Chapter 13

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When I wake up, Brady isn't here and Chloe is drooling on my shoulder although we're both lying down more than we were when I fell asleep. 

I can feel how wet my shirt has become as Chloe only has her head on my shoulder. The rest of her is twisted up against my side.

I freeze up when she shifts to lay on her stomach with part of her body leaning against me. One of her legs, now resting over both of mine as my right arm rests under my head and her head is turned on my shoulder. Her mouth is still open as I relax a little.

I move my right arm to rub the sleep out of my eyes as the other is being lied on. I jump when a loud crash is heard from the other room. Chloe jolts, sitting straight up as she looks around.

"Morning," I say through a yawn as the girl's amethyst eyes flash with realization as she sighs in relief.

"Morning," she wipes the slight bit of drool from her face as she glances at me and I stretch. "Shit, I was drooling on you wasn't I?" She motions to the wet patch where she was lying.

"Yeah," I shrug. "I'm assuming the crash woke you up."

"Probably," she nods.

"We should probly see what it was." We both stretch before getting up and leaving Brady's room.

We get to the kitchen before finding Brady cleaning up spilled eggs from the cold, wood floor.

"Did you drop a pan or something?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm trying to make breakfast but my hands slipped," he answers as he finishes cleaning up the food.

"Here, we can help." We spend the morning making eggs and waffles while joking around until we finish cooking and eat

"Where are your parents?" Chloe asks as we eat.

"They left earlier today for work."

We finish eating and go back to Brady's room to relax on his bed. My phone makes the familiar ding, letting me know I have a FaceBook notification. 

I pick up my phone and open it to see I have at least ten notifications from people commenting on my coming out post.

"Holy shit," I comment more to myself, catching my friends' attention as their heads turn from whatever they were doing.

"What?" Brady questions.

"My family responded quick."

"They comment?" Chloe questions.

"Yeah, and most of them aren't happy."

"What are they saying?" Brady and Chloe turn their bodies to face me. I start reading off the comments. 

"You are not old enough to know. And if you know, shame on your mother."

"What does your mother have to do with you being you?" Brady asks.

"I'm assuming whoever said that is blaming her in some way," Chloe shrugs. "Aren't you sixteen?" I nod. 

"My great grandma is telling me to read the bible."

"That's boring," Brady and Chloe both agree and I nod.

"Well Amelia I know u won't like this but I'm your uncle and I'll tell you straight u are young and haven't experienced any type of life yet u wanna be a boy wait until u get older do boys jobs u will decide different please just give it a chance my little niece please I wanna see u grow not be made fun have and all the nonsense." I read it exactly how he says it.

"He sounds like an illiterate prick," Chloe states.

"I don't even talk to these people. All the negative comments are from my dads side of the family," I lean my back against the wall. 

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