○Part 2○

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    The masked figure nodded. He then grabbed Naruto's shoulder and shunshined away. When they stopped, they were in a supply room full of ANBU necessities. Dragon walked up to the desk worker with Naruto following, surprisingly silent, surveying his surroundings. "This is new recruit Naruto Uzumaki, codename Fox. He needs full new supplies, attire, and inking." The woman nodded and motioned Naruto forward. They went to the very back and she set him in a chair. "Take off your jacket and shirt." She instructed. He did as told and a man covered in tattoos and muscle walked in. "Ready kid? This is going to hurt like a bitch." The man said. "As I'll ever be," he replied, stealing his resolve. Let's just say, that man's description was an exaggeration. (The anbu tattoo was on his left shoulder.) 'I always knew I had a high pain tolerance but this is just weird. I mean, it hurt, but not that bad.' He thought. "Damn. I've seen grown men cry from this. Looks like we got a keeper Boss." The man commented. The 'Boss' then measured him and handed him ANBU standard attire. The ANBU grade pants with plenty of pockets, a skin-tight black long sleeve shirt, metal mesh long sleeve under shirt, black ninja sandals, black tape for his forearms, calves, and right thigh, the matte, dark grey chestplate and forearm guards, the necessary utility belt and pouches for it and his thigh, a black cloak that goes to his feet, and lastly, a black sheathed tanto.  When he came out, she handed him a mask that depicted a sadistic Fox with red and black markings.

After he was dressed, he was led back to Dragon with his jumpsuit in hand. Said man then made the 'follow me' motion and began down a new hallway.  "Good. Now, we have two weeks before you're to report to the academy as a Konoha genin. In that time we will push you to your limits and make up for everything you missed or were taught wrong in the academy. Understood, Fox?" The man explained. "Hai Dragon-jiji." Naruto replied. Dragon paused for a second before continuing. "You may call me that if you wish, since I assume it is as much respect as it is endearment, but I best not hear of you telling the other ANBU they may call me as such." Dragon voiced in an authoritative voice. "Hai Dragon-jiji." Naruto replied cheerfully again. "Alright, while I show you around I'll explain how things will work for the next three months," with a nod from Naruto, he continued.  "Very well. For these first two weeks you will live scheduled with training from dawn until dinner. We're going to abuse your shadow clone just to its maximum potential. I'll explain that more starting tomorrow.  For now, you will be trained by someone who is non-biased towards you. You will meet them tomorrow morning at 4:30 after breakfast." Dragon-jiji explained. 'This place isn't as gloomy as I thought it would be. Then again, I just have the Academy version of life. I just hope I do okay. I don't want to let anyone down. I have to protect the few precious people I have.' Naruto thought as Dragon-jiji led him through several hallways, showing him everything. About an hour later, they stopped in front of the ANBU apartments attached to the base. They then stopped in front of a room. "This is where you'll be living from now on. This way you won't be seen leaving your home at obscene hours or raise any suspicion. Besides, your apartment was pretty much a dump." With that, Dragon let Naruto inside and stood at the door to see his reaction. 'T-this looks so clean and new and almost everything my old home was not.' Thought Naruto as he continued to look around, slack-jawed. "Also, all of your plants and belongings have been brought over. Well, good luck in the two weeks of Training From Hell." With that, Dragon-jiji disappeared in a puff of smoke. 'Well, I suppose I better eat, shower, then sleep until 3:40, that way I have time to eat my breakfast.' With that, Naruto was off to prepare for tomorrow.

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