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the four of you were standing inside the golden house, on the bigger platform in the middle of the room. surrounded by shining mora in the dim lightning.

you had never been in such kind of place and looked around you, your eyes darting from left to right as you continued to walk onwards to where the group was standing.

looking forward, you noticed the so called exuvia, which was also known as rex lapis his vessel. the exuvia was the main reason that childe would be here, to get the gnosis that was inside the exuvia, little did he know that you already obtained it.

diluc and you made eye contact with each other as you neared the middle of the platform, he gave you an almost unnoticeably small but warm smile.

he remembered clearly what happened not too long ago and his expression showed that he didnt regret it in the slightest.

which is why you made up your mind, you would hand over the gnosis to childe in an unnoticeable way and not pick a side if a fight would break out.

thinking about it, it would seem like a good idea, no one among paimon aether and diluc knew that you were from the fatui and childe knew to keep your identity a secret.

'it will be fine.' you thought to yourself in a reassuring way, hoping everything would work out.

your thoughts drowned out as you heard paimons voice the closer you came to them, "but who wouldve thought that the golden house was even fancier on the inside!" she exclaimed as she looked around the place.

her blue eyes sparked as they laid upon the shining mora around her, "and so full of mora!!" she said as she bounched up and down in th air.

"... they wouldnt notice if some mora went missing, right?" the floating girl asked as she made eye contact with both diluc and aether.

aether was quick to speak up, "touch a single mora and were done for!" he said with a worrisome expression on his face, he was still on edge about the entire situation.

diluc sighed softly and opened his mouth, "where is he?" he asked as he looked around the golden house.

"lets not rush too much." you heard an all too familiar voice, it was coming from the side where the exuvia was.

he made his appearance slowly, appearing from behind a wall next to the exuvia. it only took him a few seconds to reveal himself, the blue eyed male faced the four of you with an evil smile on his features.

"now what do i have here?" he said as he gave you all a closed eyed smile while cocking his head to the side.

you made stern eye contact with him while furrowing your brows, it still bothered you greatly that the entire organization including childe were hiding things from you.

childe started moving, into your direction to be precise. he slowly made his way to you by descending the few stairs going to the platform of the golden house.

aether wasted absolutely no time, "speak up, childe." he said as he got into a subtle fighting stand, one foot behind the other ans his hands balled up in front of his chest.

"tell us what the fatui is doing." the blonde boy said in a harsh tone, it seemed he was slowly releasing all his build up stress from this entire adventure.

diluc followed aether closely, "dont you dare lie." he said while he summoned his claymore from his back. the red haired male got his black-red claymore in one hand and trusted the tip of it harshly into the ground while still holding the handle, getting ready for battle.

he couldnt contain his laughter, it was too amusing to him, seeing that group of four hate the fatui so much while a harbinger was between them.

childes smile grew bigger and his lips parted, leaving a soft chuckle in the silent and tense atmosphere.

he then finally answered aethers first question, with another question, "what really is the fatui doing?" he said as he held his chin, thinking out loud.

"well for starters, the fatui exists out of her highness the tsarista, her twelve harbingers and several others." he started off, his one hand on his hip and the other hand in the air, motioning while talking.

he didnt seem to stop anytime soon, "as one of the twelve harbingers, its my duty to see the will of the tsarista fullfilled." he said calmly as he took a step forward.

his mask in the side of his head slowly moved as he walked, as if it wasnt in place. you noticed this immediately and knew childe was ready for battle as well.

it was getting bad, it was as if childe was currently working on his own motives now, creating a situation that suited his own tastes for entertainment purposes.

"and you see, her highness gave me the task of getting the gnosis of the lord of geo." he said slyly, his eyes darting over to you immediately.

he stopped walking, he was about ten meters away from you and the other three but his presence was still immense.

"how did you beat me to it." he said as his eyes lingered on you, his smile faded away in an instant and you could hear the subtle anger in his voice.

childe had a neutral expression, but his jaw was clenched, his fists were valled up and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

"why is he acting all weird with n/n?" paimon asked as she looked from childe to you. suddenly you noticed every pair of eyes was laid on you.

diluc looked from you to childe, his first action was to take a step forward and step in front of you, his arm outstretched slightly to you in a way of protecting you.

he spoke up, "leave her out of your fatui business." diluc said sternly while he had his claymore in one hand and the other hand outstretched to you.

childe couldnt believe what he heard, his smile appeared on his features again but this time he started laughing slowly. his low chuckle filled the silent room and soon turned into a laughing fit.

"her? out of fatui business?" he said in between laughs, he took a deep breath to calm down again while his smile remained.

childes eyes were wide open as he spoke, "what if i tell you she is one of the higher ups in the fatui?" he said with the biggest smile on his face, getting a thrill out of the situation.

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