~ParT 8~

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About a quarter to noon the trio approached the main clearing where Kakashi was standing, reading his book. That's when Sasuke jumped into the clearing and charged at him, spitting a fireball at him in his wake. "Back for more Sasuke-kun?" Kakashi teased as he dodged left. Sasuke then came up and began a taijutsu match. "Trying this again won't work on me Sasuke-kun. " Kakashi chided. It was at this moment several kunai and shurinken came from the treeline behind them, bouncing off of eachother, and Naruto appeared. It was at his moment that Sasuke smirked. Naruto began a taijutsu match. 'He's pretty decent at taijutsu now.  The academy reports said he was awful though.' Kakashi thought. "Nice of you to join us Naru-chan." Kakashi greeted with an eye-smile. "Glad to be here Kashi." Naruto said, blushing, as he began spamming his Kage bushin and getting them dispelled in the chaos causing chakra smoke to fill the area. When there was enough smoke, Sakura charged out and grabbed the bells while Kakahi was distracted. Just then the timer went off, causing everyone to drop what they were doing. 'I'm just suprised that actually worked together.' Kakashi thought. "You......PASS!" Kakashi exclaimed, putting his book away with an eye-smile. "But there's only two bells. Not all of us can pass. You said only those who get bells pass. Was that a lie?" Sakura asked. "Well, you have the bells, you decide who passes if you feel that way." Kakashi replied. That made her eyes widen. 'What am I supposed to do? I hardly did a thing while these two planned and fought. I've decided.' She thought. "Here. I hardly did anything anyways." Sakura said, tossing the boys the bells. They caught the bells and Naruto spoke up. "You were a crucial part of the plan. If you weren't there we wouldn't have been able to reach our objective. We all had our roles to play and they were all equally important. Don't downplay it just because you can't fight yet. Train harder and eat better and we'll have ourselves a power team." Naruto said. "Hn. I guess the Dobe's right." Sasuke added. He and Naruto shared a look before tossing them back to Kakashi who caught them. "You guys sure?" He questioned. "Yeah. We all had our parts to play and it wouldn't have ended the same without our teamwork." Sasuke conceded. Sakura and Naruto nodded. "Very well. You all pass then. Come over here and we can eat our lunch." They then followed him to the stumps and sat facing the memorial stone. After that Kakashi proceeded to hand them their lunches. "This," he began, gesturing to said stone, "is full of strong people who died in action for their village. I don't want to see you guys on here for a very long time. That being said, I'd like to share something a good friend of mine once said to me. "Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum." I tell you this because I hope you will become a strong team and learn to work together. You could be so much more if you were just there for eachother..." Kakashi concluded. They stopped eating and absorbed that for a moment before Naruto decided to break the silence. "Ne, Kashi, are you planning to actually train us or are we just going to do D-ranks forever?" He inquired. "I will be mostly focusing on getting you all on high genin level individually and then we will begin teamwork training." Kakashi replied. 'It's a good thing I'm in ANBU now. I wouldn't get the help I need otherwise. Well, at least he means well. Also, I should probably call him Sensei but I already call Dragon Jiji and Tenzo Senpai. I'll just stick with Kashi, especially if he's going to keep calling me Naru-chan.' Naruto thought, nodding his head in acknowledgment. After they ate, Naruto was the first to leave. "Well, I gotta go train. Bye Kashi, Sakura, Sasuke." He said, walking off. 'Did he just call me by my name? Maybe I should do the same. And he was right about the teamwork requirement too.  Maybe he's not that much of a dobe anymore...' Sasuke thought, nodding his head in acknowledgment and leaving as well. Sakura watched them go then turned to Kakashi. "Ne, Kakashi-sensei, do you think you could up my training? I want to be as useful as possible to the team and they're already so far ahead." She asked, looking down. "Sure Sakura-chan. Just do your best. Also, since you have such perfect control and want to help, why don't you look into being a combat medic. You'll be able to fight and heal. How's that sound?" He asked, patting her head and eye-smiling. "That sounds great Kakashi-sensei. Thanks!" She exclaimed, beaming. "No problem Sakura-chan. Run along home now." He said while chuckling. After she ran off, Kakashi turned to the memorial stone and said, "I know you guys would be proud of them. I already am." He then shunshined to the Hokage's office.

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