+•Part 7•+

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The next day Naruto and team were waiting for their sensei. Naruto was continuing his kunai balancing, Sakura was fangirling, and Sasuke was brooding. They had been waiting for an hour when Sakura's and Sasuke's stomach growled. "So you guys didn't eat. Here, listen to common sense next time would you?" Naruto said, throwing them granola bars. "We're not supposed to eat Naruto-baka!" Sakura screeched. "First of all, he suggested we not eat breakfast. He never said we couldn't. Secondly, this is just a snack to tide you over until the exersize is over. So shut up and eat would you?" He replied, baffling both Sasuke and Sakura. 'Shit. I'm still supposed to fawn over her. She's pretty and all, but after a two week break without yelling and screaming she's really annoying.' He thought after. "Hn." Sasuke said and began eating the granola bar, glaring at him. Sakura soon followed suit, albeit warily. About two hours later Kakashi finally decided to show up. "Yo." He greeted, nose in book and right hand held up in a lazy wave. "YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura screeched. Sasuke hn'd and Naruto raised an eyebrow saying, "I hope you have a good excuse. Waiting was boring" This earned him questioning glancesfrom his teammates. "I got lost on the road of life." Kakashi said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly and eye-smiling. "LIAR!" Sakura screached again. "Hn." Sasuke said. "Whatever."Naruto said, rolling his eyes.  "Anyways, let's get started shall we?" He started, catching their attention. He then pulled out two bells. "The objective is to get one bell each from me." He continued. "But Sensei, there's only two bells and tree of us." Sakura pointed out. "Well that's because whoever doesn't get a bell is going back to the academy." He explained. Naruto was the first to reply, "So basically, you want us, genin, to fight you, a jonin. Not only that, you expect us to get something from you? Now I know something's up." He said, crossing his arms. "Perhaps. Begin!" Kakashi said, disappearing in a poof of smoke. Naruto decided to play it safe and jumped away into the bordering forest. From there he hid his presence and moved to a tree to hide and watch things play out. 'Okay, so think of this as a prank. You have to know who you want to trap and what they might fall for. From what I could see he really likes porn, but I can't do genjutsu so that doesn't really help me. I'll wait and see how my teammates work. If they can't do it alone then maybe I'll suggest we work together. 3 is stronger than one after all.' He thought. Just then he heard Sakura scream. He sent a Kage bushin that ran over through the trees silently to see what happened. He himself went to check on Sasuke. When his bushin got there he saw Sakura unconscious on the ground. The bushin then kicked Sakura in the side, knocking her out of the genjutsu. "AHHH! SASUKE-KUN!" she screamed as she bolted up. "Wh-what happened?" She asked as she looked around. "NARUTO-BAKA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? WHERE'S SASUKE-KUN?!" She screeched. "I got you out of that genjutsu. I thought you were good at those? Anyways, as you can see, you can't beat him alone. I get that you hate me and all, but put it aside, work with me, and act like a respectable kunoichi." He said, offering her his hand. "CHA! Fine, but only if Sasuke-kun does too!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand and him pulling her up. "Whatever. Let's go to the Boss to see if he's roped in the Teme." He said, jumping up to a tree branch and taking off. "What do you mean 'Boss'?" She asked as she followed. "Well I'm a Kage Bushin and the Boss sent me while he watched the Teme fight." He replied. "Oh." Was all she said. 'Since when can he do the Kage Bushin? He couldn't even do a normal one last week.' She thought, continuing on their path.

Meanwhile with Naruto who was watching Sasuke. 'Wow. He almost got the bell. He actually touched it. I know Kakashi's holding back a lot but jeeze.' He thought. Just as he finished said thought, Sasuke was dragged underground with only his head above it. 'And down the Teme goes. Well, it's now or never.' He continued his musing. He crossed his fingers forming another Kage bushin. "Go help the Teme out. But only if he agrees to work with Sakura and me." He ordered. "Hai Boss!" The clone said then jumped down. Sasuke turned his head slightly to look at him. "Get me out of here Dobe!" Sasuke ordered. "That's no way to ask your teammates for help Teme." Naruto's clone chided. "Tch, who cares if you're my teammate, you'll both only slow me down." He replied arrogantly. "You couldn't get the bell by yourself could you? You weren't actually arrogant enough to believe that a green genin stood a chance in fresh hell of beating a jonin were you?" Naruto retorted. "Tch. Whatever Dobe, like you could do any better." He replied, childishly turning his head. "Look, put aside your Uchiha mightier-than-thou attitude and think clearly for a second would you? Three is stronger than one no matter how you look at it. You and Sakura got beat pretty fast, so get over yourself and let's get the bells. Deal?" Naruto lectured. "Tch, fine. Whatever. Are you gonna help me or what?" He conceded through gritted teeth. Naruto just rolled his eyes from the trees and came down, dispelling his clone and pulling Sasuke out of the ground. "Where's the Banshee at anyways?" Sasuke asked. At that moment, Sakura came bursting out of the tree line. "I'm here Sasuke-kun!" She said, landing in front of the two boys, Naruto's other clone having dispelled right after the other one. "Alright, now that we're all here, let's talk strategy." Naruto ordered. They both nodded and the plotting commenced.

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