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When we arrived back at the clearing at two hours until dinner, Kakashi was stil training, and let me tell you, if I thought my training was rough, I was sorely mistaken. The others came and saw me watching, so they both cam eover to me and we watched him for a solid ten minutes before he acknowledged us.  He stopped abruptly and threw out three kunai, going into a defensive position. We dodge out of the way and fell into our own. Kakashi attacked Sakura first. He went so fast that I could barely keep up with my eyes. Before she could even block, he pressed a pressure point before she dropped, passed out I assume. Sasuke did slightly better. He reacted fast enough to go wide eyed before falling as well. Then Kakashi came up to me. Now, I'm very close to high chunin level speed, which he is a level over. I reacted enough to kick him in the balls before yelling out, "KASHI! IT'S JUST US! SNAP OUT OF IT!" That seemed to do the trick as he winced before looking around and then going wide eyed. "I-I'm sorry... I was just too focused I guess..."he trailed off. I walked up to him and while he did flinch, I wasn't going to be perturbed. He fell to his knees and I hugged his head to my chest and pet his hair. About half an hour of me calming him and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, he dozed off. I sat down slowly and layed his head on my lap while I continue to stroke his hair. Another hour passes and Sakura and Sasuke come to one at a time. They sit up and rub their necks. 'I'm just glad they're not dead... Kashi wouldn't be able to live with himself either.' I thought. They both see Kakashi and I in the clearing and start to come towards us. "You two can spar for the next fourty-five minutes while I sit here with Kashi so he doesn't freak out again." I whispered to them. They nodded an went to the middle of the clearing and began. About twenty minutes into the spar a stray kunai came towards us and out of reflex I caught it. I guess I must've jerked Kakashi awake when the hand petting his hair disappeared because his eyes shot open and he looked at me with a calculating gaze. "Why am I... on your lap?" He inquired.  My eyes shot to his face as I replied. "You had a breakdown. I was able to calm you down and you passed out so I layed you in my lap so I could keep playing with your gravity defying hair. And don't worry, I didn't remove your mask." I replied calmly. He seemed to think for a moment before looking over at Sakura and Sasuke. "How long have they been going at it? They look exhausted." He asked, still observing. "About twenty minutes. I told them to spar while I kept an eye on the three of you. You were pretty jumpy and I didn't want you to wake up alone." I answered, lowering my hand and absentmindedly playing with his hair again. He hummed in acknowledgment and seemed to lean into my touch. "Guys! He's awake. You can stop now!" I shouted, catching their attention. They came over and sat down. "Are you okay now sensei?" Asked Sakura. "Yes, I'm just resting." He responded from his spot across my lap and on the ground. "Hn, resting on Ru you mean." Sasuke commented. I blushed at that and Kakashi eye-smiled at him. "Anyways, let's go over what you need to improve upon and then we'll head back early. I'm sure we're all tired today. We'll just have to do what we originally planned tomorrow." Kakashi said.  "Hai." We chorused and began discussing. It was pretty similar to last time but they've improved quite a bit. We went and showered after that, following the same routine as usual. We then headed down to dinner and that's where things went south.

"Why are you all trying?! You're just going to die! You don't even know what hardships are!" After that little monologue I snapped. I know he lost his father, but he has no right to talk to us like that. "Alrighty then, listen here you little brat." I begun, my tone a lite too sweet and my smile very strained. The others looked at me warily. Good. They should be scared. I'm pissed. "You have no right to say we haven't been through anything. We've all been through shit. Have you ever been scorned by your village for something you can't control? Beaten because they don't understand the difference between a kunai and a scroll? Have you ever been abused by your parents?" Sakura looked at me wide-eyed. "Have you ever had your entire clan massacred before your very eyes?" This time it was Sasuke's turn to turn his wide eyes to me. "No? Then shut the hell up about how much more your life sucks than everyone else's. You can't just sit here and assume nobody else has been through hell. Get the fuck over yourself." With that I stormed out. I ran to my forest clearing and trained until I was too tired to continue. I didn't want to sleep out here in the open so I climbed up a tree and passed out on a branch.

I woke up to what had to be an extremely feminine male. I could only tell because of his adam's apple. He was inches from my person and my hand reflexively gripped his wrist. There's no way I wouldn't have sensed him if he were just an ordinary citizen. He must be working for Gato. His clothing style and stature are startlingly similar to that hunter-nin from the other day. I didn't show I recognized him outwardly but my body tensed minutely. "You know you shouldn't sleep out here. You could catch a cold." He commented after I released his wrist. It doesn't look like he wants to hurt me right now at least. "I was training and got tired." I shrugged. "Oh. You must be a ninja then."

(That scene went like cannon the rest of the way. I don't remember everything they said. Sorry for not writing it.)

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