I Am Lacerta Chapter 5

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I Am Lacerta Chapter 5

The next morning was a Saturday so I had a full day of Quidditch practice to look forward to. Joy. 

I know what you're thinking - why are Slytherin's practising there's no games this year - but if Slytherin practise this year, we'll have a whole year of practice ahead of the other houses. And there aren't any Slytherin Champions.

Anyway, I grabbed my broom and walked down to the pitch to warm up - I never really ate breakfast. I know everyone says it's the most important meal of the day - Aunt Cissy tells me on a regular basis - but it's an un-needed meal. I don't even get hungry in the morning.

Most of the team had already warmed up, so we got into position. I was the reserve chaser and beater - the Slytherin Captain couldn't stand the idea of a girl being on the team full time - so me and the other two chasers, one had called in sick, set to work practising against the keeper. After a while, we did a few warming down drills before heading inside to eat lunch.

I spent as much time as I physically could with Luna at lunch, I went over to the Ravenclaw table to eat with her at lunch time as it was much less formal than dinner, before deciding to head back to the pitch.

When I got there, I found that Pansy Parkinson, a complete cow in the year above me who "assumed" she was dating Draco, had been watching practice and had now decided to come down to try and insult me. She had her usual gang of bitches with her, and before I could even get out my wand, she curse me and sent me flying to the other side of the pitch.

I got up and wasted no time brushing myself off, dropping my broom I pulled my wand out and said menacingly:

"A cowards move - attacking someone who has their back turned. No - don't run away from me-" Pansy was scared for her life, running away so I shouted: "Locomotor mortis!" and her legs locked together. "-I'm not done with you yet." 

Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw the rest of the team approaching us.

"Rictusempra." I murmured and Pansy suddenly burst out with uncontrollable laughter. I then pulled her up and said quietly: "I'll finish this later." Then I placed a fake grin on my face and burst into fits of laughter along with her, pretending she had just told an incredibly hilarious joke.

I mimed looking up and pretending to just notice the approaching team, and ushered the stupid cow away - her followers supporting her laughing frame, all too stupid to know the counter-curse.

Then Draco, my wimpish, puppy-like cousin called me over. I summoned my broom, which resulted in me being smacked in the face, and walked towards him.

He really was my opposite in almost every way - he had dull, slicked down white hair and a constant expression of smugness, and dislike of the scum he had for company, much like his father, where as I had thick, red-streaked black hair and a distantly coold look engraved in my features. Where his eyes where a cold grey, mine were a deep blood red - which creeped people out to such an extent that I was avoided as much as possible. He was quite popular among the Slytherins, and I was mostly left alone, due to my cold attitude to even the coldest of Slytherins. His smile was snobbish and restrained, where as mine was childish and sarcastic - much like my mother's I was told. He followed me around at home, a bit like a lost puppy, and it really got on my nerves.

When I finally made it over to the rest of the team, the Captain had a sadly recognisable look on his face that indicated that he was about to begin another very long-winded team talk. If there is anything that these team-talks has actually taught me at all over the years, is that I don't like team talks. I usually switch off, no one really notices - I'm not a very noticable person - and today was no exception. 

Eventually we were allowed to go back out onto the pitch to continue practising. We stopped at 7.30 when our captain finally let us go, due to some heavy rain, and I was just about to head back up to the castle when Draco grabbed my arm and told me he needed a word.

Once everyone had gone on ahead, including a very persistent Pansy who had been desperate to stay with Draco - What a slag! - he said:

"What's this I hear about you and Weasley? Is that really the sort of rumour you want going around, Lacerta?"

"What if I don't care what you think, Malfoy?" I spat back at him.

"God, I'm just looking out for my little cousin-"

"Who you calling "little" cousin?" I cut him off, stretching my body taller and more skeletal, fuelled by my rage.

"Okay, okay - I just wanted to warn you! I'm trying to help!" 

"I can look after myself thanks, Draco. I don't need you to plan every step I take." I said angrily and twirled around on my toe, to head back up to the castle.

About half way there I realised I was still about six foot five and my hair had turned fluourescent orange with my rage. I calmed myself down and morphed back to my normal form. 

When I entered the Great Hall, I had lost my appetite and could honestly not be bothered to make light conversation with the Carrow twins or face Draco again, so I backed out again almost immediately and headed back to the Common Room. I sighed as I sat on the end of my bed, when suddenly I realised how exhausted I was - and lay back and fell asleep.

I Am Lacerta - Reposted for the Watty Awards 2011Where stories live. Discover now