Chapter 7: The Warrior

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"So, you think you can just kill off my men and NOT expect me to do something about it? Bah! You guardians really are idiots! If you want to find me so bad, then here!"

"I think she was taunting us..." Spe-7 mumbles. "But we now know where to find her so I guess that's a plus?"

"Well as it turns out she's somewhere inside that nexus, probably still trying to find a way to conquer the vex for House Salvation." Fang says. "Let's head back in and see if we can't find her."

"Oh we should be able to, she literally told us where she was after all." Gold says as the trio hops onto their sparrows once more and heads inside to find Phylaks. Unsurprisingly they are greeted by a group of Vex and Fallen, who have been at war with one another for a while.

"They say you are all great warriors! That you bested the Red Legion and fought insurmountable odds! Prove to me that you are a worthy opponent!" Phylaks calls out as the Vex and Fallen immediately spot the guardians and put their differences aside to try and blow them away. It's useless though as Gold proceeds to perform a solar charged drop kick and she blows them all to bits.

"Next time bring bigger guns!" Gold taunts as she gets back up and the trio moves forward towards Phylaks' location. They're greeted by more Fallen, but it takes no more than a few arrows from the equine titan to put them down, and Phylaks comes onto the comms once more.

"Seems like you're more of a threat than I thought! This should be fun!" Phylaks shouts.

"Them come out and face us like a true warrior!" Suzuka shouts back. "A true warrior faces his opponents head on! A true warrior does not cower behind their men!" Phylaks spits out something in utter shock.

"You insolent little- just you wait!" The comms are cut off as soon as Phylaks finishes and Vex emerge. Among them are the normal goblins and minotaurs but then a new unit emerges- one that looks like a bird of some sorts- even it's legs resemble the talons of an eagle.

"What IS that thing?" Spe-7 asks as she takes shots at it and the strange Vex projects two shields, guarding the units behind it, before returning fire with void shotgun blasts. "Whoa! This thing means business!"

"But how do we expose it's weak point?" Gold asks, and then Suzuka throws a grenade, stunning the giant unit and making it expose it's core.

"Now!" Suzuka shouts as Gold proceeds to fire an arrow into the core and the Vex support unit explodes, leaving behind a messy puddle of radiolaria. "These guys aren't so tough!" Her words get cut short as another one of the giant Vex support units comes crashing down, squashing the equine warlock in the process.

"Oh no!" Gold shouts as Fang emerges and gets to work on Suzuka. Meanwhile Spe-7 brings out her rocket launcher and blows the giant bird-like Vex away. With the last of the Vex gone Suzuka is revived and the trio marches forward. They then reach a part of the nexus where the Vex have heavily terraformed it, and another group of Fallen accompanied by a brig can be seen. Unfortunately for the Fallen the brig appears to have been deactivated for the moment, allowing for Spe-7 to dash in and sabotage it's systems, destroying it before it can even come online. The Fallen are easy picking from there, and finally Phylaks can be seen hopping out of a skiff.

"Come! Fight me!" Phylaks shouts as she teleports and takes shots with her wire rifle. More Fallen emerge to support the warrior and eventually she moves into the battlefield herself, a pair of shock blades in her hands.

"Quickly!" Suzuka calls out as Spe-7 brings out her arc spear and starts jabbing away at Phylaks.

"You won't get me that easily!" Phylaks shouts as the platforms begin to vanish and the trio manages to hop onto the more stable ones to escape falling into the massive pool of radiolaria underneath. By the time the trio reaches Phylaks again she's surrounded by an energy shield that no bullets will penetrate, and even more Fallen emerge.

"It's useless! Give up!" Phylaks shouts as she slams the ground and freezes Spe-7 to the ground.

"Gah!" Spe-7 shouts as she tries to yank her feet free, with little to no success. Eventually a strange pool of blue light emerges and Suzuka immediately rushes to it. As soon as she's inside the pool she can feel the dark powers the crux gave her come back and she finds herself freezing over yet again. "Suzuka!" As soon as she's completely frozen over though the ice shines and it shatters, revealing Suzuka once more empowered with stasis.

"Time to put this bitch on ice!" Suzuka yells as she throws a glacier grenade and creates a wall of ice, blocking off most of the Fallen and freezing those unlucky enough to be in the way. She then takes to the skies and pounds her fists together, forming her stasis gauntlets, and she begins raining down stasis crystals, eventually coming to freeze Phylaks herself. The equine warlock dives down with a powerful slam and all of the ice shatters, severely wounding Phylaks and stripping the warrior of an arm.

"GAH!" Phylaks shouts.

"Your time ends here!" Suzuka yells as she charges forward and leaps high into the air.

"What the?!" Phylaks has no time to react as Suzuka comes down for a powerful stasis charged ground slam, ending the warrior right then and there and making her drop a splinter.

"Looks like she's done for." Suzuka says as she picks up the splinter. "Let's head back to Elsie."

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