Chapter 11

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Tonight Narcissa dreaded more than the other balls as this one would be held at her home. Which meant that Bellatrix would be in her element, surrounded by many conversation pieces, Narcissa just hoped she stayed clear of anything that was hers.

Druella spent all day rearranging the ballroom, moving decorations around when she thought they didn't appear good enough. Cygnus prepared his study as he didn't want to be bothered by all the guest, he was going to enjoy the ball from his study.

Narcissa and Bellatrix had been constantly arguing, Narcissa claimed that Bellatrix ruined her dress on purpose. So Bellatrix could be best dressed at the ball, another reason why Cygnus wanted to stay up in his study. To avoid Narcissa and Bellatrix constant bickering.

"Bellatrix, Narcissa, are you girls dressed yet?" Druella asked "our guest will be here soon,"

"Of course mother, I'm afraid, my dear sister is taking too long to do her hair," Bellatrix stated,

Druella didn't believe the innocence in Bellatrix voice but didn't have the time to argue with her. Narcissa walked downstairs wearing her second choice of dress, which meant she took a lot longer to get ready as the make-up look was different to suit this dress.

Helene was greeted by Druella in a warm embrace, Helene coldly eyed Bellatrix, always hating how she acting towards her sisters, especially Andromeda. Helene might not have openly supported Andromeda's marriage to Ted Tonks, however, she hated how Bellatrix would never even acknowledge Andromeda's existence.

Helene knew Narcissa missed Andromeda so much, they were very close, Helene remembered the night Andromeda left, Narcissa cried so much. She stayed at Helene's to avoid having to put up a front for her mother and father, Narcissa missed Andromeda dearly, however, she loved her mother too much to abandon her family.

"Are you going to talk to Lucius?" Helene asked, Narcissa pressed her lips together,

"I don't know, I haven't decided yet," Narcissa looked around for Lucius, she wasn't sure if he would attend the ball after the last time he was here, Narcissa spotted a certain Burke that had made his appearance.

"I think your Teddy is here," Narcissa teased Helene rolled her eyes, walking over to him.

Narcissa was joined by Lucius he asked how she was feeling, Narcissa nodded just saying that she was fine. Lucius thought she was trying to avoid talking to him, she barely looked at him, keeping her eyes on the guest dancing to the steady rhythm of the music.

Lucius saw Druella scolding Bellatrix about her dark mark, as she had accidentally revealed her death eater status unaware her mother was nearby. Lucius needed to distract Narcissa she went crazy went she found out about him, what would she be like if she knew Bellatrix was a death eater too.

"Can we go somewhere quiet, I wanted to talk to you," Lucius said, in attempts to take her away from her mother and sister.

Narcissa nodded, taking Lucius upstairs to a private room, where Narcissa would play her piano. She sat down on the sofa, Lucius looked around her room, he spotted a music sheet laid out on the piano. He cocked his brow at the title, a smirk grew on his face.

"Hey, do you mind, if I play a little music for you?"

"No go ahead," she said,

Lucius sat down at the piano, cracking his fingers before play the piece of music. Narcissa's eyes widened recognising the song he played. Lucius noted that the song, seemed angry and frustrated, once he had finished the piece of music, he sat there for a moment.

"Were mad at me or something?" Lucius asked

"If you must know you frustrate me," Narcissa said, he smirked at her

"Why what is it that I do which frustrates you so much," he asked

"Well, where do I start, you're arrogant, self-centred, pompous and to top it off you don't consider other people's feelings but your own," Narcissa told him

"Alright, but I do think about your feelings there's a reason, I never told you about being a death eater,"

"Oh really and what might that be"

"I didn't want to put you in a position where you would be put in danger, or have to make any difficult decisions-

"I'm a big girl, I can look after myself," she folded her arms across her chest.

"I never said you couldn't it's not an environment I'd like you to be in"

"But shouldn't that be my decision to make,"

"Yes, I thought it would be better being apart, obviously I was wrong," Narcissa softened her expression

"You know, you really hurt me when you left," she admitted "yes I wouldn't have been proud of your decision, but I would have respected your decision,"

"I probably should have handled the situation better-

"Yes, you should have," she said, she smiled at him, "can I see it?" Lucius hesitantly, lifted his left sleeve up revealing his dark mark.

"Did it hurt?" she asked

"A little, was sore for a few days," he told her, Narcissa traced her fingers across the snake-like tattoo on his forearm.

"Do you want to stay?" he nodded

"You know, I love you right?" he said

"Yes, I've known since third year you made it pretty clear to me," Narcissa said.

Lucius chuckled, gazing into her eyes, he leaned down pressing his lips against hers, Narcissa couldn't deny her feelings anymore. She loved, and wanted to be with him, regardless of his loyalty to the Dark Lord, she wanted to be by his side. Through it all. 

It Started With a Dance | 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now