Chapter 23

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When I wake up I can't help the dopey grin on my face as I stretch and get ready for the last day of school before spring break.

It's been a week since Valentine's Day and I've been smiling like a dope since that night. 

We actually kissed! Then we stayed after the sun set and looked at the stars before we had to go back home. We're not technically official yet. We just know that we like each other and we're more than friends. We don't kiss often but I enjoy it every time we do kiss.

After showering and getting ready I go to the kitchen where Mom is making waffles. "Good morning, Mom," I smile as I sit backwards in a chair by the table. She's already in her work clothes.

"Still have that cheesy grin and happy attitude, I see," Mom smiles as she puts the second waffle on a plate and starts a third.

"I'm happy," I shrug. Right as I say it I feel something that could ruin the entirety of my mood. "Hold on," I quickly go to the bathroom and my fears are confirmed.

Son of a bitch! Why do I have to start now? When I'm so happy!

I go through that whole spiel in my head as I make sure I'm good for school before washing my hands and leaving the room with a frown.

"Where'd the peppy attitude go?" Mom asks as she sets two plates with waffles on them in front of where we're about to sit.

"Down the toilet," I poke at the food before taking a bite.

"Oh, I get it," Mom nods. "I'm sorry." I shrug as I swallow my food.

"I'll just do what I always do. Live with it for the time being and curl into a sleeping ball of a hoodie every chance I get," Mom chuckles lightly as we finish eating.

"I can understand that," she sets our dishes in the sink before turning back to me. "I'll be home after ten tonight so I'll probly see you tomorrow before work."

"Okay, I love you," she gets her shoes on and smiles. 

"I love you too."

"No killing anyone. If you really have to, at least don't get caught," I add.

"I promise," she quickly kisses my forehead before opening the door as Chloe and Brady walk up to the house. They say quick hellos and goodbyes as Mom leaves and my friends come in with smiles.

"Hey!" Brady points at me. "Where's the dopey ass smile you had last night?"

"It was wiped away by a very rude attack only minutes ago," I tell him.

"Wait," he takes a second to realize while Chloe sits next to me. "Oh, shit. That's gotta suck," he joins us at the table.

"Yeah," I nod. "But at least it's spring break after today. So I don't have to do much."

"True," Chloe nods. "Speaking of having to do stuff, we have to get to school now."

We all get up and I lock the door behind me before we head to school. Throughout the day I try to avoid all the annoyances of how bad I feel about myself right now and focus on my schoolwork.

At lunch the three of us joke around and I almost forget about the suffocating feeling in the back of my mind before lunch ends.

After school Brady drops Chloe and I off at our houses before going to get something from his house. When he gets back to my place he has a bunch of snacks and candy so we sit on the couch for a few hours just watching TV and eating. 

Chloe would've joined us but she's helping Victoria with something. After Brady leaves I turn the TV off and go to bed with the hope of feeling better in the morning.

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