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*** 11 years later***

1st September 1991

Just over a decade had passed by, the dark lord was gone, many wizards suffered, at the hands of death eaters. Though Lucius and Theodore both managed to convince the Minister of loyalty being influenced by the Imperius Curse, it wasn't the most dishonest thing they had done.

However, growing up with their sons was more important. Narcissa had thoroughly checked through Draco's room that he had packed everything he needed. Today was Draco's first day going to King's Cross Station, to begin his years at Hogwarts.

"Mother, I checked everything five times already," Draco said,

"I just want to make sure you're all set,"

"Cissa, he's been ready for a while now, if we don't leave soon, we'll be late," Lucius said, Narcissa huffed as Draco followed his father downstairs.

The family stood at the door of Malfoy Manor, Lucius held out a portkey, Narcissa and Draco took hold of the portkey. The world spinning around them, they landed in King's Cross Station, Lucius noted the time and hurried Narcissa and Draco to the barrier.

"We wouldn't need to rush if your mother didn't insist on check your trunk," Draco chuckled

"What was that?" Narcissa questioned

"Nothing dear," Lucius said as he and Draco hurried through the barrier before Narcissa,

Draco looked around for his friends, thanks to his mother they were late and he now owed them 5 galleons each. He saw his 'aunt' Helene, stood with a boy, he hurried over to them, before he could even speak, Helene wrapped him in a big hug, squeezing him too tight.

"Your late, Malfoy," her son said

"Blame my mother," Draco told him.

"Blondie, Zucchini!" another yelled

"Theo is your father here, I have a bone to pick with him," Helene said,

"Yes and might I say you look more beautiful every day," she smiled at the Theo going to find his father,

"Sucking up to my mother,"

"Come on Blaise, your mother's great," Draco cleared his throat

"Alright, your mother's great too," Theo said, holding his hands up.

From afar, Narcissa and Helene watched their boys, how they were so much like they were, they were prepared to begin their journey at Hogwarts. Make friends they'll have for a lifetime, hopefully, they would be in the same house as each other. Slytherin house is the house their parents prayed they would be sorted into.

The three boys waved their parents farewell, as they boarded the train, Narcissa wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek. Lucius wrapped his arm around her waist, rubbing her side reassuringly that their son was going to be fine, even if he was he had Theo and Blaise to be there for him.

Lucius had no doubt in his mind that Draco was going to be great, achieve so much. Narcissa worried that her son would be judged as many wizards never believe Lucius loyalty to the Dark Lord being influenced by a curse. She didn't want the past to affect her sons future.

While ever Draco had good friends who looked out for him, he was going to be alright. Narcissa finally had everything she wanted a loving husband, a son that she adored with all her heart. A family of her own.

And to think it started with a dance. 

It Started With a Dance | 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now