1: It was him

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The bakery was a familiar place to me. The smells were usually drifting around my head, and the noise was a soft tone in my ears. It was more of a sanctuary to me. My friends pressured me to delay my trip there for a while, to get some time in with my friends.

Though somehow I felt empty with my friends, like I was some extra piece, that didn't belong.

"You should really get out of that bakery. All the weird old people go there," My best friend, Sam, nudged me. She didn't understand. Ever since my mom died, it's still been the place where I can feel her with me. "Come on Emily! Don't you want to go shopping?" I nodded somberly, but wanted to glue my feet to the floor.

I promised myself that this week I'd do whatever my friends wanted me to do. Dad was out drinking so much since Mom's death, that it was pretty much myself to be with at home.


I was finally back. My senses were instantly warmed by the smell of fresh bread and coffee.

Going shopping was nothing compared to this. "Hello, Emily!" The owner, Mrs. Barnett, was a fragile old woman, that thought she was a 20 year old. She walked around the counter and gave me a hug. "Where have you been, child?!" She looked up and down. "You look fine!" I smiled. "Just had some time with friends." She pursed her lips. "Well, we have something new." I looked into the counter. "New type of pastry?" She chuckled. "No, no. We hired somebody new!" I smiled but I was unhappy, because usually the new employees were snobby teenage girls, that hung out in the kitchen listening to music.

"Don't look disappointed. He's very nice." She led me to the kitchen. "Niall!" She cried out. An extremely attractive medium tall blonde man, stood at a table, kneading dough, and smiled up at me. He had the most white, straight teeth- it was angelic. Something about him was familiar...

I wanted to shake myself up from this dream. I grinned and nodded at him. "He's only part time, but he's ,your age," Mrs. Barnett winked at me. "Be quiet!" I nudged her playfully. She hurried off to help a customer, leaving me with Niall, kneading dough. "Hey!" I laughed. He smiled again, blowing me off my feet. "So, you're new?" He continued kneading. "I've heard about you," Niall chuckled. I groaned. "What did Mrs. Barnett say now?" He smirked. "That you're torn from your family, a caring girl that will make time for everyone, a daily visitor, and sometimes- a true pain in the ass." I almost burst out laughing. "You're kidding right?" I covered my face with my eyes. "Nope,"

He laughed some more. "God. I hope that's all you know." I shook my head and started to wash my hands. "What's your name anyway?" I stopped and looked at him. "Emily." He nodded. "Goregeous name." I dried my hands, and grabbed a chunk of dough. "So, you just come in and help?" He asked me. "All the time, but I don't work here. I spend enough time here already. I just enjoy all the sights and sounds of this place. I basically grew up here. My mom used to take me here to do homework." He nodded. "And she doesn't anymore?" "Well, she passed away when I was 11." I heard him sigh. "I'm really sorry," he said, looking into my eyes, and I felt like at that moment, he was the only one that understood and cared. I shook it off. "Yeah- but I still feel her here. And no where else."


Niall's POV--

When she came into the kitchen, I knew I loved her. I don't know what it was- but something just clicked in me. I recognized her. Her hair was like a flowing fountain of golden brown water, and her eyes, were like sparkling stars. Right then and there I wanted to pick her up and make her mine. But I just smiled. And when she started to talk to me, ah, I was in Heaven. Her charisma struck me.

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