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WARNING: smut (yk the drill by now... i hope)

It was a risky move, you'll admit.

Your trip to the BAU was supposed to be simple, but it ended up being far from it. JJ had called saying that an impromptu case had come in and Will was busy with work, requesting you to pick up her sons from school. You, having finished your classes for the day, had obviously accepted, doing her a favour and saving her some trouble. You came in just under two hours before you were due to pick them up, having to grab something for Michael from JJ before the plane took off.

What you weren't expecting, however, was to be quickly pulled into an empty office just as you were getting ready to leave. You'd gone into fight or flight mode, immediately ready to punch and/or kick someone for putting their hands on you, spinning around to meet the eyes of the culprit. Was it a bad idea? Yes, it probably was. No, scratch that, it was most definitely a terrible idea. But then again, you weren't sure you could resist Spencer whispering in your ear, whispering something along the lines of "I need you" before all willpower went out the door.

After seconds of hearing him utter those words, you have him pushed up against the door in seconds, lips colliding in a disastrous and messy crash together. Unlike kisses shared with Spencer in the past, this one is rushed and purely lustful, both of you to concentrated on the way you absolutely need each other to worry about the sloppy kiss. Spencer's hands twitch at his sides, hands resting on the door behind his back as you run your manicured fingers over his shoulders through the fabric of his suit jacket, shrugging it off as you walk backwards toward the desk, locking the door.

You forcefully remove your lips away from Spencer's, not missing the way his lips blindly chase after your own, throwing his head back when your lips latch onto his jawline, your hands slowly undoing the intricate knot of his tie. You leave the tie around his neck, not having time to remove it before you're already moving to carefully unbutton each small black button of his grey dress shirt. You grow impatient, your hands trembling in anticipation as Spencer watches, carefully prying your hands off and moving to unbutton the shirt himself.

While Spencer's large hands work swiftly at undoing each tiny button, you save time by making quick work of unbuttoning your jeans, sliding them down your legs until they pool at your ankles, sliding the open zip-up sweatshirt off your shoulders. Once the sweater is on the desk behind you, you're left only in your red underwear and the black t-shirt that you'd been wearing underneath. Spencer's shirt is now completely open, revealing the bare, slightly toned skin of his chest, his tie still hung loosely around his neck while his pants are pushed down to his thighs. You catch a glimpse of the navy blue boxers, a prominent bulge straining against them.

Spencer leans forward to connect your lips again and a lightbulb goes off in your head, bracing your hands on his chest to pull him off you, "Wait," you murmur. Spencer looks terrified, frozen in place, "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? Do you want to stop?"

You shake your head, placing your index finger over his lips to silence him, "We don't have a condom."

Spencer's entire body relaxes as he reaches into his suit pocket, pulling out the familiar foil wrapper, a small grin on his face. "Do you always carry around condoms?" He shrugs his shoulders sheepishly, "I've learned that it's better to be prepared for anything to happen anytime," he answers. "So, now that that's problems solved, do you still want to do this?" When you mumble your affirmation, you watch as he pulls down his boxers and slowly rolls the condom onto himself, lining up at your entrance where your panties were already pulled aside, both of you moaning out at the feeling of him slowly sliding inside of you.

You understand his neediness fairly well, especially since you've spent the last two weeks following the incident on the couch avoiding Spencer. It's also helped that the BAU seems to be on cases all the time, so it saves you from having to make excuses for not being able to meet up with Spencer. It seems as though you've finally gotten everything under control after waking up on your couch tangled with Spencer after Halloween. You're grateful for this because the sex is pretty fucking amazing, and you wouldn't want to ruin anything.

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