Chapter 5

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Relief floods through me when we get to the party to find a house much smaller than the other one. It's not small but it's not as big as before, that's for sure. We go into the loud house and I grab a Monster as Brady gets a Sprite and we start the night just talking by the counter. "Hey, nice hair," Chloe smiles as she comes over to Brady and me. The music isn't as loud in the kitchen as it is in the living room. 

"Thanks," I smile. 

"How's the song you're working on?"

"How did you know about that?" I give her a confused look. We barely know each other. She couldn't have known already.

"Victoria talks about it a lot," I nod as I realize how stupid I just sounded. Shit. "I answered your question, you gonna answer mine?" she nudges me slightly. She's very so from her sister.

"Oh, yeah. It's good. Finally got the speed right," I answer.

"You're Victoria's twin right?" Brady asks.

"Unfortunately," Chloe nods.

"Is she a bitch everywhere?" I smack Brady's shoulder. "What? I'm just asking."

"Yeah, she is," Chloe laughs lightly at us. "You're on the basketball team right?"

"Yes, ma'am," Brady takes a sip of his drink. They start talking about what terms mean as I listen to the music around us. Tonight there's more of the kind of music Victoria likes. 

If I change my name, what should it be? Why am I thinking about this right now? I should be talking with Brady, Chloe, and Victoria tonight. "She's always bitching about something," Chloe rolls her eyes. I'm assuming that the two are talking about Victoria.

"Is she here?" I question.

"She's somewhere around here," she shrugs.

What is she going to say about my hair? Maybe she'll like it. I hope so.

"Wanna dance?" Brady asks both Chloe and I. We both shrug and I finish my drink as we go closer to the music. We all start having fun as the music changes to a rock song. 

After a while, we go back to get drinks and give our feet a break. "Why do you drink that?" Brady asks as Chloe and I open a Monster each.

"Because it tastes good," I answer with a slight shrug.

"I doubt that."

"How would you know? You've never had it," I give him an amused look.

"I don't know. I just doubt it," he shrugs.

"Try it," I hold the can out to him.

"Fine," he takes the can and sips from it. "Not bad but I'm not going to be buying it anytime soon."

"So, you don't doubt that it's good?" 

"I was wrong," he sighs with a nod and I smile as I have proven my best friend wrong for once. Chloe laughs at us as we stand around the kitchen.

"You guys are weird."

"We know," we both nod and Chloe gives us a smile of approval.

"Why haven't we hung out before?" Brady questions.

"Because Victoria-"

"Is a bitch?" Victoria asks as she joins us.

"Exactly," Chloe grins.

"I need to talk to you," Victoria looks at me with a serious look. 

"Okay," I give her a confused look as Brady and Chloe shrug and my girlfriend pulls me toward the back of the house.

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