Chapter 18

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In the morning I wake up to the special features menu of Robots while the rest of the house is silent.

Glancing down, I realize the weight from my stomach down. Chloe lays with her head resting on my stomach as her legs hang over the arm of the couch and one of my legs hangs off the side.

After laying like that for a few minutes I decide to carefully slide out from under Chloe. I freeze when she shifts. When I'm sure she isn't going to wake up I move so she's fully on the couch before taking the blanket from the back and covering her with it.

I check the time before starting to make waffles and bacon with eggs. It's only eight in the morning so I do my best to stay quiet as I get everything out.

As I make the third plate I hear shuffling from the living room. Chloe groggily sits up and rubs her face before smelling the air.

"Is that bacon?" I hear her mumble as she turns to look at me.

"Yeah. Eggs, bacon and waffles," I hand her a plate as she comes over.

"Thanks," she yawns. Her hair is sticking out in some places as she sits at the table.

"I'm gonna get Mom up," Chloe nods and I go to Mom's room. I knock lightly as I crack the door open a few inches. "Mom, I made breakfast."

"I'll be out in a minute," I can hear the yawn as she answers.

I nod and close the door before going back to sit across from Chloe with my plate.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Chloe asks as she runs her hand through her hair.

"Well, after eating we open presents then normally we would get in the car to leave but this year I think we'll have to start cooking a little after opening presents," I shrug as I eat.

Chloe nods as Mom joins us. "Do you know when Brady and his parents are coming?"

"He said they would be here around six," I answer. "They're bringing some sort of extremely sugary pie too."

"I'm assuming it's that pie he was talking about a few weeks ago. With all the chocolate and marshmallows and stuff?" Chloe finishes her food.

"I think so," I nod. "He just said not to eat too much of it."

"Sounds promising," Mom comments. Chloe and I nod and I take care of the dishes when we're all finished.

We sit next to the Christmas tree to open the wrapped presents. Chloe and I start unwrapping the gifts Mom got.

I get some shirts and a transgender pride flag with a few movies and a new capo while Chloe gets a few shirts and a necklace with a few more movies and a CD.

"Thank you," Chloe and I say at the same time before Mom hugs each of us.

"Here," I hand them each a small wrapped box.

"Thanks," they smile as they open the gifts. Chloe pulls out a necklace with a small padlock and key pendant.

"It's so cool," she smiles as she messes with the pendants. I smile and Mom pulls out a necklace with a heart pendant.

"I love it," Mom smiles and they both put the necklaces around their necks.

They both give me a hug before we relax and watch a few of the new movies. We start making the food around noon after changing into regular clothes.

Chloe puts on jeans and a t-shirt with a red skull over her heart while I throw on jeans and the grey, striped polo shirt I just got.

As we cook Christmas music plays. Mom starts making the chicken while Chloe slices cheese and I peel potatoes.

By the time we're done getting everything cooking and ready it's past five. We start setting up the table with a simple table cloth and the uncooked food as the stuffing, potatoes, gravy and chicken are cooking.

When someone knocks on the door I go to open it with a dish of cheese and crackers in my hands.

"Hey," I smile as I let Brady in. "I thought your parents were coming too?"

"They had a last minute work thing. They said to wish you guys a merry Christmas though," he pushes up the black glasses on his face with his free hand as I set the dish on the table with the rest.

"Oh," I nod as he sets the pie on the counter.

"Nice glasses," Chloe points out as she comes back from the bathroom.

"Thanks, they came in the other day," Brady smiles and we manage to get the food to be cooked in a few minutes.

Brady is dressed in jeans and a plain, grey t-shirt as we put the rest of the food on the counters.

"Alright, Brady, you can get your present before we start eating," Mom says after making sure everything is ready to be eaten.

"I get a present?" Brady gives her a questioning look before she nods. He smiles and grabs the last present under the tree.

He pulls out a movie and a new basketball and thanks Mom before setting the two aside so we can all start eating.

We all talk and laugh as we eat. When the time for pie rolls around Brady cuts it into small pieces.

"What kind of pie is it?" Chloe asks as we each get a slice.

"It doesn't really have a name," Brady shrugs. "It's just chocolate chips, brownie and marshmallows in a pie crust."

"Sounds good to me," I shrug and we all eat it.

"This is really good," Mom comments as Chloe and I nod in agreement.

"Thanks," Brady smiles. "You can keep whatever's left here. I can always make more later."

"Sweet," I finish my piece and we continue talking about random topics.

Brady helps put away some leftovers before getting a text that he needs to be back before his parents. We say our goodbyes and send him home with some of the left over chicken and some stuffing.

As Chloe and I are folding up the table cloth Mom wipes the counter down. "Are you staying over again?" I ask Chloe.

"Can I?" We both look at Mom for an answer.

"Sure," Mom shrugs. "Just don't sleep on the couch again. Its not good for your backs."

"Okay," Chloe nods and we finish cleaning up.

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