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after you warmed up at the campfire, you all continued walking through the cave, exploring it as well. you never expected it to be so beautiful.

the walls were like crystals, almost like it was see through and a clear blue. there were ice pecks hanging from the top of the cave, which could be dangerous of course.

but they wouldnt seem to fall anytime soon, making it a gorgeous addition to the cave.

aether and paimon both seemed unbothered by the scenery, they probably saw it plenty of times seeing they were quite familiar in dragonspine.

diluc didnt show it but was amazed as well, looking around by turning his head in each direction to observe every part of the new scenery.

paimon spoke up, asking exactly what you wanted to ask aether, "how big is this cave exactly, paimon cant see the end of it!" she said as she raised her voice when she neared the end of the sentence.

the blonde boy turned to paimon while he continued to walk, "its a ecosystem on its own." he said and you looked at aether, waiting for him to continue.

and he did, "it means we will be here very long, we will probably sleep here too." he added as he shifted his eyes from paimon to look in front of him, careful he wouldnt trip on any piles of snow.

"paimon wouldnt mind, its better than outside in the blizzard." she said while she had a scary expression on her face, rubbing her upper arms as she remembered how cold it was outside.

it was true that it was indeed much warmer than outside, you recalled the cold wind piercing your face as you kept on walking, the thought send shivers up your spine.

resulting in you slightly tensing up, it was still kind off cold in the cave, you were just glad it was warmer now.

diluc who was walking behind you noticed you tensing up your shoulders, he took some bigger steps and caught up to you, now walking besides you.

he looked at you while still walking, speaking up, "do you want my coat?" he asked you, making sure aether and paimon didnt hear it. you shot your head at him and gave him a confused look.

"arent you cold?" you asked him instead of answering, he immediately shook his head and took his coat off, letting the material fall from his shoulders.

you didnt have time to protest, he already placed his coat on your shoulders, he got his hands to the collar and adjusted it properly.

instantly feeling warmer now, you were glad you didnt decline. you raised your arms and placed them in the sleeves of dilucs coat.

the material was soft inside, it was comfortable and warm. you smiled at the comforting feeling and looked at diluc who kept on silently walking, "thank you." you said.

he didnt look at you, instead, he turned his face slightly away from you while speaking up, "dont mention it." he said almost in a whisper, luckily it was audible for you.

you four continued to walk and soon met with the end of the cave, the walk took about ten minutes straight and was just spend with paimon talking about all the new dishes she would taste in liyue.

while nearing the end, you saw a ray of dim lighting make its way into the cave, shining on the icy flour beneath you. aether continued to walk in that direction and you followed suit.

you saw an open place, four pillars surrounding the flat snowy area and a few warm seelies flying around the pillars.

in the middle of it was a frostarm lawachurl, you thought it would be easy to defeat untill you saw the two cryo cicin mages surrounding it.

you knew how much of a pain they could be, especially with their annoying cryo shield that could regenerate at insane speed.

aether had noticed the three enemies and stopped right in his tracks, you guys were awfully close to one of the cicin mages but she didnt notice you yet.

diluc spotted aether who had stopped walking and followed aethers gaze, his eyes lading on the enemies in front of them. diluc immediately grew a frown on his face as he stopped walking too.

he extended his arm out of instinct to hold it protectively in front of you, his forearm inches away from your chest. now all four of you stood silent, hoping the cryo monsters wouldnt notice you guys.

"we have to avoid them." aether spoke sternly in a whisper, his eyes never leaving the dancing cicin mage. paimon besides him agreed as she had her small hand slapped over her mouth, in a way of not speaking.

paimon nodded at aether but then spoke up, "how else will we get at the temple?" she revealed aethers plan. aethers eyes widened as he looked around, hoping to find another path to the temple. he remembered clearly that the guy from the dragonspine research camp said that you had to go to the far top of the mountain.

and this was apparently the only way to do so, with his head whipped upwards, he failed to notice paimons ear piercing scream. aether shot his head down again to look what was going on, only to be met with an incoming fist of the frostarm lawachurl.

the giant cold fist came in contact with aethers cheek, knocking him off his feet into the cave. "aether!" paimon and you yelled out in unison. your eyes widened at the poor boy with your coat who now laid motionless on the icy floor.

you rushed to his side like paimon did and kneeled down to check his pulse, laying two of your fingers against the side of his neck, you could feel it, it was slow but still there.

sighing in relieve, you knew the top priority was defeating the monsters before they could inflict any more damage into others.

diluc was a quick thinker, he already summoned his claymore and even infused it with pyro, raising the weapon over his shoulder he spoke up, "this is..." he started off.

he swayed his claymore in front of the enemies, a giant pyro phoenix flying off it, "retribution!" he said slightly louder. the cicin mages both teleported away, to stand behind diluc and avoid his attack, the frostarm lawachurl got caught in dilucs attack and got send a few feet back.

but he didnt take any damage, the only thing damaged was the shield of the frostarm lawachurl.

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