is what happened to her biological father because he was a fan of his skating from a young age.

Y/n and Langa clicked very fast at the time he moved to Okinawa and Reki soon became friends as well with the transfer student.

Let's begin their journey, shall we?

Skate with me • Reki & Langa [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now