Seven:The ghost lover

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I entered the room, i found nothing. But only found some blood inside the letter. Is that normal?Where did this blood come from?

"From meeh" A weird sound whispered

-"Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm the one that you were searching for since three years."

-"Josh?That couldn't be you! You told me that your name is Nash not Josh, are you lying?"

" Well, i couldn't tell you my real name and you are the liar one here,okay? You hurted me twice and broke my heart into hundred pieces! You don't know what happened to me after we broke up,my life became miserable and i died from pain."

-I cried my eyes out. "You are right, i don't

even deserve to be loved in this world."

"But i still love you!" Said the ghost standing next to me.

-JOSH, i hurted emotionally Multiple times..and you you still love me?

"I was just reminding you because you started to forget almost everything"

-"You are right, but you still have the right to tak revenge. But don't..I will die very soon,no worries.

"Don't deal with suicidal thoughts and feelings."

-"No, i just....have to!"

He clammed up then disappeared.

-"Josh!Josh? Where are you!?"

I was standing hysterical and terrified. I thought again of suicide, because why not? I went to the balcony and started to talk to myself...The suddenly he appeared again whispering in my ears: "if you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long ,i do not want to talk you out of your bad feelings. I am not a therapist or other mental health professional -But i was just like you. I know it's not easy.. Only someone who knows what it is like to be in pain,will help you.You are troubled and considering ending your life. If it were possible. Everybody makes mistakes Jessy, that doesn't mean that you have to commit suicide. Suicide isn't a joke."

-I have to die Josh! I hate my whole life because it's full of errors and mistakes!I prefer meeting god then staying in this whole piece of crap."

"If you commited suicide, god will never forgive you because you are the one who gave him your soul and that's not right"


"Just go to your room and have some coffe and hold on, okay?

-"You think it's very easy to forget about it?"

"Just try to, i'll always be here for you. If you fall,i'll catch you;just to know that i'm here and i love you"

-"Awww, that's so cute"

We hugged for a long time...He washed my tears...Isn't it weird that i love the ghost now?[...]

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