~ 18 ~

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A fuming Taehyung was driving to Jins house. After seeing the photo Jackson sent in the group he got mad. Really mad. So mad that he wore a coat, got his car keys and started driving to his boyfriends house. He was not mad at Jin. He knew Jin is not like that and just by seeing his expression in the picture he could tell the younger was uncomfortable. He was obviously mad at Jackson, for trying to pull a stunt like that. Knowing that all Jackson want is to get in Jins pants irked Taehyung. But he doesn't want to start a fight with him. Not yet. Which is why he is visiting Jin instead to cool down.

Parking the car, he ran to the doorstep ringing the bell 3 times. Being impatient he rang it again. Right after the door opened, but not by Jin.

Oh shit I forgot he lives with his parents!

"Can I help you?" Mrs Kim raising her eyebrow at the male infront of him. A handsome young man who was in his pajama pants, a white t-shirt with a coat on, hair messy as if he rushed here which he did.

"Ahem, greetings ma'am. I um, came to see-"


Peaking behind his mom Jin got happy seeing Taehyung. He gently pushed his mom aside to bring Taehyung in.

"What are you doing here? Oh wait, Hyung meet my mom. Mom meet Taehyung"

His mom hummed before saying, "So this is the boy you talked about all the time"

Hearing so Jin blushed while Taehyung got slightly happy.

"So, what are you two?" all three of them sitting down in the living room. Taehyung and Jin across from Mrs Kim.

"Umm, well, I never told you dad that we-"

"We are boyfriends ma'am", Taehyung said confidently.

"Is that right? And how can I trust you with my only child? My son? My precious kid who I don't want near anyone but ourselves?"


"Oh honey leave them alone. Can't you see the way these two smile just from seeing each other?"

Mrs Kim huffed at her husbands words. Crossing her arms she said, "Fine you're excepted! But don't you dare hurt my baby or I'll punish you myself-"

"Stop with the threats already! Taehyung, Jin, both of you can go to Jins bedroom"

Both of them scurried off while Jins mom gave her husband the stink eye.


"You're sleeping in the guest room tonight"

"For letting the kids be free?!"

"No supper for a week"


"Wash the dishes for a week"


"So Tete what brings you here", closing the door Jin turned around only to be pinned by the taller who was looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Tae hyung-ah?"

Taehyung sighed, placing his forehead on top of Jins shoulders looking down. Jin slowly brought his hands up to his hair, softly playing with it.



"What did you and Jackson do?"

".....how did you know? And please don't get me wrong, I was gonna tell you anyways, but how did you find out?"

"That asshole sent a pic of you sitting on his lap in our group chat", Taehyung said gritting his teeth.

Jin gently brought Taehyung to his bed. The both sat next to each other except Jin was leaning in on Taehyungs chest. Taehyung himself started shifting around. In the end of both of them trying to get comfortable on each other Taehyung was spooning Jin.

"So, will you tell me what happened back there?", he asked in a gruff voice, starting to feel sleepy.

Jin turned around as he cuddled in Taehyung chest, softly forming circles with his finger on the older hard well built chest.

"I started working at this diner since last week. I wanted to feel what it is like to get money with my own hard work instead of from my parents. So I applied for the job there as an experience. It was going well at first. I got the jist of it and all but then the customers..."

"What did they do?"

"Well, they started flirting with me. Taking every chance to talk to me. When i go serve tables, walk through the diner, go to the bathroom"

"Wait how are customers picking on you in the bathroom? Isn't there a separate one for staff only"

"Yeah there is but it's worse there than the one for the customers. You see it's not only them, the staff pick on me too. Since we're more in contact I guess they think they have more of a chance. Just after the first day I don't like any of them. So I go to the ones for customers since it's out in the open. Anyway about Jackson, I just ended up waiting their table. With that opportunity he tripped me on purpose! I'm not that clumsy. I fell on top of him, he pulled me on to his lap and that was when I heard them taking a picture. He also sorta trapped me in the bathroom but I managed to escape"

By the time the explanation was over the grip on Jins waist tightened, indicating that Taehyung was being protective after hearing his boyfriend getting harassed and cat called at work.

Jin snuggled his head into the olders neck, his breath fanning Taehyung collarbone which sent shivers.

"You don't need to worry Tete. Now that I'm not as much oblivious as before I can handle myself."

Tehyung only hummed before falling asleep. He couldn't help it. Sleeping alone everyday and only at night made him feel empty. But to be cuddling, hugging Jin close, smelling his sweet vanilla scent gave him so much comfort made him sleep peacefully.

"Honey they're in the same bed!", whispered Mrs Kim.

"Shush! You're gonna wake them up. Can't you see how cute they look?"

"Well I guess so.... let's take a pic!"


> click <


It's the next day at work. Jin was wiping a table that was used a few minutes ago. He heard his name being called over. Wiping a few more circles he went to the staff room.

"Yes boss?"

"Jin we have a new employee and he says he knows you. So I'm gonna pair you two up in helping each other out since the kitchen and cashier spots are already taken up"

"Sure! Hello I'm- Hyung?!"

~~~rose milk tea~~~

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