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i didn't spell check this, ignore any mistakes please and thank you!!

The next two days following your encounter with Spencer go by quite peacefully surprisingly. After waking up curled beside Spencer the next morning, you left quickly, not wanting to risk anything. Spencer seems to understand the situation a bit more, assuring you that there is a way you can both get around all of this, and you believed him.

You can tell that he hated it just as much as you did. You felt like you were finally ready to start to slowly let yourself trust Spencer again, but now that all of this has happened, it makes it rather difficult for you. You've been fairly open with him about how you've been feeling, informing him that you're still wary of it all, but you're trying to make an effort, and he is too.

After hearing Spencer's confession and telling him your own, you have a feeling that things might just work out this time.

You were still a bit worried, though, especially about Nathanial.

Surprisingly, he hadn't called at all since your night with Spencer. It makes you think that he probably doesn't even know about it, meaning that you and Spencer got lucky. Unfortunately, you may not be as lucky next time, which is exactly why you've both agreed to keep your distance for now.

As you shut your laptop for the day, glancing around your empty office, you lean back in your chair with a sigh. You hear your phone ring in your desk drawer and pull it out, realizing that it's not your main phone that ringing.

You dig around until you come across your second phone, the burner one that serves merely one purpose. You don't have to guess who it is, because there is only one person that calls you on this phone.

"Hi," you mumble, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. You place the phone in between your shoulder and your ear, sliding your laptop into your bag and standing up from the desk, sliding the bag over your shoulder.

"Hey, you," comes Spencer's voice on the other line, a smile evident from his tone. You dig around for your office key and lock the door, checking to ensure that it's been locked before starting to walk to your car. "Where are you now?"

"Just finished up work and I'm heading home," you answer. "How's your case going?"

The groan that comes from the other line is an indication enough that it's not going very well. "We haven't found anything yet, I have a feeling this is going to be a long one."

"I'm sure you'll catch them; you always do," you reply. You unlock the door to your car and slide inside, starting it and putting the phone on speaker, placing it in your lap as you start to back out from the spot. "Are you at the hotel?"

"Yeah, I can't talk too long, though. Derek's in the shower, so I have about fifteen minutes max, and that was about ten minutes ago," he sighs. You hear muffled noises on the other side so you can only assume he's lying down in bed, getting comfortable.

You fall into your usual routine of giving each other quick recaps of your days, including any funny or interesting stories that either of you has. You usually spend a couple of hours on the phone together, often falling asleep on the line, but when he's on cases that typically isn't the case.

Surprisingly, it was actually Spencer's idea for the burner phones. He'd went and bought one for you, saying that it's easier in case whoever's watching you both somehow can tap into your phone records, so a burner phone seemed like the best option to stay in touch with each other without going completely silent.

You hadn't even realized that your five minutes were up until you hear a faint "Who the hell are you talking to?" belonging to Derek in the background.

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