Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V.

The last thing you remembered was being attacked by Ally. Then, everything went black. You heard yelling, and you saw through your eyes the flashing lights of an ambulance. You blacked out again, and you woke up in a hospital bed. The lights were blinding you, and everything just looked too white. It was like nothing in here had any life to it, except for the vase of roses beside your bed. They were your favorite color, (F/C). You looked around and tried to move your sheets to get more comfortable, only to notice your hand was being held. You looked over and noticed that Damien was asleep beside your bed. Boy, he looked awful. He had bags underneath his eyes, and his hair looked messy and oily as if he hasn't taken the time to worry about his own hygiene. You sighed, and you moved his hair out of his eyes. He groaned as he started to wake up. Whoops, didn't mean to do that. He looked over at me and immediately started to smile.

"(Y/N), how are you feeling?" He whispered like if he talked any louder it would hurt me.

"Other than being extremely sore, I feel fine. What about you? You look like you've been through a train wreck." You laughed.

He smiled, "Yeah, I know."

After a few seconds of silence, you heard a knock on the door. A doctor with black messy hair walked through the door. He had a pair of round glasses and had a scar on his forehead (If you know this reference, I love you).

"Ah, I see you're awake, Ms. (L/N)," He spoke in a British accent. 'No shit Sherlock,' You thought to yourself, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine, other than being a tad bit sore," You told him.

He nodded, "Okay, well, since you're feeling well enough we will do some tests, and if you pass them, you'll be able to go home."

You smiled, "Okay, thank you." He nodded again and left the room. You and Damien sat in silence until he spoke up.

"Umm, I almost forgot but I have some exciting news for you," He bit his lip, trying to hide a smile. You nodded, wanting him to continue, "So, Ian found out about us dating, and he came in a few weeks ago..."

"Wait, You're telling me I've been unconscious for a few weeks???!!!" You yelled at Damien. He looked at you with shock before immediately changing to bursting out laughing.

"Haha, yeah, you got really beat up by Ally..." He paused, and looked down at his feet, "I'm really sorry I didn't listen to you. If I had told Ian we didn't want to go in for work that day, none of this would have happened."

You carefully reached up to cup his cheek, trying to not mess up your I.V. cables, "It's not your fault. You didn't know any of this was going to happen."

He looked at you and leaned in to give a small peck on your cheek. You smile at him, knowing that you could finally be left in peace with Damien.

A/N - Sorry this chapter is so short. I didn't really have any ideas for it. 

543 Words

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