Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V.

Today was your first day at the Smoffice, was it even called that? Oh well, you didn't think about it much, you were too excited about seeing everyone in person. You couldn't wait to see Damien again too. 'Crap, I forgot to tell him I'd see him again tomorrow.' You thought to yourself. Welp, he'll find out when you get there. You call an Uber to pick you up since you didn't have a car, and when you get in, you realize that Ian never told you the address for Smosh Headquarters. You groan and tell the Uber driver that you need to ask for the address. You dial Ian's number and wait for him to pick up.

"Heeeeellllooooo?" I heard his peppy voice say through the speaker.

"Hey, this is (Y/N). I was wondering what the address was for headquarters? You never gave it to me."

He gasped in surprise, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about that. I've been extremely busy lately, and it completely slipped my mind."

You laughed and told him it's okay. He told you the address, and you repeated it to the Uber. As you started to drive away from your apartment, your nerves started to kick in. 'Oh my gosh, what if they don't like me? What if I do something stupid and embarrass myself? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!' You were so focused on your thoughts, you didn't even notice that you were right in front of the Smosh building. You told the Uber thank you and headed inside the building. It looked like a normal business building from the outside; Ian probably bought it to hide the fact that there's a famous YouTube channel lurking inside and help keep fans away. As soon as you walked inside, you were greeted by Ian.

"Hey! Nice to finally meet you in person, (Y/N)," Ian told you.

"You too, I'm excited for the opportunity," You replied back. You reminded yourself this is a job interview; you needed to make a good impression.

"Alright, if you'll follow me, we'll start the job interview once we get everyone together," He prompted as he turned around and headed to an elevator.

You both walked inside and he pressed the level 4 button. You both stood in silence as the elevator brought you up, and when the doors opened, you were met with Keith chasing Noah down the hall.

"What is going on here?" Ian asked with a bit of anger in his voice, "We are about to have a job interview, and with you two acting like this, we'll never get anything done!"

Noah and Keith shrugged, and before they left to go record another video, they gave each other a glare. You giggled as Ian shook his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what's gotten into them these days," He apologized.

You snorted, "Well, with them two, I'm surprised they don't act like that everyday."

Ian shook his head again and started to gather everyone into the conference room. The time finally hit 10 AM when everyone was in the room. Three people were there: Sarah, Ian, and Matt. They looked so intimidating with the three of them sitting at the end of the table. Ian sat on the very end, and Sarah and Matt on sat beside him.

Ian finally asked, "Is everyone ready for the interview to start?" Everyone nodded, and he continued, "Okay, so (Y/N), tell us a little bit about yourself."

You gulped and looked down at your hands. You looked up and said, "Well, I'm 22 years old, and I used to live in (Y/H/T) before I moved to L.A.. My main goal in life is to entertain others and make an impact on their lives."

You had finally loosened up as the meeting progressed. Ian, Sarah, and Matt all asked questions about your life before and after YouTube. What surprised you was when they asked questions about your family and a bunch of other things.

"Alright, (Y/N), can you stand out in the hall for a few minutes while we discuss?" Sarah asked.

You nodded and headed outside. You were so nervous about the results. You really wanted this job, and you would die if you had to walk out of the building crying because you didn't get it. Just like they said, a few minutes passed, and you were asked to come back in the room.

"After some consideration, we have decided. We are sorry to inform you that..." Matt paused. Oh gosh, they were going to say you didn't get the job. "Hah, you really thought. Just kidding, we're happy to inform you that you got the job! We are so eager for you to join that we could have you sign the papers now, if you would like."

You were dying, like literally dying. You got your dream job at Smosh, and even better, they wanted you to sign the papers today!

"Uh, sure! I would be glad to! Quick question, which channel will I be apart of?"

Ian smiled, "You can be apart of whichever one you want! It doesn't matter; if you wanted to, you could be apart of more than one."

You had to think about it for a few minutes. This was a really big decision, and you didn't want to screw it up. You really wanted to be apart of Smosh Squad, but you also wanted to be in Smosh Games. After a couple minutes, you finally decided.

"Okay, I think what I'm going to do is be apart of the Smosh Squad, and I can collaborate with Smosh Games occasionally!" You exclaimed.

You were so excited to start working here, and if you finished the paperwork today, you could go ahead and start working on Tuesday! It was a dream come true!

980 Words

Squad - Damien Haas x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now