Chapter 7

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You were finally going on your first date with Damien. You hadn't decided what to wear for the date, so you called Courtney and asked her to come over. As soon as you hung up, you heard a knock on your apartment's door. You walked over to the door and opened it to find Courtney with a bunch of bags that were full of makeup, dresses, shoes, and so much more. After careful consideration, you decided to wear a(n) (F/C) dress (Choose whatever style dress you want) with white pumps. You wore a diamond necklace and earrings along with a sterling silver bracelet. You wanted to keep your makeup from looking too overdone, so you decided to do a natural look. You looked over yourself in your mirror that was on your closet door. You nodded in approval and thanked Courtney for her help.

"Hey, how come you asked me for help? Going on a date?" She wiggled her eyebrows at you, and she had a devilish smirk on her face.

"Umm..." You paused. Would Damien want people to know you were dating? Was it even allowed at the office? "I was going to meet up with an old friend of mine who lives here. Her name is Madison," You lied.

Courtney seemed to believe the lie, but she still looked suspicious of you, "Okay then. I hope you have fun! Tell Madison I said hi."

"I will, bye!" You pushed Courtney out the front door, and you let out a long sigh of relief. "Thank goodness she's gone now. I hate lying to her, but it's for the best right now," You looked at the clock on the wall, "Shoot, I'm going to be late if I don't leave soon!"

 You grabbed your small clutch purse and hurried out the door to your car. You cranked your car and drove out of the parking lot, driving to where Damien told you guys to meet up.

"You have reached your destination," Your phone told you. 

You got out of your car and looked around. 'A playground?' You wondered. You looked around for Damien, but you didn't see him anywhere. When you were looking at the slides, you noticed a note attached to a pole near the staircase. 'Go to the park's path way and go onto the hiking trail.'

"Well, I'm not really dressed for hiking attire, but if it leads to Damien, I guess I'll have to tough it out," You grumbled.

You hated hiking, and wearing heels didn't make the experience any better. After a few minutes, you were met with a mountain view and a sunset. The colors of the sunset looked as if it was a painting come to life. On the ground was a picnic basket and a blanket, but there was still no Damien to be seen. Before you could react, Damien snuck up behind you and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Ahh!!!!" You yelled and punched him on the shoulder.

"Ow... Why'd you have to punch me so hard?" Damien complained. He had a grip on his shoulder, and he was giving you puppy eyes.

You laughed before hugging him, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

He hugged you back and nuzzled into your neck, "It's fine, (Y/N). If anything, I should be saying sorry. I'm the one who scared you!" You both started laughing, "Anyways, do you like what I picked out for our date?"

"I don't like it," You lied. Damien immediately had a look of disappointment on his face. You snickered before saying, "I LOVE it!!!" His face lit up, and he once again hugged you. He picked you up and spun you around in a circle. Out of instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist. He stopped and kissed your nose before putting you back down. You giggled at him, and you both sat down on the blanket.

"So, what did you do before Smosh?" You asked curiously.

He rubbed the back of his neck before replying, "I was actually an actor for Disney. 'So Random!' to be exact," he laughed nervously.

"No way! You were Damien Johanssen weren't you?! How come I never realized it earlier?!" There was no way that Damien was an actor for DISNEY of all companies! You never knew that he was an actor, but when you thought about it, he was really good at those monologues in the Try Not To Laugh series. "It's kind of funny, really. At one point, I actually had a crush on you in that series, and look at us now!" Both of you started laughing. 

You both asked each other questions for what seemed like hours. The mountain view truly was beautiful, and the sunset only added to its beauty. 

"How'd you find this place?" You asked Damien.

"Well, one day, I was walking on the trail, and I noticed a sort of blocked-off area that led further into the forest. Being myself, I walked down the trail, and here we are. I found this amazing view, but do you know what's even more amazing?"

"What?" You ask, wanting to know the answer.

He came up close to your face and booped your nose, "You."

You burst out laughing, "That was so cheesy," The two of you laughed for a while. A few moments later, a thought popped up in your head. 'Does he want to keep our relationship a secret, or is he okay with sharing it with people?' You sat up straighter, and asked, "Hey, Damien... What do you think about others finding out about us?"

He started to frown, "I don't really know. I mean, it's technically allowed at work, but I don't know how the others would react to it. I think it would be best if we kept it secret for a while," Now, it was your turn to frown, "I'm not embarrassed to date you! I would love to shout it across the world if I could, but I don't want the channel's subscriber numbers to suffer if we let it show through videos. It could cause the entire crew to be mad at us if we lowered the numbers."

You nodded, "Yeah, I understand."

Damien cupped your cheek and whispered, "You know I love you, right? I would do anything just to keep you happy," He kissed your forehead and wrapped you into a tight embrace.

You suddenly had an idea. You brought your hand down to his hips and started to tickle him, "Pay back!!!"

He started to scream with laughter as you pinned him to the ground as you tickled him, "Stop!!! I don't like being tickled!!!" You got off him and he started to look at you with a serious face. You mimicked him except you made a duck face. He snorted, and you both burst out laughing.

After the laughter died down, you and Damien started to look into each other's eyes. The both of you were leaning in slowly, Damien putting his left hand on your waist, and his right one on your cheek. You wrapped your arms around his neck just before Damien closed the gap between the two of you. The feeling of being with Damien right now was different compared with your ex-boyfriend, Austin. With him, everything seemed forced and rushed. This feeling was one that made your stomach flutter with butterflies, and you felt like you're flying on clouds. Just a couple of seconds into your make-out session, you and Damien heard a rustling noise in a bush nearby. You quickly broke apart with slight blushes on your faces. You looked in the direction of the noise and saw a flash of blonde and brown hair. 

A/N - Wow, two chapters in a day! I'm extremely bored and having nothing else to do in my life except for writing "My Alien Boyfriend." I'm planning on posting a chapter in a couple of days so stay tuned!

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