Chapter 05

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A/N 16/04/2021

Rest in peace, Helen McCrory, thank you for acting in the Wizarding World as Narcissa Malfoy. Your acting was out of this world, you were taken too soon, you will be deeply missed.

Two weeks had gone by and Narcissa felt more confident, about finding her suitor. She had drawn up attention, from many eligible wizards, including the likes of Perseus Parkinson, Theodore and Jacob Burke, Narcissa even had Theodore Nott's eyes on her. Though she knew that Rebekah, had grown to like him a lot, therefore Narcissa stay clear of Nott, wanting her best friend to find happiness in her marriage too.

Narcissa wore a beautiful ball gown, blue top which faded into a white skirt, with golden details. This was the first ball that she had attended without Lucius on her arm. However, she didn't need him to accompany her this time, as she now had the confidence to successfully find her suitor.

Narcissa spotted two familiar faces in the crowd, she gracefully made her way across the ballroom twirling around in front of them. They smirked at her, rolling their eyes at her, one of the guys, took her hand, lifting to place a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"Such a gentleman, I never knew," she said

"I'm always," he said

"Really, you Jacob Burke a gentleman," she questioned "I have yet to see that,"

"Looking for someone?" Narcissa asked his twin brother, who was looking around the ballroom

"No, you just don't entertain me, Cissa," he said smirking at her

"Helene's over there," Narcissa said, knowing who he had come to see.

Jacob's brother, left the pair to join Helene on the side of the ballroom watching the dressed up guest dance and socialise. Which weren't to Helene taste, at least she had her Burke to keep her company through the night. Jacob and Narcissa shook their head at the pair, who snuck away with a bottle of wine.

"What a pair," Jacob commented

"They certainly do make a good match don't they,"

"Would you like to dance Narcissa?"

"You're the first person to call me Narcissa,"

"I never did, listen to silly rules," Jacob said,

Jacob offered his hand to her, guiding her to the dance floor, Narcissa's dress flowed lightly around her. Enchanting other couples as they sway to the music, Narcissa and Jacob had no intention of becoming a couple. They were simply good friends who enjoyed each other's company.

Narcissa knew that Jacob wasn't the person for her, while he was a pureblood, she knew that Jacob had no desire to marry another pureblood like he was. He was merely accompanying his brother to this ball, much to her Aunt Walburga's dismay.

Lucius on the other hand hadn't entertained a single lady that night, but with Narcissa no longer by his side. He was hunted by mother's introducing their daughters, though he tried to appear polite. Although they were making it very difficult to do so.

"Mr Malfoy, won't you accompany me to get a drink?" Helene asked, holding her arm out for him to link his arm with hers, he leaned to her

"You don't understand, how glad I am to see you," Lucius thanked Helene for whisking him away.

"I thought you could use to help," she said, the pair walked across to a table filled with many drinks, various champagnes and wines. Helene picked up a bottle looking at the label.

"Superior Red, Malfoy Apothecary," Helene read, out loud.

"It's a magnificent wine," Lucius commented, "shall I open the bottle,"

"You think I can't?" Helene questioned

"I have no doubt that you can," he said "I just wanted to be a gentleman,"

"Gentleman, is that what you are? I thought you bad guy, Luci," Helene teased

"It's Lucius to you, and whatever Narcissa told it's not true,"

"Since when do you call her Narcissa?" Helene asked, knowing Lucius had always called Narcissa by a nickname.

"Since she warned me to stop using pet names," Lucius told her.

"She cares about you, even if she acts all tough," Helene told him, "I'll let you in on a little secret," Lucius turned to face her.

"You really hurt her when you broke up," Lucius creased his brows

"Narcissa never seemed bothered by our break up," Lucius questioned

"She doesn't seem bothered about her sister, but she is," Helene said "Narcissa is a strong woman, if you want her back you're going to have to make it up to her," he sighed

"Breaking up with her was one of the stupidest decisions I ever made,"

"I can think of more like when-

"Shut up," he told her, she smirked at him.

Lucius left Helene and walked into the garden, taking the bottle of wine with him. Narcissa socialised with Rebekah and Helene. Discussing the dresses that other girls wore, comparing couples, the girls were approached by Theodore Nott, who links his arm with Rebekah, he leaned into Narcissa.

"You might want to deal with that," he said, tilting his head to the side.

Narcissa looked to the side to see Lucius outside, struggling to open the door, she slowly walked over to the garden door. She carefully looked around her to see if her aunt had seen Lucius. She opened the door, Lucius smiled slinging his arm around her.

"Hey, you got the door open?"

"Are you drunk?" she asked

"No, well maybe a little," he said, holding his finger to his lips to keep it a secret.

"Come on, I'll take you home,"

Narcissa apparated to Malfoy Manor, holding Lucius up, she helped him up the stairs, into his bedroom. Once she got him laid on his bed, she walked downstairs to the kitchen. Narcissa looked through the cupboards for some Dreamless Sleep Potion, she gave Lucius the potion he drifted off to sleep.

"Narcissa, before you leave I have something for you," Abraxas Malfoy said as she reached the door, he handed her a letter dressed to Cissa Black

"I think Lucius meant for you to have this," he said, "thank you for bringing him home,"

"It's no problem, I'll check on him in the morning,"

It Started With a Dance | 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now