Chapter 8: Going Deep

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"Phylaks is dead... Good, good!" Variks says as the trio of guardians returns to him. "I see you have found another splinter."

"I'm taking this to that pyramid thingy, whatever you guys call it." Suzuka says.

"That's most certainly unlike a warlock..." Variks says before letting out a couple of Eliksni laughs. "Now do what you need to do, I continue to receive requests..."

"Requests?" Spe-7 asks.

"Have you already forgotten? I am the one that's evacuating those that wish to live away from Eramis and House Salvation." Variks replies as the trio goes to meet up with Elsie- Suzuka immediately heads towards the pyramid to attune the splinter.

"This feels... Wrong in a way." Fang says as the ghost emerges.

"What's wrong?" Suzuka asks.

"It just feels different..." Fang replies. "You using darkness, I know you're going to use it for justice at the very least... Just know that no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. I am your ghost after all."

"Right." Suzuka says as she ascends the last step and finds herself being drawn towards another crux. This one bears markings much different than the first one that she attuned, but she extends her arm and displays the splinter all the same. Once more an image is projected, one of the Bray Exoscience center not too far from where Variks currently resides, but then she gets a different vision, one of Spe-7 and Gold wielding the very stasis powers that she's learning. "This is interesting..." And with that Suzuka calls for Gold and Spe-7 to head to the exoscience lab. Much to their surprise they don't find very much resistance from the Fallen, but as they ride their way there Suzuka discloses what she saw.

"So wait... You saw US using stasis?" Gold asks.

"We have two splinters, I guess this entity wants you two to have a taste." Suzuka replies as they reach the lab and hop off their sparrows to head inside.

"Are you sure that's what you saw?" Gold asks as Suzuka hands her and Spe-7 the splinters. "What if this power drives us mad?"

"You saw what happened the first time, I got it through the crux and then it drew me over to take them back." Suzuka replies as the trio finds themselves deep in the lab, a crux just waiting for them. With no splinter Suzuka allows Spe-7 and Gold to commune with the crux, but the equine hunter begins panicking as ice slowly starts forming along her arm.

"Waaah! Suzuka-chan! I'm scared!" Spe-7 says as she finds that she is unable to bend her frozen arm.

"It's okay! Just let it happen!" Suzuka replies, but she doesn't really need to say any more as the two are completely frozen over. Just like the first time the ice shines and the two guardians break free of the ice, empowered with stasis, and they attract the Fallen in the process as they emerge from various parts of the lab in droves. "And here they come! Let loose and take them out!"

"You got it!" Spe-7 shouts. "Now let's see what these new powers can do!"

"I bet you I can kill more Fallen than you!" Gold taunts.

"You're on!" Spe-7 replies as she unleashes the power within and forms an icy scythe while Gold comes down for a powerful dive kick- ice forming on her boots as she crashes down and creates a gigantic line of ice. Spe-7 makes the grim reaper jealous as she cuts down countless Fallen with her frozen blade while Gold stomps her enemies into oblivion.

"This is AWESOME!" Gold shouts as she charges forth and performs a slide, shattering the entire line of ice that she just formed and sending frozen shrapnel everywhere.

"Fear me!" Spe-7 yells as she performs a 360 swipe, mowing down the enemies that surround her, and it's not long before a big servitor emerges, one that has it's eye dead set on Suzuka.

"Uh oh!" Suzuka shouts as she aims at the servitor, but Gold beats her to the punch, coming crashing down on the giant sphere with a dive kick that makes it violently bounce off the ground. This also encases the big servitor in ice, and Spe-7 rushes in, performing a powerful slash that not only bisects the entire servitor, but smashes it into atoms in the process. With all of the Fallen retreating upon seeing this power the two guardians come to the crux, and the borrowed stasis powers are taken back, leaving them with just their light again.

"Holy shit that was powerful!" Gold says.

"Now I know how you feel!" Spe-7 adds as the two meet up with Suzuka.

"Okay, I think Variks is trying to contact us, let's see what he wants." Suzuka replies.


"So it's true... Phylaks has met her end..." Eramis mumbles as Praxis and two other elites meet up with her.

"Those three guardians are using stasis from what I hear." Kridis says.

"So... Just like our new friend huh?" Eramis mumbles. "Still, I can't trust that we can stand against them for too long. Atraks, you might want to head into the crypt to prepare the body. Hopefully they won't mind the new addition to our forces." And with that somebody steps forward. Their exo head is almost unmistakable, their armor has not changed from the last time they wore it, but his eyes have gone completely dark, and strange red tendrils emerge from his back, sprouting out like wings.

"Is that-" Kridis is cut off.

"A guardian." Eramis replies. "The House of Salvation will be forever with him by our side."

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