Chapter 4: The Darkness Beckons

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"I can feel it! It's... It's too powerful! We have to get out, NOW!" Fang shouts as the trio makes a run for it.

"Looks like they're running! Phylaks! Bring them back here!" Eramis shouts as a towering Fallen dressed in white emerges. She wields a wire rifle and one of her gauntlets has a strange splinter of some sorts attached to it. This gauntlet begins channeling a freezing cold air and it's slammed on the ground. The trio barely dodges the resulting ice crystals that erupt out of the ground and Phylaks continues her pursuit of the three guardians.

"You won't get away that easily!" Phylaks shouts as she charges up her splinter again, ready to unleash another wall of stasis crystals, but by the time it charges the trio have already run out the door and out into the freezing cold. "Bah, Kridis should be able to get them from here."

"I think we lost them for now!" Gold says as the three stop to catch their breath. "Queen, is my ship nearby?"

"We had to put them somewhere where those stasis users won't reach them, it'll be a rough fight but you'll be able to reach them from here." Twinkle replies. "Now let's go! I think I hear someone else!" Yet another towering Fallen emerges- this one wields blades made of ice and when she charges up her splinter she unleashes a flurry of stasis crystals. "Duck!" Spe-7 and Gold manage to get out of the way in time but Suzuka is not so lucky and her foot is frozen to the ground.

"Gah! I'm stuck!" Suzuka shouts as she tries to yank herself free but the ice is too strong, forcing Gold to rush over.

"I got this!" Gold shouts as she throws a low kick, smashing the ice holding Suzuka hostage, and the two make it out of the way just in time as Kridis nearly takes off the equine warlock's head with one of her frozen blades. "That was too close!"

"Don't speak too soon, we got Fallen blocking our way!" Spe-7 shouts as a large group of Fallen accompanied by a pair of heavy shanks emerges.

"I got that!" Gold shouts as she unleashes her solar energy and flails her solar anchor everywhere as she charges at the Fallen, burning many of them to a crisp, but as she gets to the heavy shanks Kridis fires off another flurry of stasis crystals and completely freezes Gold in her tracks.

"Gold Ship!" Spe-7 shouts. "I'll free you!" And with that Spe-7 throws a powerful kick, smashing the ice holding Gold hostage and allowing her to get away.

"Our ships are here! Let's get out!" Suzuka shouts as their jumpships can be seen, and they manage to get away just in the nick of time. A few minutes pass and while this all happens Variks slowly walks out of his building to admire the scenery for a little while.

"I do hope they managed to get away..." Variks mumbles, and the vandal is suddenly greeted by the three guardians emerging and collapsing onto the snow. "What happened to you?!"

"Eramis already has a small group of stasis users... We barely made it out by the skin of our teeth!" Spe-7 says as she slowly gets back on her feet.

"This is most terrible..." Variks mumbles... "This means that this place is no longer safe for our people..."

"What do we do now?" Gold asks. "Is it too late to try and do anything?"

"It is not too late. What we can do is play savior for those that don't wish to be under the rule of this dark kell." Variks replies. "If you go around this building, you can activate a secret communications network. This will reach out to those who seek a different kind of salvation, one that does not cost them their lives. Quickly go activate it."

"Of course. Where do we begin?" Suzuka asks, and Variks points to the roof of the building they're at. The equine warlock quickly rushes over, floating  her way there, and she gets to work activating the first relay- and then Fang suddenly emerges as Suzuka begins hearing strange voices.

"I'm hearing something... No... Did you hear that?" Fang asks. "It sounded like... Voices..."

"What?! Who?!" Variks asks in shock.

"Those same voices invaded Twinkle..." Fang replies.

"Please hurry, there are a few more left." Variks says as Spe-7 and Gold get to work on the other two. By the time they finish though something begins to materialize, forming out of what seems to be thin air. When it's finished it appears to be a strange crux, and Variks can only look in horror.

"No... They are here..." Variks says as Fang starts flickering red and blue.

"They're... Beckoning us..." Fang says.

"Are you okay?!" Suzuka asks, but Fang completely goes red. Suzuka slowly approaches the crux and it moves away in a flash of light.

"We beckoned, you answered." Fang says in a deep distorted voice not unlike when Twinkle was invaded by the darkness. "We've kept you waiting long enough... Come to us, salvation awaits." Suzuka is almost mesmerized along with Fang as she continues to walk towards the crux. Spe-7 attempts to intervene but her legs refuse to move and she finds that she can't speak for the moment. "The light believes you thankless, a soldier asked again and again to do it's bidding and nothing more... So we present you a gift, something to finally help you take control." And with that a large group of Fallen can be seen in the distance fighting a group of very familiar people.

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