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It was very very weird and confusing. Why am i haunted? Why did this girl come to me and what does she want? Finally thinking whether my house has got some problem on me. This night in between my sleep,i was awaken to a soft noise. As I openend my eyes I could see a face bright that was approaching me from near my foot. I touched it with my foot but it continued to come close to my face. But as it reached near my chest it vanished.

I paniced! Ugh,hauh,hauh. I couldn't breathe for few minutes.

A sound whispered "Where's my doll?" I looked behind me and saw that little girl again. Her face was very ugly this time, and there were red tears in her eyes. (blood). I was gonna answer her but my voice was unhearable again! I was so scared that she thinks that i stole her doll. I tried to make her understand with hands signs but i failed. She gave me a death glare and she was very angry. Her death glare means that she will revenge sooner or later,but i tried to move through her when she was leaving;but i couldn't.

I started to cry after she disappeared, i ran through the place which i put the doll in and put it in my room. I felt very exhausted so i went to sleep.

The sun came out, i woke up looking in my left side to make sure that the doll is safe. The doll!? Where is the doll!?OMG, i can't believe what's happening to me. The doll disappeared!

I vociferated,cried and screamed for a long time. I went to the kitchen to drink some water because my throat was sore.

I heard something when i came back,i found the doll on the floor and some blood in my bed. I lost conscious[...]

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