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The past two weeks had been pure bliss for one reason entirely. What is this reason, one may ask? You haven't seen or heard from Spencer at all, and everything was starting to feel normal again.

"Is he single?" You feel like you're back in high school again while listening to your other female colleagues whisper at their lunch tables. "I'm not sure. Holly said she didn't see a ring on his finger when she saw him," another one whispers. You don't mean to eavesdrop, but they're quite literally sitting right behind you, so it's hard not to.

"What else did she say? Is he cute?"

You don't fight the urge to roll your eyes, stirring in the final contents into your mug and strutting right out of the breakroom toward your office. You spot a bunch of your female colleges wandering around the building aimlessly, groups of them talking in hushed tones. Apparently, these women don't know how to keep it in their pants when a new guest lecturer is rumoured to be on campus for the day. You can practically see the drool dripping from some of their chins. you drink your coffee in your office, working on stuff for your lecture until you have to head over to the classroom.

You finish the last drop of your coffee, grabbing the small folder and walking toward the lecture hall to see a few students already filling the rows. You finish your lecture as normal, flipping through the Powerpoint, answering questions and pacing while you explain the topics at hand. It is Friday, so you take it easier than you normally would since you didn't feel like doing anything extravagant so close to the end of the week. When you finally finish up, you decide to let everyone go fifteen minutes early rather than waste their time to sit around, "I'll see you all next week. Have a nice weekend everyone."

As everyone files out of the room, wishing you a good weekend, you pack up the things on your desk, shutting off the projector and unplugging your computer, clearing the small table with all your things. You pause at the sound of a throat clearing behind you, "I must say that was a very interesting class, Professor."

"You're not supposed to be here," you mumble, not even glancing over your shoulder to see who it is.

So much for going two weeks without seeing him.

Why has the universe decided to punish you?

"I was in the area today and I was curious, so I decided to stop in," he responds. You hum in acknowledgement, "I must say, you do have a natural gift for it. Teaching, that is."

"Well if the high and mighty Dr. Reid says so, it must be true," you retort back sarcastically. "Let me guess why you're here. Guest lecture?"

He nods in your peripheral, shoving his hands in his pockets, "Yeah, I am. How'd you know?" You let out an amused chuckle, shaking your head, "Of course, you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that word spreads fast around here, Dr. Reid," you reply vaguely, not even sparing him a glance as you dash off toward the front door. "Hey-" he hollers, jogging to catch up with you, following you all the way back to your office. "Don't you have a lecture to teach, Dr. Reid?"

"Not for another hour," he replies. "You're not trying to get rid of me, are you?"

"No, I definitely am," you answer honestly. You pull your office key from your pocket and unlock the door, walking inside and going to shut the door when his foot stops it, pushing it open and walking inside. He glances around your office quickly, scanning over everything he can before making his way to the small couch there and sitting down, folding his arms behind his head.

"Get out," you grit out, throwing one of the throw pillows at his head, but he reacts quicker, catching it before it could hit him and placing it beside him. "What do you want, Reid?"

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