Chapter 08

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Narcissa had woken up with a familiar arm draped over her side, she twisted around, to face him, Lucius also slept so soundly as though he had no troubles in the world. She pecked his lips, waking him up, he smiled upon seeing her face, pulling her closer to him.

Narcissa twisted back around, Lucius snuggled into her, spooning her. She lightly traced her fingertips over his arm. Lucius entwined his fingers with hers, as Narcissa adjusted her position to be a little more comfortable, she noticed something on his arm she took a closer look.

"You're one of them!" she exclaimed, throwing his arm off her.

"Ciss, let me explain-

"You liar!" she said, grabbing her wand from her bedside table, pointing it at him

"Narcissa, listen to me," he begged

"There's nothing you could say that would convince me of you're decision," Narcissa told him, walking over to her bedroom door

"Leave," she said, when he wouldn't move she raised her voice "Now!"

"Narcissa, I wouldn't ever want to put you in danger, that's why I never told you," he said

"That should be my choice, how would you know if I would feel like I was in danger, what if I wanted to join? Or support him?" Narcissa said, he didn't know what to say.

"Exactly, I told you I'm not a little girl, that needs protecting, I'm a woman, and a tough one at that, I take care of myself," she said, shutting her bedroom door in his face.

"Rough night?" Bellatrix said

"Shut up Bella, before I hex you myself,"

"Don't forget the meeting we have," Bella warned him, "we wouldn't want to disappoint him,"


Narcissa prepared herself for the next Ball luckily this one was hosted by Mrs Avery, her friend Rebekah Avery's mother. Narcissa wore a plain and simple dress, she didn't want to talk to many people, so drawing less attention to herself was important.

Narcissa never realised that Bellatrix would be staying here. She had a husband why was she wasting her time here away from him. Then again Bellatrix and Rodolphus weren't happily married, no wonder Bellatrix wanted to stay at home rather than be in Rodolphus' company.

Narcissa hoped Lucius kept what little dignity he had left and didn't bother her throughout the night. Narcissa was ashamed that she allowed him to spend the night, have a memorable time, only for him to have been lying to her about his whereabouts and activities.

Once Narcissa arrived at Rebekah's family home, she quickly found herself a seat with Helene Zabini out of view from all the other guest. Helene had brought shots of Fire Whiskey for her and Narcissa, though she wasn't one to take shots she thought today could be the exception.

"Wow, usually you're paralytically drunk before you take a shot, are you alright Ciss?" Helene asked,

"No, I didn't want to come, but I wouldn't disappoint Bekah like that," Narcissa explained

"Do you want to talk about it?" Helene settled her drink on the table, giving Narcissa her full attention.

"No, I just want to get through the night,"

Helene knew Narcissa would tell her eventually, in her own time. Narcissa smiled as she saw Aimee Burke and her brother Theodore. Helene didn't realise that they were invited, probably Rebekah's way of giving Helene someone to entertain herself with.

Lucius had already settled himself in a distant part of the room, Rebekah is one of Narcissa's best friends she was sure to show up. After their last interaction, he didn't want to bother her further, then he spotted a familiar face, a smirk grew on his face.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Theodore Nott as he gathered various people to the centre of the room. He took Rebekah's hand, kneeling down on one knee. He held her hands in his smiling up at her, Rebekah's eyes widened, Narcissa and Helene squealed as they knew what he had planned.

"Rebekah Avery, I've known you for so long now, dreamt of the day we'd be together, shall we make it official," he said, hold a small box, revealing a ring.

"Rebekah Avery, will you marry-

Rebekah wrapped her arms around, he lifted her up, swinging her around. Rebekah pressed her lips against his. Narcissa and Helene smiled at them, Rebekah and Theodore really had something special. Love, they had Love. Theodore picked the perfect moment to ask her to marry him.

Rebekah couldn't stop smiling as she showed everyone the ring. Lucius congratulated Theodore, during the excitement Lucius snuck away. Shuffling towards the familiar person, they smiled at him, nodding their head. Lucius linked his arm in hers offering his hand to dance.

"We going to dance properly?" she asked him

"I should think so, I help you to dance, by the way, you look lovely Miss Burke," he said

"Why aren't you dancing with Narcissa you seemed to have fun at Walburga's ball?" Aimee questioned

"So did you from the looks of things, I wanted to ask for a favour," he said, he spun Aimee around.

"Oh really, and what might that be?"

"You helped me get Narcissa Black once, could you do it again?" he asked

"Oh I don't know, Narcissa is a very strong-willed woman, she isn't a teenager with a crush on you anymore,"

"I'll owe you one,"

"You already owe me one,"

"Fine, I'll owe you two favours," Aimee pondered for a moment, she hadn't Narcissa happier than when she was with Lucius, Aimee could do that for her.

"Alright, I'll help you," 

It Started With a Dance | 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now