《PaRt 3》

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Next day at 4:00 a.m.

Naruto was up and ready, full gear on- including his mask- when someone knocked at his door.  He pulled out a kunai and hid it behind the door while he cracked it to see who it was. "Hello Fox. My name is Raven. You shall call me Raven-sensei. I'll need you to create 5 shadow clones for me." The rather average sized man introduced. With his hands forming the cross sign, Naruto announced, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" and 5 more Naruto's popped into existence. Raven-sensei then created his own shadow clone. "Alright, the 5 of you go with my clone to the library. He'll explain things there. As for you, follow me and I'll explain why I sent your clones instead of you." Raven-sensei instructed. All Naruto could do was nod and follow his new sensei. Part way to their destination, Naruto decided to speak, "Ano Sensei,   can you tell me why you sent them to the library instead of me?" He asked. He was tired of staying quiet when it's unnecessary. "Right. Well, your kinjutsu allows whatever your clones experience, for it to transfer to you.  You cannot use it for physical exercise, but it will make increasing your knowledge level faster. I sent my clone to also explain things you don't understand." Sensei explained. "Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining it to me." Naruto replied. 'Nobody ever explains anything to me. This is already better than before!' Naruto thought with a bright smile under his fox mask. 'I can feel him radiating happiness. All I did was explain something to him. Oh right, his file said his entire Academy career was sabotaged.  I knew it was bad, but to be bad enough he gets happy from even the slightest bit of help, jeez. This kid's been through the grinder... Well, time to throw him into the slaughter instead.' He thought, rubbing his hands together and cackling on the inside. At the very same moment, Naruto felt a shiver run up his spine. 'I suddenly get the feeling I should've taken Dragon-jiji's advice to heart.' He thought  with a foreboding feeling. They soon reached a secluded trading ground. "Alright gaki, create me sixty shadow clones." Raven-sensei instructed as they reached the center of the training grounds. Naruto then did as told, Raven-sensei creating his own two shadow clones. "Now, forty of you are going to be working on chakra control. The last twenty of you will be working on the shunshin. I want it mastered by the end of the week." With that, the clones split off to do their own things. "As for you, put these on." Raven then handed him four cuffs with weird shapes on them that kind of make sense. Naruto did as told. "Now channel chakra into them until I say stop." He instructed. Naruto then did as told. "Stop." By the time Raven relented, he could barely stand. "Good. Now go run around this training field 75 times as fast as you can." Raven-sensei continued. "Hai Raven-sensei" 'Raven-sensei's nice and all but I guarantee he's a sadist at heart.' thought Naruto as he began running. Four and a half hours later, Naruto came trailing over towards Raven, but barely sweating. 'I didn't even know I could sweat. Jeez. Must mean I'm actually learning something.' He thought. "Alright, now that you're nice and warmed up, let's get to the torture- I mean sparring." Raven-sensei instructed. Naruto sweat-dropped at that, then he got an ominous feeling in his gut that felt an awful lot like a warning to run while he still can. Raven-sensei then came shooting towards Naruto, causing him to fall into a fighting stance that he came up with on his own. It's loose and extremely flexible, making him appear defenseless. 'Clever kid. Making it look like he's defenseless when in reality he's prepared for an attack anywhere.' Raven-sensei thought, opening up with a left leg kick to his head. Naruto then raised his arm to block but was too slow. "Too slow kid. I don't care if you have weights on. Go faster." Raven instructed, going for a gut punch with his right hand. Naruto somehow managed to get there faster than before, but still too slow to stop the attack from making contact. This went on for 5 endless hours until Naruto could semi-block his assaults. It should be said that his instructor was only going at high genin level speeds. (High mean pretty close to low chunin.) "Alright. It's now 9 PM so I will show you the canteen and you can have your dinner and rest up for tomorrow.  It will start at 4:00 AM. I will wake you and drag you out of your room if you're ready or not so be prepared." Raven-sensei informed. "H-hai Raven-sensei." Naruto panted out from his downed form on the ground. 'Man, this is the most fun I've ever had learning.' He thought, smiling. "Oh right. Before dinner I need you to meditate and dispel your clones one at a time." Dragon said, interrupting his observation. "Hai, Raven-sensei." He replied sitting up. Naruto then concentrated as hard as he could on his chakra and followed its flow through his pathways. After a few minutes he remembered he had to dispel his clones. He then dispelled them one at a time, sorting through the memories one at a time. He was beginning to learn the ANBU hand signs as well as what the markings on the ANBU masks mean. He was also relearning the Academy curriculum because the teachers sabotaged his learning to the extremes and he was only allowed there for history and math class. Even his teachers "helped" him by giving him incorrect advice. (Dragon was royally pissed by the way. And if a few 'teacher' ended up missing, well, that's nobody's business but his own anyway.)  They continued like this for the rest of that week. Getting Naruto up to low chunin level in both skill and knowledge by the end of the week.

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