44| Ignorant Mistakes

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The previous chapter question was answered by -stxrology and... SiriuslyPadfoot625!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. For some reason, wattpad won't let me see your comments. Doesn't mean you get to not comment!

Two chapters cause I was reading fanfictions yesterday and forgot to update- sorry.


The woods were dark at night and the calmness of the surroundings only made things a hundred times worse. James debated going back.

Maybe there was no one. Maybe he had just hallucinated and was walking straight into a trap laid by some supervillain the author hadn't introduced yet and was waiting for a big, big reveal. Maybe he should've walked to the castle. He still needed his pills or he was going to die.

Even now, James was limping. All the adrenaline had run out and now, he was going to die and no one would notice. He'd rather have preferred the October 31st death where Voldemort would 'Abada-Kabada' him.

A thought passed through his mind.

Watch out, dad!

Harry had called James his dad. Even though he wasn't really his literal parent, James felt pride at being called that title even though it totally ruined the speech he had given earlier.

Suddenly, James heard a loud noise. CRUNCH! He broke into a run - or whatever you'd like to call a limping racoon. He sprinted through the forest towards the noise, dodging branches and trying to not fall and hit himself straight in the face. His hand had turned red from gripping his wand so tight. Then-

First, he noticed Lupin. The professor was still in his werewolf form which would last for the whole night. But he hadn't noticed James who quickly hid behind the nearest tree.

The second thing he saw was unbelievable.

Harry and Hermione were also lurking behind a fat tree. They, however, noticed James. The shock must've shown in James' face because Hermione brought her fingers close to her lips to her lips as if saying, Shut up. Don't make a sound.

For some worrying reason, Harry broke into a grin. Ugh! James hated it when someone copied his own facial expressions and his son seemed to be wearing the infamous 'JAMES-IS-AMAZING!' grin.

James shook off his shock, still hiding behind the tree, and glared back, What are you teeny-tiny kids doing here?!

Harry waved his hands in pointless gestures that James didn't understand. Instantaneously, Hermione's eyes went wide and she waved her hand hurriedly, motioning him to come over to them. Harry's expression mirrored hers and horror shone in both of them.

James bit his lips. Someone was definitely behind him. He didn't run to see who it was as most of the people died that way in horror movies died that way. He ran.

Dear readers, enjoy those two words for the four seconds it lasted. Hate to dissapoint you but as soon as James started running, his right leg swaggered and he starting falling. His eyes grew wide and he heard Harry call out his name. To make matters worse, when he tried regaining his control, he tripped over a small dead branch and fell face-fist, hurting his whole body in the process.

His body screamed in pain. His heart pounded in his throat and James didn't doubt that it would jump out of his mouth.

James closed his eye waiting for the mysterious big bad Wolf to attack him but heard a loud screech instead.

He didn't see Harry or Hermione as they ran forward. Taking Hermione's hand which she had raised, James stood up slowly just in time to see Lupin, who Buckbeak had scared, walk away.

"That was so scary," Hermione declared after a few seconds of silence.

"Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night," Harry said. James couldn't agree more. You have no idea. He hobbled over to the nearest tree, every step eating his energy, sending segments of pain up his legs. By the time he leaned on it, he couldn't feel his left leg anymore.

His breathing turned ragged.

"Harry, Hermio..." James couldn't take it anymore. The pills. He needed the pills. Or else the cauldron would suck out his soul. Fortunately, they heard him and came rushing. "We need - go to - castle," James sniffed.

Harry frowned. He placed his hand on the forehead of James Potter. "You're hot."

Hermione shook her head anxiously. James scoffed, "I... I know."

He put his hand on his stomach where fresh anguish rose. Agony. So much agony. Suddenly, the air around them turned cool. It didn't take James even a mere second to realize that they were dementors. They all looked up as if they were the same person. Hundreds of dementors soared through the sky, flying in sync towards the lake.

"Sirius!" Harry breathed out, James, for the nonce, forgotten. "Come on!"

A wave of nervousness flooded James. It was either Sirius or him. Feeling stupid, he shook his head, then took a deep breath. Sirius was his friend and James was going to save him.

Even if it cost him his own life.

*** [you're lucky I didn't end it here]

As soon as James straightened up, he almost fell down. He couldn't feel his left limb anymore. Pushing all the pain down, James walked - scratch that, limped - through the woods, following Harry and Hermione, the latter looking back at him in concern once in a while.

Not seconds had passed, when they emerged through the woods into a clearing.

The sight across the lake was enough to bring James down to his knees. Sirius - both senior and junior - laid there, unconscious along with Hermione. Harry - the other one - yelled 'Expecto Patronus!' several times, trying to conjure one to get rid of the dementors all in vain. Crisps of white light barely shone on his wand. James broke into a fit of coughs. The metallic taste of blood filled his tongue.

"Don't worry." Harry bit his lips, slowly turning to James. "You have to conjure a Patro-" The words never left his mouth as he found James on his knees coughing on blood.

Hermione and Harry ran over to his side. "Any second now..." Harry whimpered. "Right there. Come on..."

"The pills!" Hermione exclaimed. "That's what we forgot. Harry. HARRY! We need to take him to the hospital wing."

"Dad, you- you saved me. Right there. You conjured a Patronus and- and the dementors - they flew away!" Harry ignored Hermione, any trace of hope vanished.

James gripped Harry's palm, holding it tightly, looking right into his eyes.

Behind them, Hermione sobbed, "Harry, listen to me! No one's coming." Her voice cracked. But James was already speaking to Harry. Not vocally but through their very eyes; their souls. James raised his eyebrows in pain. Are you sure it was me?

Hermione gaped at the dementors, her voice filled with fear, "You're dying... both of you..."

James pressed Harry's palm and nodded slightly. The Prongslet's face filled with determination as he stood up and took out his wand.



That was an amazing cliffhanger.

But you already know what's gonna happen.

Just out of curiosity, how did you guys happen to stumble upon this book I've written? Do say because I wanna know!

Harry's mostly used spell when all thoughts abandon his brain?

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