Chapter 9

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WARNING!!! This chapter contains violence. If you're not comfortable with violence then skip this chapter. Thanks! 

-Charlie <3

You slept over at Damien's apartment that night. You couldn't sleep well because of what that person had told you. You had dealt with people like her before, but this time it unsettled you. You were worried that either you or Damien would be hurt by her. Damien kept trying to tell you that it was going to be okay because no one knew where the Smoffice was except for one other person. The only other person who knew the Smoffice location was a girl named Ally, an ex-Smosh member. They had to terminate her because she had never shown up for work, and she always caused drama between her co-workers. He said it couldn't be her though; she had apparently moved all the way to New York for a new job opportunity with another channel. She said something about it being "better than working with crappy co-workers and a stuck-up boss." You drove back over to your house since you didn't bring any clothes with you, and you told Damien you'd see him at work. You tried to have a positive attitude, it was Valentine's Day, after all.

You got to the office, checked in, and rode the elevator up to the Smosh HQ. You walked over to the Smosh Games room for your first video of the day. As you walked in, you noticed an unfamiliar woman talking to Matt. She turned around, and she noticed who you were.

She walked up to you and began to yell at you, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???!!! I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM DAMIEN, AND YOU DIDN'T LISTEN! NOW, YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!!" 

She pounced on top of you and pinned you to the ground. She started to punch your ribs, and you felt a few of them crack. You screamed out in pain. You heard Matt start yelling for someone. She grabbed a crowbar from out of nowhere, and she started to beat you with it. She tried her hardest to make all of your bones break, but before she could do any more damage, Ian ran into the room with security. The security guards dragged out of the room, and down the hall.


Ian then called an ambulance to have you taken to the hospital. Your eyes were slowly closing, and Ian was yelling at you to stay awake. You couldn't; you were just too tired and weak. You were hurting so bad, and you couldn't do anything about it. You heard yelling from other people, and then everything went black.

Damien's P.O.V.

Oh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry. I should've gotten there earlier. They were taking her away when I got there. I couldn't do anything to help her. I just had to trust that the doctors could take care of her. While I was in my thoughts, the doctor came in and began to speak.

"Excuse me, are you Damien Haas, (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

The doctor nodded, "I'm Dr. Nelson. Can you please explain what happened to (Y/N)?"

I closed my eyes, "It all started with a phone call from an unknown number, who I'm guessing was Ally. (Y/N) was worried about being found and being hurt by her. She walked in for work, and Ally started to attack her."

Dr. Nelson nodded again, "Do you know why Ally wanted to attack (Y/N)?"

"She was jealous of me and (Y/N)'s relationship. She wanted to hurt her or possibly kill her, so she could be with me."

"Okay, thank you for the extra information," Dr. Nelson replied and left the room.

I sat in silence for what felt like hours until the door opened again.

"Damien? Gosh, you look awful," Ian told me.

"Gee, thanks for the compliment," I grumbled, obviously annoyed that he was here.

He gave a sympathetic look, "How're you doing?"

"Great, amazing, nothing could make this any better," My words full of sarcasm. I really didn't want to deal with talking with Ian right now.

Ian rolled his eyes, "I didn't know you and (Y/N) were dating, how long has that been going on?"

I sunk further into my seat, "A couple of weeks."

"Just know that I completely support your relationship. I actually shipped you guys for a while because I thought you would eventually get together. Look who got it right," He spread out his arms and laughed, "If you want, you can announce your relationship when (Y/N) gets better." 

This put a smile on my face. I was so happy we had Ian's blessing and permission to date publicly. I couldn't wait to tell (Y/N). 

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