Chapter 10

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As I'm putting my hoodie on, my phone buzzes in my back pocket, causing me to take it out and look at who's messaging me.

"I cant come get u so Chloe is going to" Brady lets me know and I answer with a simple ok.

I go to the kitchen to grab an apple before sitting at the table with my phone. As I eat my apple I scroll through social media in an attempt to pass the time quicker. 

When a knock comes from the door I finish my apple and quickly throw it away on my way to answer the door.

"Who is it?" I call after swallowing the apple that was in my mouth.

"Chloe," I open the door to find her standing with her hands tucked in her pockets. There's an inch of snow on the ground as I motion for her to come in.

"I thought it wasn't supposed to snow until next week," I comment. Chloe's in a black hoodie, similar to mine and some black jeans with her combat boots and a black beanie.

"You think this place's weather ever gives a shit?" she rubs her hands together to warm them up.

"Do you want gloves? Mom always gets more so we have a load," I offer.

"Nah," she shakes her head before pulling her beanie more onto her head. "Sorry for coming early, I thought it would take longer to get here."

"It's okay, you can warm up for a bit," I shrug and she nods. We sit on the couch and the room falls silent. It's not an uncomfortable silence but you could hear a pin drop.

"So, are you working on any new songs?" Chloe breaks the silence.

"Yeah, I started learning a new one at Dads," I nod. "I just realized that I barely know anything about you. What stuff are you into?"

"Oh, I don't know," she hesitates. "I like a lot of kinds of music, punk-ish clothes. I don't know what else to say."

"Do you play any games or instruments?"

"Instruments, no. I do play a lot of video games, though," she answers.

"What about your favorite things? Color, food, song. All that?"

"I don't know that much about you," she points out.

"Okay, I'll tell you my favorite things if you tell me yours," she hesitates but nods. "My favorite food is ice cream, my favorite color is blue," I point to my hair. "And my favorite song would have to be..." I drag the word on while I think. "505 by Arctic Monkeys" I finally say.

"That is a good song," Chloe agrees. "Favorite color is black, favorite food would be steak and eggs. And my favorite song is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance." I nod in approval.

"I can approve of those choices," this makes her laugh lightly which makes me smile. I always get happy when I make people laugh.

We go back to silence for a little before I check my phone. It's now 7:10.

"We might want to head out," I stand and offer a hand to Chloe who takes it as she nods. I start putting my shoes on as Chloe stands by the door. 

"Oh, Asher?" I make a small noise to let her know I'm listening as I tie my shoe. "Victoria said she wanted you back last night, just thought I'd let you know." She seems annoyed as I stand up.

I roll my eyes as we exit the house. "Why?" I question as I lock the door behind me, cold air biting at my fingertips.

"I don't know," Chloe shrugs as we start walking through the short snow to her car. "Maybe she realized that you're one of a kind." She smiles before ducking into the driver seat.

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