Chapter 1 Why life?

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Jane was what one would call a typical high school nerd. She wore braces, had glasses and of course she loved books. Books, books, and more books you could call the name of any book and she would be able to tell you the author, publisher, cover illustrator and perhaps even give a synopsis all in five minutes.  The thing is she tried her very best in everything she pursued to cover the fact that she had not changed yet. Change or the transition she called it. Almost everyone in Vale high had just about transitioned to their wolf form before but not Jane. She had not changed since her turning sixteen a year ago. Thank heavens no one in the school knew. To cover the fact that she did not change she would feign illness on certain days to avoid suspicion from the other students. Also she had one major secret that she had never ever spilled to anyone, not even her best friend Jenna. There were times when she just felt like screaming. She had a major crush on the high school star quarterback Jason Moritz.  She had been love struck since she ever saw him. However that was only meant to be a reverie. He was son and heir to the alpha, the mayor. In his eyes she taught that she was a bookie with glasses.

            It was not like she would ever be able to go out with him. He hung out with the popular crowd whilst she mingled with the non-existent group. She considered herself to be a mere weed among a bed of roses. Life was a bit hard when you saw the person you liked, walk by everyday without even a glance. Still she bore it through.

            Jane’s best friend was what one would call a person that just loved the drama of life. That was probably why it was so difficult to keep secrets from her. Her mom was a designer but she preferred to keep away from her mother’s insistent cries on trying on her designs. Jane’s parents were quite the opposite. Her mom died when she was quite young and she was left in the care of her father who was seldom home. They were one small happy family until her mom died giving birth to her brother who was no more. After that her father was at work 24/7. He left Mrs. Daisy, their housekeeper to buy all the clothing and necessary items for his daughter while he was away. Mrs. Daisy was quite nice in an old fashion grandmotherly sort of way. So you can imagine the type of clothing she bought for poor Jane. Jane struggled on with life. Without a mother to confide in and a major secret in her heart she lived through her days. She missed her mother and her father. Oh life was so harsh sometimes.

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