Chapter 21

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I shoot up in my bed as my phone goes nuts on the dresser. Quickly, I get up and grab my phone to see three missed calls and at least ten texts from Chloe.

As I unlock the phone it starts ringing so I quickly answer and put it to my ear. "Finally, fucking Christ," Chloe says as soon as I pick up.

"What's the emergency?" 

"The emergency is that you need to get to my house," she makes it sound like an obvious thing.

"What? Why?" I look around my room to find any clue of what time it is.

"There's no time for questions!"

"I have to shower first, and I'll have to find a ride," I tell her.

"There's no time for showering!" I nearly have to take the phone away from my ear before she continues. "Don't even change out of whatever you're in right now! Just put on some damn deodorant and get your ass in gear! Brady's about to be there!"

With that the phone clicks, letting me know she hung up. What the hell was that?

I quickly put on deodorant and look at what I'm wearing. She wants me to come to her house in pajama shorts and a hoodie? As I'm about to grab some pants someone pounds on the front door.

"Asher! It's Brady, get out here!" I quickly open the door to find him standing eagerly as a cool breeze flows through the door. 

"At least let me get my shoes on," I turn to grab my shoes only to be flung over Brady's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Brady, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask as he carries me outside where bits of melting snow lay around.

"There's no time for shoes," he sets me in the passenger seat before closing the door and going to the driver seat.

"What could be so important that you have to keep me from showering, changing and putting shoes on?" I question as he pulls away from my house.

"You'll find out when we get to Chloe's," I sigh and before I know it we're in Chloe's driveway.

We get out and head to the door, Brady still refusing to tell me what's going on. As I open the door I jump as at least five people yell at me. "Happy birthday!!"

"Fucking, hell," I jump and put my hand over my heart as I realize why I was dragged over here. Mom, Chloe, and Chloe's parents stand a few feet in the house with bright smiles.

"This is why you wouldn't let me shower, change or even put shoes on?" I ask the group. 

"Yeah," Chloe nods as she comes over to me. "You can do all that later."

"We got you a cake and presents. Chloe wanted to surprise you," Mom adds as she walks over to us.

"Thanks," I smile as I notice the birthday decorations. "What are we starting with?"

"Cake!" Brady shouts immediately.

"I'm good with cake for breakfast," I nod.

"You will have to eat real food at some point," Mom points her finger at me as we walk to the dining room.

"Happy birthday," Chloe's parents smile as we all sit at the table. 

"Thanks," I return the smile as Chloe jogs into the kitchen with Mom.

"Dude, you're gonna love this," Brady grins as he bounces in his seat.

"You're more excited for this than me," I chuckle at the look in his eyes as he pushes his glasses up. 

"Are you ready?" Mom's voice questions as the lights turn off.

"Yeah," I shift in my seat before a soft voice starts singing that annoying happy birthday song.

It's hard not to like the song when it's coming from Chloe. As she comes into the room Mom and the rest of them start singing, Mom carries a cake with birthday candles burning on top. Instead of seventeen candles it's the number shaped candles which are better in my opinion.

As the cake gets set in front of me I cover my mouth with my hand as they finish singing. 

"Happy Birthday Asher! We love you!" is written on the white section of the cake while the cake itself is the transgender pride flag.

"I love you guys so much," everyone smiles.

"We love you too," Chloe hugs me from behind while Brady and Mom hug me from either side.

"Okay, let's actually eat this thing," Brady excitedly bounces in his seat again as the rest of us chuckle and start cutting the cake.

After everyone has some cake Chloe leads me to the living room where there are four presents waiting next to the perfectly clean couch.

"Okay, this one's from me," Brady hands me a wrapped box. As I take the wrapping off I realize it's a shoe box. I open the box without taking the rest of the wrapping off to find a pair of blue high tops with my name on the sides.

"I love them," I smile as I set the box next to me. 

"And this one is from Chloe's parents," Brady hands me the biggest box carefully. It looks similar to the box my guitar came in.

I take the colorful paper off of the box to reveal a black guitar case. I open the case and gasp when a black, electric guitar sits in the soft, red material inside.

"You're kidding," I look around the room as everyone shakes their heads. "Thank you so much." I close the case and set it carefully next to the shoes.

"And this is from me," Mom smiles and hands me a decorated bag. I take the tissue paper out and pull out a rainbow of hair dye before a black hoodie with the logo of my favorite show on the back.

"I love it," I smile as I set the stuff back in the bag and put it with the other gifts. "Thank you." Mom gives me a quick hug before Chloe sits on the arm of the couch with a smaller box in her hands. 

"Here," she smiles as she hands me the gift. 

I get it open to find a necklace with a dog tag pendant that says, "No matter what happens, you still have your true family. Don't forget it." I smile as I pull it out of the box.

"You guys are gonna be the death of me," I put my face in my hands, feeling the necklace that's still in my hand.

"I assume that means you like it," I can hear the smile in Chloe's voice.

I pick my head up and turn to her with a smile. "I love it." I can see the happiness filling her eyes as her smile grows, if that's even possible, as she quickly wraps me into a hug. 

I definitely have a major crush on this girl.

We spend the day hanging out at Chloe's house. At some point her parents head out for a work thing and later Mom heads to work, leaving me with Chloe and Brady. 

The day flies by and before I know it, the three of us are lying in Chloe's bed and watching random shows for the next few hours. The amp for my new guitar is already at my house and I've already planned a few of the songs I want to learn.

After a few hours of watching TV Chloe's out cold with her head on my shoulder as Brady lays with his arm halfway off the bed. 

This has officially been the best birthday ever. 

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