Chapter 4

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Today was your first day of work, and you couldn't be more excited. You've already met Ian, Matt, and Sarah, so meeting the rest of the crew shouldn't be so hard...hopefully. You push those thoughts away and start to dress up for the day. You decide to wear a white crop top with a denim jacket and black leggings. You put on your (F/C) beanie and head out the door; you walked to the Smoffice because it turned out it wasn't that far away from your apartment complex. In just fifteen minutes (counting the time you spent getting breakfast), you made it to the front of the Smoffice once again. You said hello to the receptionist and pressed the level 4 button on the elevator. In the background, you could hear slight yelling as you're going up, but you laugh it off. As the doors of the elevator open, the yelling gets louder. As you're walking to the office Ian told you to go to after the interview, you are met with a pair of brown eyes.

"Oh, hey! What are you doing here?" Damien asks.

"Haha, about that... I had a job interview yesterday, and I work here now... I forgot to tell you that when I ran into you," You laugh.

"Ohhhhhh! So that's why you said 'I'll see you soon'!" He bursted out laughing. You both stopped laughing when you heard a vase break and the yelling got even louder.

He winced, "Sorry about that, Keith and Noah got into a fight and we're still waiting for Ian to get here to break it up."

"What are they fighting about?" You couldn't help but snoop around and ask. It's always been natural for you.

"Something about Keith taking a lot of Noah's money and spending it all on hats..." Damien sighed, "I'm honestly not surprised; Keith is always trying to add to that stupid hat collection."

You start laughing. You were about to add something to it when Ian comes out of literally no where and starts telling Keith and Noah to stop fighting or they'll lose their jobs. They both stop fighting and give each other glares before trying to explain everything to Ian.

Damien shakes his head, "Well, anyways welcome to the crew! Which channel are you apart of?"

"I'm going to apart of Smosh Pit, and I'll occasionally collaborate with Smosh Games," You smile, "So that means I'll get to see you more often!"

"Oh, that's cool! Do you want to hang out during lunch break? We can go out somewhere, so you can get away from these crazy people?" He asked with a wink.

You blushed. 'Wait, why did I blush? I barely even know this guy, and I'm blushing at him winking at me?' You think to yourself.

You shake your head and reply with a smile, "Sure! I'd love to get to know you better."

You both exchange numbers and said goodbye. You walked into the Smosh Pit room and find Courtney, Shayne, and Olivia on beanbag chairs; Keith and Noah sat on opposite sides of the room, both of them sitting at their desks.

"Hey, are you (Y/N)? If so, WELCOME TO SMOSH PIT!!!!!! You're going to love it here!" Courtney jumped up and tucked you into her arms.

You laughed and hugged her back, "Thanks, and yes, I am (Y/N). I'm so happy to be here!"

Shayne was the next to welcome you, "Welcome to Smosh Pit, the place where Dominos is our favorite pizza place ," He smirked, "I'm Shayne, which you probably already know."

Olivia was next to talk to you, "Hey, I'm Olivia. I can already tell you're pretty chill, so we're friends."

"Welcome, I'm Noah, and that crackhead over there is Keith." Noah snickered.

"HEY! I'M NOT A CRACKHEAD!" Keith bursted out yelling.

"Well, Keith, you just proved otherwise. If anything, you just proved to be even more of a crackhead," You laughed.

Everyone else in the room laughed with you. You all had talked for hours before you were called for your first video. You were going to be in Every Olive Garden Ever which was ironic because you loved Olive Garden. Their garlic bread and salads were to die for (A/N - I'm so sorry if you hate Italian food. That Every Blank Ever was the first one I found so just go along with it). You couldn't wait to be in your first Smosh video with the whole crew. You thought to yourself, 'I think I'm going to love it here.'

762 Words

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