Chapter 3

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I sat in the park for hours, just drawing my feelings. I felt so betrayed, how could my parents lie to me about something like that. I felt Ash's presence next to me, well I didn't need to feel it I could smell her perfume.

"That's a pretty picture," she said.

"Thanks, it's my mom," I said.

"You're mom doesn't look like that," she said.

"My real mom, genius." I replied.

"Oh, so you are a surrogate child?" she asked.

"Apparently. My mom can't have kids so they settled with my dad having sex with his friend who lives somewhere but Denver." I replied.

"Wow, talk about hard core," she said.

"Yeah." I agreed. We just sat in silence.

"What would you do if you were me?" I asked.

"I don't know what I'd do? I'd feel pretty stuck," she replied. I huffed.

"What do you want to do?" she asked me.

"I want to meet her, and I want to ask her ‘what happened?’ I want to find her." I replied.

"Than do some research. Find her, I'll even help you," she offered.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Hey, what're BFFs for?" she asked. I chuckled and hugged her.

"Thank you Ash," I said.

"Sure, come on let's go get our geek on." she replied. I packed up my things and we headed to her house. We went up to her room and got our freak and geek on. Yeah, we call ourselves that sometimes. Anyway we started researching like nerds on a last minute dead line. We looked up her name, address, career, but mostly what I got was the Doctor Who character. Annoying much? After searching endlessly, I thought this was turning into a lot of wasted time, until I clicked on a link.

"Oh my God, Ash look at this!" I exclaimed. Ashlyn jumped to my side and read the website.

"Jamison Lee High School Teacher Catalogue." she read out loud.

"Well, at least we know she's not a prostitute," I said.

"Jamison Lee...dude, that's in Durango," she said. I typed in Durango Colorado.

"Durango, Colorado. The most populace City of La Plata County," I read.

"What does populous mean?" she asked.

"Who cares?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Alright look: Amelia Pond, teacher at Jamison Lee. Done, easy." she said.

"Except for one thing, how do I sneak away from my parents?" I asked.

"Just go, you got your car back right?" she asked.


"Then go to Durango, find your mom, set things straight, then come home and everything's done," she replied.

"Alright yeah, I'll pack a few clothes, then leave tomorrow. Most likely be back by Sunday," I said.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll cover for you and-"

"No, my parents should know what I'm up to," I replied.

"What're you going to do?" she asked.


Dear mom and dad,

I don't whether I should still call you that or not, but I'm letting you know right now so you don't freak out when you don't find me tomorrow morning. I'm going to find Amelia Pond (not the Doctor Who character) and ask her about me. I'm sorry if this is short notice but it has to be done. I should be back by Sunday, thanks for being there for me when i needed you, and thanks for lying about my entire life. So dad, I want you to know that you're an awesome father and I love you, and mom... just try to let loose a little bit. I'll see you guys in a couple of days.



PS: I don't know whether I should even call myself Stern anymore.

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