Chapter 12: Kell Bitch of The Universe

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"I don't think I've ever fought something that huge before..." Gold mumbles as the trio stands before the remains of what was once Belmon. "I almost thought that we just had to deal with that little hydra and that was it..."

"Even then that thing took quite a beating." Spe-7 replies. "Variks, where do we go now?"

"I'm afraid I cannot guide you at this point." Variks says. "Eramis and her followers are actively trying to find me, and I cannot give myself away. You would have to talk to the Exo Stranger, yeees?"

"Understood." Spe-7 replies, and with that the trio quickly makes their way out of the nexus before the portal decides to switch on again. With them directly outside of the nexus they see a small group of skiffs take off, skiffs bearing the house of salvation logo and colors.

"Looks like they're already trying to find him." Suzuka says. "We need to keep low." And with that the trio moves in the cover of the snowstorms on their sparrows, hoping that the blizzards will mask their trails. Eventually they manage to reach Elsie relatively undetected, but by the time they do reach her the storms have stopped.

"Hopefully we were able to get to you without the Fallen spotting us." Spe-7 mumbles.

"I think we're in the green for now." Elsie replies. "Did you use the blizzards?"

"Whenever they came around we moved. When they stopped we hid." Suzuka says.

"That's all that matters at the moment. Eramis is planning something, and if it goes through, it could mean the end for you three." Elsie replies. "I'm just glad that you three managed to avoid getting detected, otherwise we would have had the entire house come down on us."

"Don't speak too soon, I think I see a skiff over there!" Gold calls out as the trio spots a skiff, but this one doesn't spot the salvation's white and blue colors- instead it's mostly brown, and it sports a different logo on the sides.

"They don't look like House Salvation's skiffs though..." Suzuka mumbles.

"Those are refugees from House Salvation." Variks says. "They have been evacuating in secret since you activated the network."

"Where are they going?" Suzuka asks.

"Why, to a better place, away from Eramis." Variks replies. "They will be going to Mithrax, Kell of House Light."

"Mithrax? Who's that?" Spe-7 asks.

"Mithrax is not like the other Fallen." Variks replies. "He still worships the great machine you know as the traveler. He believes that despite everything that has happened, you are still worthy of the traveler and it's light. He is on your side, yeees?"

"At least that takes care of some of our worries." Elsie says. "But you three need to become a little stronger to face off with Eramis, especially with all three of you now carrying a splinter and thus, having access to the darkness."

"Do we go to that pyramid thingy?" Gold asks.

"Only Suzuka needs to go there, and you two can simply follow suit." Elsie replies. "You have the same goal after all. Just remember one thing- when all seems hopeless and you're left without power, remember this: Look within and focus your power." And with that Suzuka goes off to the pyramid, finding their final location and attuning her crux. Spe-7 and Gold also feel these attunements come into their cruxes and the three find themselves once more heading for Eventide and the Eliksni dome where the crux of darkness continues to sit idly.

"So we're back here again huh?" Gold asks. "I feel like we're going to be coming back to this thing often."

"I wouldn't exactly call it a thing, but shoot." Suzuka replies. "Just like before." And with that the three guardians extend their splinters, allowing the ice to quickly consume them. Light shines through their frozen bodies, just like before, and when they break free, they're confronted by the Fallen.

"It's nice to have the whole gang here you know?" Gold chuckles as she stomps her foot on the ground and forms her icy greaves while Suzuka pounds her fists together to form her stasis gauntlets. Spe-7 simply reaches into the air and conjures up her frozen scythe and the three go absolutely ham on the Salvation Fallen, making ice sculptures out of their terrified bodies and smashing them to bits when they're not satisfied with their looks.

"These guys stand no chance!" Spe-7 shouts as she performs a 360 swipe, cutting down the Salvation Fallen surrounding her, and it's not long before a pair of heavy shanks emerge to try and gun down the trio, but being so close to the crux means that the trio of guardians have a nigh infinite reserve of dark energy to keep their frozen weapons going.

"Let's finish them off!" Gold shouts. "Suzuka! Let's do it!" And with that Gold slams the ground with her feet multiple times, creating icy walls to block off the Fallen while Suzuka lets loose a blizzard of crystals that freeze those unable to dodge. With the entire group basically frozen into a picture frame Spe-7 charges forward and lets loose a wild swing from her scythe, smashing every single crystal along with all of the frozen Fallen.

"That was AWESOME!" Spe-7 shouts.

"And that dealt with the Fallen here!" Suzuka says, but then they receive a distress signal from Variks.

"Guardians! Get out of there quickly! The House of Salvation has begun intercepting refugee skiffs!" Variks says. "If you can free at least one of them that would do us much help yeeees?!"

"We're on our way Variks, those refugees will come home safe!" Spe-7 says as the trio leaves the dome and heads out to free whatever skiffs had been trapped by the House of Salvation.

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