Chapter 04

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Narcissa regretted ever mentioning Andromeda to Lucius, he could tell people how she felt about her sister's marriage and that would ruin her chances. If suitors were to find out she wasn't against Andromeda's choice to marry Ted Tonks even if he was muggleborn.

Narcissa had woken a lot earlier than she normally would, Narcissa took a black hooded robe from her wardrobe. She checked that her mother and father were still sleeping, she crept downstairs she quietly closed the front door behind her.

Narcissa disapparated from her home, arriving outside a small cottage. She took a deep breath mentally preparing herself, for the person whom she was here to meet. Narcissa pulled her hood down, she knocked on the door, lightly hoping that she wouldn't be heard and she could go home.

"I never would have expected to see you here," a lady said, Narcissa smiled she looked no different, still youthful, her long wavy brown hair, not looking any different from how Narcissa remembered her.

"I wanted to talk to you, and see," Narcissa said, the lady let her in,

Narcissa glanced around, though the cottage was small, it appeared very homely. Pictures filled the walls, many of a small child, or children. Narcissa wasn't totally sure if the children were the same child, as there were small differences, especially with the child's hair.

"Do want to meet her?" the lady asked,

As Narcissa gazed at the photos of the child, longer than she had realised, Narcissa nodded. She left to go into another room, leaving Narcissa sat in her living room. The lady walked back in holding the hand of a two-year-old. The little girl had bubblegum pink hair, that Narcissa found amusing.

"Dora, this is Narcissa, mummy's sister," Andromeda said, the little girl, looked at Narcissa.

"Hello, can I touch your hair?" Nymphadora asked,

"Erm, sure?" Narcissa said,

Unsure of why the small girl wanted to touch her hair. Nymphadora touch Narcissa hair, as she looked at her Nymphadora's hair changed from straight bubblegum pink hair to wavy blonde hair, like Narcissa. Narcissa's eyes widened as the little girl changed her hair colour.

"How did she do that?" Narcissa asked

"She's a Metamorphmagus, she can only change her hair for now," Andromeda explained "but with time, and a bit of practice she could change her whole appearance,"

"That's remarkable," Narcissa said, smiling at the little girl who changed her hair back to bubblegum pink.

"Cissy, not that I'm unhappy to see you, but what are you doing here?" Andromeda asked "surely mother and father aren't aware,"

"No, they aren't, I wanted to see you and ask you about marriage?"

"What would you like to know?" Andromeda asked, sitting Nymphadora on her knee.

"Are you happy, with him, I see Bella and Rodolphus and they're miserable, I don't want that," Narcissa said

"Yes, Ted and I are very happy, I don't at all feel regret my decision," Andromeda said, "and you shouldn't sacrifice your happiness because of old traditions, our family is not worth it,"

"Who told you that?" Narcissa asked

"Sirius did, he made me realise that, if Ted makes me happy, what our family thinks shouldn't matter," Andromeda knew she had hit a nerve with Narcissa, and hoped she wouldn't get Sirius into trouble.

"If you were me, what would you do?" Narcissa asked, hoping Andromeda could give her the answer she wanted.

"I wouldn't worry about how others see you and focus on those who see you for who you are," Andromeda told her,

"When I married Ted, I didn't feel like I was obligated to, or like it was the next step to take, I felt like I was marrying my best friend, who would get to share every minute of every day with, and I couldn't be happier,"

"So, I should just ignore mother and father-

"No, I'm saying find a husband who feels like your friend, your partner in crime,"

A few days later and Narcissa found herself daydreaming at the latest ball, she had to attend. Though Narcissa told her mother she was just exhausted, for all the ball they had attended already. She couldn't stop thinking of what Andromeda had told her, 'find a husband who feels like your friend,'

Then she saw him, Lucius in a humorous conversation with Theodore Nott and Rebekah. Lucius was her friend at one point, but she could never get past his arrogance, not now they were older. She wanted someone more mature and that wasn't Lucius as much as he had grown he still was the arrogant boy, his father raised. A tap on her shoulder startled her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," Perseus Parkinson said

"No you didn't I just didn't hear you that's all," Narcissa said, he smiled at her

"Would you care for a dance, Miss Black," he offered his hand to her, she glanced over at Lucius who hadn't paid any attention to her all night.

"I'd be honoured too," she smiled as he took her hand escorting her to the dance floor.

The pair danced elegantly, in the waltz as onlookers took notice, Narcissa spotted her mother who looked displeased by her choice. Narcissa knew she played up her ruse with Lucius well enough to convince her mother of their relationship, maybe she convinced her mother too well. Narcissa hadn't noticed that Lucius had left the ball early, he only attended for Narcissa's ruse, there was no need for him to be there if she found her suitor. 

It Started With a Dance | 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now