Chapter 22: Sealed Evil In A Can

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"This weapon just... Doesn't feel right..." Suzuka says as she replaces her normal kinetic weapon for the cursed hand cannon. She keeps the modified shock rifle and sword but she holds Thorn warily. "I shouldn't have been able to find this gun so easily... But if it's going to help take down Taiki, then so be it."

"I'm scared... I still can't believe you found the gun." Spe-7 mumbles as Suzuka carefully aims it- as if firing a single shot would do something bad to her. As if the trouble wasn't already ramped up enough a Hive tomb ship emerges, having noticed the disturbance and the rediscovery of Thorn.

"Looks like we got unwelcome company!" Gold calls out. "Hive inbound!"

"How did they know we were here?!" Spe-7 asks as she blows away a pack of thralls with her minigun. Another group of acolytes attempt to ambush the trio, but Gold simply whips out her hand cannon and proceeds to put holes through their worms- only Suzuka has not retaliated yet and she finds herself without much a choice as an ogre closes in on her, prepared to fire it's eye beam. The warlock proceeds to empty the entire cylinder into the ogre's eye, putting it down, and it leaves behind a strange mark- one that gets absorbed into Thorn. Suddenly the gun begins glowing green as it is magically reloaded, and every shot that is fired proceeds to drain the Hive of their energy, leaving many of them dead husks of what they once were.

"Whoa..." Suzuka says as she drops the gun and the green glow goes away. "What... WAS that?!"

"Are you okay Suzuka-chan?!" Spe-7 asks. "What happened?!" Thorn proceeds to absorb the marks that are left behind by the dead Hive, and as if she had discovered it for the first time the gun is completely reloaded and ready to be used again.

"The gun... It created these strange remnants whenever I killed enemies... And then the gun absorbed them!" Suzuka replies. "It started killing everything with one shot... I'm scared of how powerful this thing is..." She's about to reach for Thorn but she jerks her hand back, not sure of whether it is still safe to pick up the weapon after she had just slaughtered an entire army with just a few shots.

"Drifter said that the gun still had some of it's old properties, including a connection to the Hive... No wonder they were still able to find us here." Gold mumbles. "Should we even be carrying it around? We'll be drawing them over as we speak."

"Let's try to be quick about it then." Suzuka replies as she hesitantly picks up the hand cannon again. "Before more Hive show up." And with that the trio goes to summon their jumpships- only for Fang and the others to emerge.

"We can't do that. More Hive are showing up- and fast!" Fang says. "If we try to do that here they'll get blown to bits!"

"Right, let's get a move on then!" Suzuka says as the trio bolts for the teleporter and finds themselves in the salt mines. Much to their horror the Fallen in the mines have been replaced with very angry Hive, wanting Thorn out of their hands, and Suzuka resolves to herself as she takes aim and starts shooting. Soldier after soldier goes down and remnants fly out towards Thorn, further empowering the weapon, and Suzuka never has to reload as she continues to mow them down- Spe-7 and Gold even slow down on their kills upon realizing that most of the enemies are getting drained to death by Suzuka and Thorn.

"What the hell?! That's what the gun can do?!" Gold asks. "I don't wanna get hit with that thing then!" It's not long before all of the Hive are reduced to nothing more than dead corpses- the cries of pain echoing all throughout the mines, and Suzuka quickly stows away the hand cannon to pull out her modified shock rifle.

"This is the power of Thorn..." Suzuka mumbles. "The power of a weapon of sorrow... We need to get to the drifter."

"Right." Gold replies as the trio quickly escapes the salt mines and they summon their jumpships. Making for a quick escape the trio finds themselves on the derelict where they find the drifter- about to dig into what appears to be a very juicy and thick steak.

"What is that?" Spe-7 asks. "Looks good!"

"It's a steak that I cut from one of the cabal." Drifter replies.

"Wait... The cabal?" Gold deadpans.

"They're huge steaks, but they still got more lean than fat." Drifter replies. "They're a little tough to chew through so I have to cut them down to size. They're still really good though." He then stops as he notices a strange aura coming off of Suzuka. "You... You got the gun didn't you?" Suzuka only whips out the hand cannon in question and his face turns grim. "So it's true... You managed to get it for yourself."

"Now all we have to do is find Taiki." Suzuka replies.

"Still I wouldn't hold onto that for too long. Who knows what'll happen." Drifter says, and then a distress signal comes through Twinkle.

"Attention all guardians and all capable lightbearers! The last city is under attack! I repeat the last city is under attack!" Zavala's voice cries out, and the four look at one another before making their way to the last city.

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