Chapter 18: The omega

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Bokuto blinked in disbelief at those bright blue eyes that were looking at him with curiosity and amusement. It must be a mistake or a joke. The boy must be wearing blue contact lenses or there must be some kind of light that, when reflected in his eyes, made them look like an omega's. It couldn't be anything else, it didn't make sense. A werewolf hunter who was actually a werewolf himself?

Absurd, a little voice whispered in Bokuto's head. He's lying to you, it's a trap.

Bokuto trembled and took a step back with such bad luck that he tripped on a small stone and fell backwards. Akaashi got up from his seat and went to help him, but a scared Bokuto crawled on the ground to get away from him.

"What the hell are you trying to do with me?" Bokuto yelled, pulling out his fangs. "Do you think I'll fall into the trap? Do you think you can fool me like this?"

"I-I'm not fooling you," Akaashi said surprised.

Bokuto stared into the hunter's eyes. They had that vibrant halo around the iris, a faint glint on only present on lycanthropes' eyes that he shouldn't have been able to fake.

"If you're an omega, why don't you smell like one?" Bokuto said, and immediately his throat emitted a muffled but threatening roar.

"I use hormone blockers to avoid emitting pheromones," Akaashi said, receding from him.

He gave Bokuto room to get up and raised his hands, showing that he was unarmed and had no intention of attacking. But Bokuto kept looking at him suspiciously from the ground; his skin transmitted a thousand smells that betrayed confusion, nervousness, fear, anger —something more appeased than before but still present.

"Listen," Akaashi said calmly, hands still raised. "I have no weapons, no microphones or cameras or anything. It's not a trap. You can seach on me if it makes you feel more comfortable. I've come alone and I haven't lied about anything I've said. My eyes don't lie either."


Bokuto looked from side to side. There was still no one there, he did not perceive movements, he did not smell anything other than that of the hunter in front of him. But he smelled... He smelled like a human, not like an omega. He examined him closely, but there was nothing in his expression to indicate that he was lying. What's more, he seemed totally honest, and Bokuto hesitated.

"You smell like a human," he said after a while.

"Yes, I know."

"Hormone blockers don't cause human smell."

"I know that too. The smell doesn't come from me, it comes from the clothes. I've been living among humans for years. I don't smell to anything. To absolutely nothing."

Akaashi seemed somewhat affected when he uttered that last sentence, and Bokuto couldn't help but feel some remorse. What if it was true that he was an omega and he had doubted? His head was spinning with confusion and bewilderment. If before going to the meeting he already felt lost, now he was even more so.

Akaashi must have sensed the doubt in his red eyes because he slowly approached him again and extended a hand. Bokuto looked at it suspiciously, but finally grabbed it and let the hunter help him to his feet.

"You have a lot to explain, hunter," Bokuto said.

"Yes, that's why I wanted to meet you here, under the full moon. It was the only way to reveal a secret like this and make you believe me. Asking you to meet me tonight was not a random proposal."

Akaashi turned around and looked at Takefukuro again. He took a seat on the same rock as before and pointed to the one next to him.

Bokuto narrowed his eyes and examined the young man's back with immense curiosity, unable to hide his surprise. The fear was gone. Now he understood how Akaashi had sensed him even without turning around and without Bokuto making any noise: he had smelled the alpha. As a true omega would have done.

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